use more sophiscated strategy for character moving
[IRC.git] / Robust / src / Benchmarks / MMG / Java /
1 public class Pacman {\r
2     public int m_locX;\r
3     public int m_locY;\r
4     public boolean m_death;\r
5     public int m_index;\r
6     public int m_direction;  // 0:still, 1:up, 2:down, 3:left, 4:right\r
7     int m_dx;\r
8     int m_dy;\r
9     public int m_tx;\r
10     public int m_ty;\r
11     Map m_map;\r
12     \r
13     public Pacman(int x, int y, Map map) {\r
14         this.m_locX = x;\r
15         this.m_locY = y;\r
16         this.m_dx = this.m_dy = 0;\r
17         this.m_death = false;\r
18         this.m_index = -1;\r
19         this.m_tx = this.m_ty = -1;\r
20         this.m_direction = 0;\r
21         this.m_map = map;\r
22     }\r
23     \r
24     public void setTarget(int x, int y) {\r
25         this.m_tx = x;\r
26         this.m_ty = y;\r
27     }\r
28     \r
29     public void tryMove() {\r
30         // decide dx & dy\r
31         \r
32         // find the shortest possible way to the chosen target\r
33         setNextDirection();\r
34     }\r
35     \r
36     private void setNextDirection() {\r
37         // current position of the ghost\r
38         Node start = this.m_map.m_mapNodes[this.m_locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks + this.m_locX];\r
39         \r
40         // get target's position\r
41         int targetx = this.m_tx;\r
42         int targety = this.m_ty;\r
43         int[] nextLocation = new int[2];\r
44         nextLocation[0] = nextLocation[1] = -1;\r
45         \r
46         // target's position\r
47         Node end = this.m_map.m_mapNodes[targety * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks + targetx];\r
48         \r
49         // breadth-first traverse the graph view of the maze\r
50         // check the shortest path for the start node to the end node\r
51         boolean set = false;\r
52         Vector cuts = new Vector();\r
53         int tmpdx = 0;\r
54         int tmpdy = 0;\r
55         int tmpdirection = 0;\r
56         boolean first = true;\r
57         while(!set) {\r
58             int parents[] = new int[this.m_map.m_nrofblocks * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks + 1];\r
59             for(int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {\r
60                 parents[i] = -1;\r
61             }\r
62             if(!BFS(start, end, parents, cuts)) {\r
63                 this.m_dx = tmpdx;\r
64                 this.m_dy = tmpdy;\r
65                 this.m_map.m_ghostdirections[this.m_index] = this.m_direction = tmpdirection;\r
66                 set = true;\r
67                 //System.printString("Use first choice: (" + this.m_dx + ", " + this.m_dy + ")\n");\r
68             } else {\r
69                 // Reversely go over the parents array to find the next node to reach\r
70                 boolean found = false;\r
71                 int index = end.getIndex();\r
72                 while(!found) {\r
73                     int parent = parents[index];\r
74                     if(parent == start.getIndex()) {\r
75                         found = true;\r
76                     } else {\r
77                         index = parent;\r
78                     }\r
79                 }\r
80 \r
81                 // set the chase direction\r
82                 int nx = this.m_map.m_mapNodes[index].getXLoc();\r
83                 int ny = this.m_map.m_mapNodes[index].getYLoc();\r
84                 this.m_dx = nx - this.m_locX;\r
85                 this.m_dy = ny - this.m_locY;\r
86                 if(this.m_dx > 0) {\r
87                     // right\r
88                     this.m_direction = 4;\r
89                 } else if(this.m_dx < 0) {\r
90                     // left\r
91                     this.m_direction = 3;\r
92                 } else if(this.m_dy > 0) {\r
93                     // down\r
94                     this.m_direction = 2;\r
95                 } else if(this.m_dy < 0) {\r
96                     // up\r
97                     this.m_direction = 1;\r
98                 } else {\r
99                     // still\r
100                     this.m_direction = 0;\r
101                 }\r
102                 if(first) {\r
103                     tmpdx = this.m_dx;\r
104                     tmpdy = this.m_dy;\r
105                     tmpdirection = this.m_direction;\r
106                     first = false;\r
107                     //System.printString("First choice: (" + tmpdx + ", " + tmpdy + ")\n");\r
108                 }\r
109 \r
110                 // check if this choice follows some other ghosts' path\r
111                 if(canFlee()) {\r
112                     this.m_map.m_directions[this.m_index] = this.m_direction;\r
113                     set = true;\r
114                 } else {\r
115                     cuts.addElement(new Integer(index));\r
116                     /*for( int h = 0; h < cuts.size(); h++) {\r
117                         System.printString(cuts.elementAt(h) + ", ");\r
118                     }\r
119                     System.printString("\n");*/\r
120                 }\r
121             }\r
122         }\r
123     }\r
124     \r
125     // This methos do BFS from start node to end node\r
126     // If there is a path from start to end, return true; otherwise, return false\r
127     // Array parents records parent for a node in the BFS search, \r
128     // the last item of parents records the least steps to reach end node from start node\r
129     // Vector cuts specifies which nodes can not be the first one to access in this BFS\r
130     private boolean BFS(Node start, Node end, int[] parents, Vector cuts) {\r
131         int steps = 0;\r
132         Vector toaccess = new Vector();\r
133         toaccess.addElement(start);\r
134         while(toaccess.size() > 0) {\r
135             // pull out the first one to access\r
136             Node access = (Node)toaccess.elementAt(0);\r
137             toaccess.removeElementAt(0);\r
138             if(access.getIndex() == end.getIndex()) {\r
139                 // hit the end node\r
140                 parents[parents.length - 1] = steps;\r
141                 return true;\r
142             }\r
143             steps++;\r
144             Vector neighbours = access.getNeighbours();\r
145             for(int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++) {\r
146                 Node neighbour = (Node)neighbours.elementAt(i);\r
147                 if(parents[neighbour.getIndex()] == -1) {\r
148                     // not accessed\r
149                     boolean ignore = false;\r
150                     if(access.getIndex() == start.getIndex()) {\r
151                         // start node, check if the neighbour node is in cuts\r
152                         int j = 0;\r
153                         while((!ignore) && (j < cuts.size())) {\r
154                             int tmp = ((Integer)cuts.elementAt(j)).intValue();\r
155                             if(tmp == neighbour.getIndex()) {\r
156                                 ignore = true;\r
157                             }\r
158                             j++;\r
159                         }\r
160                     }\r
161                     if(!ignore) {\r
162                         parents[neighbour.getIndex()] = access.getIndex();\r
163                         toaccess.addElement(neighbour);\r
164                     }\r
165                 }\r
166             }\r
167         }\r
168         parents[parents.length - 1] = -1;\r
169         return false;\r
170     }\r
171     \r
172     // This method returns true if this pacmen can flee in this direction.\r
173     private boolean canFlee () {\r
174         int steps = 0;\r
175         int locX = this.m_locX;\r
176         int locY = this.m_locY;\r
177         int[] point = new int[2];\r
178         point[0] = point[1] = -1;\r
179         \r
180         // Start off by advancing one in direction for specified location\r
181         if (this.m_direction == 1) {\r
182             // up\r
183             locY--;\r
184         } else if (this.m_direction == 2) {\r
185             // down\r
186             locY++;\r
187         } else if (this.m_direction == 3) {\r
188             // left\r
189             locX--;\r
190         } else if (this.m_direction == 4) {\r
191             // right\r
192             locX++;\r
193         }\r
194         steps++; \r
195         \r
196         boolean set = false;\r
197         // Determine next turning location.\r
198         while (!set) {\r
199             if (this.m_direction == 1 || this.m_direction == 2) { \r
200                 // up or down\r
201                 if (((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 4) == 0) || // right\r
202                         ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 1) == 0) || // left\r
203                         ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 2) != 0) || // up\r
204                         ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 8) != 0))  { // down\r
205                     point[0] = locX;\r
206                     point[1] = locY;\r
207                     set = true;\r
208                 } else {\r
209                     if (this.m_direction == 1) {\r
210                         // Check for Top Warp\r
211                         if (locY == 0) {\r
212                             point[0] = locX;\r
213                             point[1] = this.m_map.m_nrofblocks - 1;\r
214                             set = true;\r
215                         } else {\r
216                             locY--;\r
217                             steps++;\r
218                         }\r
219                     } else {\r
220                         // Check for Bottom Warp\r
221                         if (locY == this.m_map.m_nrofblocks - 1) {\r
222                             point[0] = locX;\r
223                             point[1] = 0;\r
224                             set = true;\r
225                         } else {\r
226                             locY++;\r
227                             steps++;\r
228                         }\r
229                     }\r
230                 }\r
231             } else {\r
232                 // left or right\r
233                 if (((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 2) == 0) || // up\r
234                         ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 8) == 0) || // down\r
235                         ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 4) != 0) || // right\r
236                         ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 1) != 0)) { // left  \r
237                     point[0] = locX;\r
238                     point[1] = locY;\r
239                     set = true;\r
240                 } else {\r
241                     if (this.m_direction == 3) {\r
242                         // Check for Left Warp\r
243                         if (locX == 0) {\r
244                             point[0] = this.m_map.m_nrofblocks - 1;\r
245                             point[1] = locY;\r
246                             set = true;\r
247                         } else {\r
248                             locX--;\r
249                             steps++;\r
250                         }\r
251                     } else {\r
252                         // Check for Right Warp\r
253                         if (locX == this.m_map.m_nrofblocks - 1) {\r
254                             point[0] = 0;\r
255                             point[1] = locY;\r
256                             set = true;\r
257                         } else {\r
258                             locX++;\r
259                             steps++;\r
260                         }\r
261                     }\r
262                 }\r
263             }\r
264         }\r
265         \r
266         // check the least steps for the ghosts to reach point location\r
267         int chasesteps = -1;\r
268         Node end = this.m_map.m_mapNodes[point[1] * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks + point[0]];\r
269         for(int i = 0; i < this.m_map.m_ghostsX.length; i++) {\r
270             Node start = this.m_map.m_mapNodes[this.m_map.m_ghostsY[i] * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks + this.m_map.m_ghostsX[i]];\r
271             int parents[] = new int[this.m_map.m_nrofblocks * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks + 1];\r
272             for(int j = 0; j < parents.length; j++) {\r
273                 parents[j] = -1;\r
274             }\r
275             if(BFS(start, end, parents, new Vector())) {\r
276                 if((chasesteps == -1) ||\r
277                         (chasesteps > parents[parents.length - 1])) {\r
278                     chasesteps = parents[parents.length - 1];\r
279                 }\r
280             }\r
281         }\r
282 \r
283         return ((chasesteps == -1) || (steps < chasesteps));\r
284     }\r
285     \r
286     // This method will take the specified location and direction and determine\r
287     // for the given location if the thing moved in that direction, what the\r
288     // next possible turning location would be.\r
289     private boolean getDestination (int direction, int locX, int locY, int[] point) {\r
290        // If the request direction is blocked by a wall, then just return the current location\r
291        if (((direction == 1) && ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 2) != 0)) || // up\r
292            ((direction == 3) && ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 1) != 0)) ||  // left\r
293            ((direction == 2) && ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 8) != 0)) || // down\r
294            ((direction == 4) && ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 4) != 0))) { // right \r
295           point[0] = locX;\r
296           point[1] = locY;\r
297           return false;\r
298        }\r
299           \r
300        // Start off by advancing one in direction for specified location\r
301        if (direction == 1) {\r
302            // up\r
303            locY--;\r
304        } else if (direction == 2) {\r
305            // down\r
306            locY++;\r
307        } else if (direction == 3) {\r
308            // left\r
309            locX--;\r
310        } else if (direction == 4) {\r
311            // right\r
312            locX++;\r
313        }\r
314        \r
315        // If we violate the grid boundary,\r
316        // then return false.\r
317        if (locY < 0 ||\r
318            locX < 0 ||\r
319            locY == this.m_map.m_nrofblocks ||\r
320            locX == this.m_map.m_nrofblocks) {\r
321            return false;\r
322        }\r
323        \r
324        boolean set = false;\r
325        // Determine next turning location.\r
326        while (!set) {\r
327           if (direction == 1 || direction == 2) { \r
328               // up or down\r
329               if (((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 4) == 0) || // right\r
330                       ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 1) == 0) || // left\r
331                       ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 2) != 0) || // up\r
332                       ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 8) != 0))  { // down\r
333                   point[0] = locX;\r
334                   point[1] = locY;\r
335                   set = true;\r
336                } else {\r
337                    if (direction == 1) {\r
338                        // Check for Top Warp\r
339                        if (locY == 0) {\r
340                            point[0] = locX;\r
341                            point[1] = this.m_map.m_nrofblocks - 1;\r
342                            set = true;\r
343                        } else {\r
344                            locY--;\r
345                        }\r
346                    } else {\r
347                        // Check for Bottom Warp\r
348                        if (locY == this.m_map.m_nrofblocks - 1) {\r
349                            point[0] = locX;\r
350                            point[1] = 0;\r
351                            set = true;\r
352                        } else {\r
353                            locY++;\r
354                        }\r
355                    }\r
356                }\r
357           } else {\r
358               // left or right\r
359               if (((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 2) == 0) || // up\r
360                       ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 8) == 0) || // down\r
361                       ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 4) != 0) || // right\r
362                       ((int)(this.m_map.m_map[locX + locY * this.m_map.m_nrofblocks] & 1) != 0)) { // left  \r
363                   point[0] = locX;\r
364                   point[1] = locY;\r
365                   set = true;\r
366               } else {\r
367                   if (direction == 3) {\r
368                       // Check for Left Warp\r
369                       if (locX == 0) {\r
370                           point[0] = this.m_map.m_nrofblocks - 1;\r
371                           point[1] = locY;\r
372                           set = true;\r
373                       } else {\r
374                           locX--;\r
375                       }\r
376                   } else {\r
377                       // Check for Right Warp\r
378                       if (locX == this.m_map.m_nrofblocks - 1) {\r
379                           point[0] = 0;\r
380                           point[1] = locY;\r
381                           set = true;\r
382                       } else {\r
383                           locX++;\r
384                       }\r
385                   }\r
386               }\r
387           }\r
388        }\r
389        return true;\r
390     }\r
391     \r
392     public void doMove() {\r
393         this.m_locX += this.m_dx;\r
394         this.m_locY += this.m_dy;\r
395         this.m_dx = 0;\r
396         this.m_dy = 0;\r
397         //System.printString("Pacmen " + this.m_index + ": (" + this.m_locX + ", " + this.m_locY + ")\n");\r
398     }\r
399 }