[IRC.git] / Robust / src / Runtime / multicoregarbage.c
2 #include "runtime.h"
3 #include "multicoregarbage.h"
4 #include "multicoreruntime.h"
5 #include "runtime_arch.h"
6 #include "SimpleHash.h"
7 #include "GenericHashtable.h"
8 #include "ObjectHash.h"
10 extern int corenum;
11 extern struct parameterwrapper ** objectqueues[][NUMCLASSES];
12 extern int numqueues[][NUMCLASSES];
14 extern struct genhashtable * activetasks;
15 extern struct parameterwrapper ** objectqueues[][NUMCLASSES];
16 extern struct taskparamdescriptor *currtpd;
18 struct pointerblock {
19   void * ptrs[NUMPTRS];
20   struct pointerblock *next;
21 };
23 struct pointerblock *gchead=NULL;
24 int gcheadindex=0;
25 struct pointerblock *gctail=NULL;
26 int gctailindex=0;
27 struct pointerblock *gctail2=NULL;
28 int gctailindex2=0;
29 struct pointerblock *gcspare=NULL;
31 #define NUMLOBJPTRS 20
33 struct lobjpointerblock {
34   void * lobjs[NUMLOBJPTRS];
35         //void * dsts[NUMLOBJPTRS];
36         int lengths[NUMLOBJPTRS];
37         //void * origs[NUMLOBJPTRS];
38         int hosts[NUMLOBJPTRS];
39   struct lobjpointerblock *next;
40 };
42 struct lobjpointerblock *gclobjhead=NULL;
43 int gclobjheadindex=0;
44 struct lobjpointerblock *gclobjtail=NULL;
45 int gclobjtailindex=0;
46 struct lobjpointerblock *gclobjtail2=NULL;
47 int gclobjtailindex2=0;
48 struct lobjpointerblock *gclobjspare=NULL;
50 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
51 // dump whole mem in blocks
52 inline void dumpSMem() {
53         int block = 0;
54         int sblock = 0;
55         int j = 0;
56         int i = 0;
57         int coren = 0;
58         int x = 0;
59         int y = 0;
60         tprintf("Dump shared mem: \n");
61         // reserved blocks for sblocktbl
62         tprintf("++++ reserved sblocks ++++ \n");
63         for(i=BAMBOO_BASE_VA; i<gcbaseva; i+= 4*16) {
64                 tprintf("0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x \n",
65             *((int *)(i)), *((int *)(i + 4)), 
66                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*2)), *((int *)(i + 4*3)), 
67                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*4)), *((int *)(i + 4*5)), 
68                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*6)), *((int *)(i + 4*7)), 
69                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*8)), *((int *)(i + 4*9)), 
70                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*10)), *((int *)(i + 4*11)),
71                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*12)), *((int *)(i + 4*13)), 
72                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*14)), *((int *)(i + 4*15)));
73         }
74         sblock = gcreservedsb;
75         bool advanceblock = false;
76         // remaining memory
77         for(i=gcbaseva;i<BAMBOO_BASE_VA+BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE;i+=4*16){
78                 advanceblock = false;
79                 // computing sblock # and block #, core coordinate (x,y) also
80                 if(j%((BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)/(4*16)) == 0) {
81                         // finished a sblock
82                         if(j < ((BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)/(4*16))) {
83                                 if((j > 0) && (j%((BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)/(4*16)) == 0)) {
84                                         // finished a block
85                                         block++;
86                                         advanceblock = true;
87                                 }
88                         } else {
89                                 // finished a block
90                                 block++;
91                                 advanceblock = true;
92                         }
93                         // compute core #
94                         if(advanceblock) {
95                                 coren = gc_block2core[block%124];
96                         }
97                         // compute core coordinate
98                         int tmpcore = coren;
99                         if((NUMCORES==62) && (tmpcore > 5)) {
100                                 tmpcore+=2;
101                         }
102                         x = tmpcore/bamboo_width;
103                         y = tmpcore%bamboo_width;
104                         tprintf("==== %d, %d : core (%d,%d), saddr %x====\n", 
105                                             block, sblock++, x, y, 
106                                                         (sblock-1)*(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)+BAMBOO_BASE_VA);
107                 }
108                 j++;
109     tprintf("0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x \n",
110             *((int *)(i)), *((int *)(i + 4)), 
111                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*2)), *((int *)(i + 4*3)), 
112                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*4)), *((int *)(i + 4*5)), 
113                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*6)), *((int *)(i + 4*7)), 
114                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*8)), *((int *)(i + 4*9)), 
115                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*10)), *((int *)(i + 4*11)),
116                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*12)), *((int *)(i + 4*13)), 
117                                                 *((int *)(i + 4*14)), *((int *)(i + 4*15)));
118         }
119         tprintf("\n");
120 }
121 #endif
123 // should be invoked with interruption closed
124 inline void gc_enqueue_I(void *ptr) {
125 #ifdef DEBUG
126         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe601);
127         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
128 #endif
129   if (gcheadindex==NUMPTRS) {
130     struct pointerblock * tmp;
131     if (gcspare!=NULL) {
132       tmp=gcspare;
133       gcspare=NULL;
134     } else {
135       tmp=RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct pointerblock));
136                 } // if (gcspare!=NULL)
137     gchead->next=tmp;
138     gchead=tmp;
139     gcheadindex=0;
140   } // if (gcheadindex==NUMPTRS)
141   gchead->ptrs[gcheadindex++]=ptr;
142 #ifdef DEBUG
143         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe602);
144 #endif
145 } // void gc_enqueue_I(void *ptr)
147 // dequeue and destroy the queue
148 inline void * gc_dequeue() {
149   if (gctailindex==NUMPTRS) {
150     struct pointerblock *tmp=gctail;
151     gctail=gctail->next;
152     gctailindex=0;
153     if (gcspare!=NULL) {
154       RUNFREE(tmp);
155                 } else {
156       gcspare=tmp;
157                 } // if (gcspare!=NULL)
158   } // if (gctailindex==NUMPTRS)
159   return gctail->ptrs[gctailindex++];
160 } // void * gc_dequeue()
162 // dequeue and do not destroy the queue
163 inline void * gc_dequeue2() {
164         if (gctailindex2==NUMPTRS) {
165     struct pointerblock *tmp=gctail2;
166     gctail2=gctail2->next;
167     gctailindex2=0;
168   } // if (gctailindex2==NUMPTRS)
169   return gctail2->ptrs[gctailindex2++];
170 } // void * gc_dequeue2() 
172 inline int gc_moreItems() {
173   if ((gchead==gctail)&&(gctailindex==gcheadindex))
174     return 0;
175   return 1;
176 } // int gc_moreItems() 
178 inline int gc_moreItems2() {
179   if ((gchead==gctail2)&&(gctailindex2==gcheadindex))
180     return 0;
181   return 1;
182 } // int gc_moreItems2()
184 // should be invoked with interruption closed
185 // enqueue a large obj: start addr & length
186 inline void gc_lobjenqueue_I(void *ptr, 
187                                          int length, 
188                                                                                          int host) {
189 #ifdef DEBUG
190         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe901);
191 #endif
192   if (gclobjheadindex==NUMLOBJPTRS) {
193     struct lobjpointerblock * tmp;
194     if (gclobjspare!=NULL) {
195       tmp=gclobjspare;
196       gclobjspare=NULL;
197     } else {
198       tmp=RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct lobjpointerblock));
199                 } // if (gclobjspare!=NULL)
200     gclobjhead->next=tmp;
201     gclobjhead=tmp;
202     gclobjheadindex=0;
203   } // if (gclobjheadindex==NUMLOBJPTRS)
204   gclobjhead->lobjs[gclobjheadindex]=ptr;
205         gclobjhead->lengths[gclobjheadindex]=length;
206         gclobjhead->hosts[gclobjheadindex++]=host;
207 #ifdef DEBUG
208         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gclobjhead->lobjs[gclobjheadindex-1]);
209         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gclobjhead->lengths[gclobjheadindex-1]);
210         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gclobjhead->hosts[gclobjheadindex-1]);
211 #endif
212 } // void gc_lobjenqueue_I(void *ptr...)
214 // dequeue and destroy the queue
215 inline void * gc_lobjdequeue(int * length,
216                                          int * host) {
217   if (gclobjtailindex==NUMLOBJPTRS) {
218     struct lobjpointerblock *tmp=gclobjtail;
219     gclobjtail=gclobjtail->next;
220     gclobjtailindex=0;
221     if (gclobjspare!=NULL) {
222       RUNFREE(tmp);
223                 } else {
224       gclobjspare=tmp;
225                 } // if (gclobjspare!=NULL)
226   } // if (gclobjtailindex==NUMLOBJPTRS)
227         if(length != NULL) {
228                 *length = gclobjtail->lengths[gclobjtailindex];
229         }
230         if(host != NULL) {
231                 *host = (int)(gclobjtail->hosts[gclobjtailindex]);
232         }
233   return gclobjtail->lobjs[gclobjtailindex++];
234 } // void * gc_lobjdequeue()
236 inline int gc_lobjmoreItems() {
237   if ((gclobjhead==gclobjtail)&&(gclobjtailindex==gclobjheadindex))
238     return 0;
239   return 1;
240 } // int gc_lobjmoreItems()
242 // dequeue and don't destroy the queue
243 inline void gc_lobjdequeue2() {
244   if (gclobjtailindex2==NUMLOBJPTRS) {
245     gclobjtail2=gclobjtail2->next;
246     gclobjtailindex2=1;
247   } else {
248                 gclobjtailindex2++;
249         }// if (gclobjtailindex2==NUMLOBJPTRS)
250 } // void * gc_lobjdequeue2()
252 inline int gc_lobjmoreItems2() {
253   if ((gclobjhead==gclobjtail2)&&(gclobjtailindex2==gclobjheadindex))
254     return 0;
255   return 1;
256 } // int gc_lobjmoreItems2()
258 INTPTR gccurr_heapbound = 0;
260 inline void gettype_size(void * ptr, 
261                                      int * ttype, 
262                                                                          int * tsize) {
263         int type = ((int *)ptr)[0];
264         int size = 0;
265         if(type < NUMCLASSES) {
266                 // a normal object
267                 size = classsize[type];
268         } else {        
269                 // an array 
270                 struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *)ptr;
271                 int elementsize=classsize[type];
272                 int length=ao->___length___; 
273                 size=sizeof(struct ArrayObject)+length*elementsize;
274         } // if(type < NUMCLASSES)
275         *ttype = type;
276         *tsize = size;
277 }
279 inline bool isLarge(void * ptr, 
280                                 int * ttype, 
281                                                                                 int * tsize) {
282 #ifdef DEBUG
283                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe701);
284                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
285 #endif
286         // check if a pointer is referring to a large object
287         gettype_size(ptr, ttype, tsize);
288 #ifdef DEBUG
289         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(*tsize);
290 #endif
291         int bound = (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE);
292         if(((int)ptr-gcbaseva) < (BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)) {
293                 bound = (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L);
294         }
295         if((((int)ptr-gcbaseva)%(bound))==0) {
296                 // ptr is a start of a block
297 #ifdef DEBUG
298                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe702);
299                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(1);
300 #endif
301                 return true;
302         }
303         if((bound-(((int)ptr-gcbaseva)%bound)) < (*tsize)) {
304                 // it acrosses the boundary of current block
305 #ifdef DEBUG
306                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe703);
307                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(1);
308 #endif
309                 return true;
310         }
311 #ifdef DEBUG
312                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0);
313 #endif
314         return false;
315 } // bool isLarge(void * ptr, int * ttype, int * tsize)
317 inline int hostcore(void * ptr) {
318         // check the host core of ptr
319         int host = 0;
320         RESIDECORE(ptr, &host);
321 #ifdef DEBUG
322         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xedd0);
323         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
324         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(host);
325 #endif
326         return host;
327 } // int hostcore(void * ptr)
329 inline bool isLocal(void * ptr) {
330         // check if a pointer is in shared heap on this core
331         return hostcore(ptr) == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE;
332 } // bool isLocal(void * ptr)
334 inline bool gc_checkCoreStatus() {
335         bool allStall = true;
336         for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
337                 if(gccorestatus[i] != 0) {
338                         allStall = false;
339                         break;
340                 } // if(gccorestatus[i] != 0)
341         } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
342         return allStall;
343 }
345 inline void checkMarkStatue() {
346 #ifdef DEBUG
347         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee01);
348 #endif
349         int i;
350         if((!waitconfirm) || 
351                         (waitconfirm && (numconfirm == 0))) {
352 #ifdef DEBUG
353                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee02);
354 #endif
356                 gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
357                 gcnumsendobjs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gcself_numsendobjs;
358                 gcnumreceiveobjs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gcself_numreceiveobjs;
359                 // check the status of all cores
360                 bool allStall = gc_checkCoreStatus();
361 #ifdef DEBUG
362                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee03);
363 #endif
364                 if(allStall) {
365 #ifdef DEBUG
366                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee04);
367 #endif
368                         // check if the sum of send objs and receive obj are the same
369                         // yes->check if the info is the latest; no->go on executing
370                         int sumsendobj = 0;
371                         for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
372                                 sumsendobj += gcnumsendobjs[i];
373                         } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) 
374 #ifdef DEBUG
375                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee05);
376                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(sumsendobj);
377 #endif
378                         for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
379                                 sumsendobj -= gcnumreceiveobjs[i];
380                         } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) 
381 #ifdef DEBUG
382                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee06);
383                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(sumsendobj);
384 #endif
385                         if(0 == sumsendobj) {
386 #ifdef DEBUG
387                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee07);
388 #endif
389                                 if(!waitconfirm) {
390 #ifdef DEBUG
391                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee08);
392 #endif
393                                         // the first time found all cores stall
394                                         // send out status confirm msg to all other cores
395                                         // reset the corestatus array too
396                                         gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 1;
397                                         waitconfirm = true;
398                                         numconfirm = NUMCORES - 1;
399                                         for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) { 
400                                                 gccorestatus[i] = 1;
401                                                 // send mark phase finish confirm request msg to core i
402                                                 send_msg_1(i, GCMARKCONFIRM);
403                                         } // for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) 
404                                 } else {
405 #ifdef DEBUG
406                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee09);
407 #endif
408                                         // all the core status info are the latest
409                                         // stop mark phase
410                                         gcphase = COMPACTPHASE;
411                                         // restore the gcstatus for all cores
412                                         for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
413                                                 gccorestatus[i] = 1;
414                                         } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
415                                 } // if(!gcwautconfirm) else()
416                         } // if(0 == sumsendobj)
417                 } // if(allStall)
419         } // if((!waitconfirm)...
420 #ifdef DEBUG
421         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xee0a);
422 #endif
423 } // void checkMarkStatue()
425 inline bool preGC() {
426         // preparation for gc
427         // make sure to clear all incoming msgs espacially transfer obj msgs
428 #ifdef DEBUG
429         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xec01);
430 #endif
431         int i;
432         if((!waitconfirm) || 
433                                                   (waitconfirm && (numconfirm == 0))) {
434                 // send out status confirm msgs to all cores to check if there are
435                 // transfer obj msgs on-the-fly
436                 waitconfirm = true;
437                 numconfirm = NUMCORES - 1;
438                 for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) { 
439                         corestatus[i] = 1;
440                         // send status confirm msg to core i
441                         send_msg_1(i, STATUSCONFIRM);
442                 } // for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
444 #ifdef DEBUG
445                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xec02);
446 #endif
447                 while(true) {
448                         if(numconfirm == 0) {
449                                 break;
450                         }
451                 } // wait for confirmations
452                 waitconfirm = false;
453                 numconfirm = 0;
454 #ifdef DEBUG
455                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xec03);
456 #endif
457                 numsendobjs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = self_numsendobjs;
458                 numreceiveobjs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = self_numreceiveobjs;
459                 int sumsendobj = 0;
460 #ifdef DEBUG
461                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xec04);
462 #endif
463                 for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
464                         sumsendobj += numsendobjs[i];
465 #ifdef DEBUG
466                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xf000 + numsendobjs[i]);
467 #endif
468                 } // for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
469 #ifdef DEBUG
470         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xec05);
471         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(sumsendobj);
472 #endif
473                 for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
474                         sumsendobj -= numreceiveobjs[i];
475 #ifdef DEBUG
476                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xf000 + numreceiveobjs[i]);
477 #endif
478                 } // for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
479 #ifdef DEBUG
480                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xec06);
481                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(sumsendobj);
482 #endif
483                 if(0 == sumsendobj) {
484                         return true;
485                 } else {
486                         // still have some transfer obj msgs on-the-fly, can not start gc
487                         return false;
488                 } // if(0 == sumsendobj) 
489         } else {
490 #ifdef DEBUG
491                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xec07);
492 #endif
493                 // previously asked for status confirmation and do not have all the 
494                 // confirmations yet, can not start gc
495                 return false;
496         } // if((!waitconfirm) || 
497 } // bool preGC()
499 inline void initGC() {
500         int i;
502                 for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
503                         gccorestatus[i] = 1;
504                         gcnumsendobjs[i] = 0; 
505                         gcnumreceiveobjs[i] = 0;
506                         gcloads[i] = 0;
507                         gcrequiredmems[i] = 0;
508                         gcfilledblocks[i] = 0;
509                         gcstopblock[i] = 0;
510                 } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
511                 gcheaptop = 0;
512                 gctopcore = 0;
513                 gctopblock = 0;
514         }
515         gcself_numsendobjs = 0;
516         gcself_numreceiveobjs = 0;
517         gcmarkedptrbound = 0;
518         gcobj2map = 0;
519         gcmappedobj = 0;
520         gcismapped = false;
521         gcnumlobjs = 0;
522         gcmovestartaddr = 0;
523         gctomove = false;
524         gcblock2fill = 0;
525         gcmovepending = 0;
526         gccurr_heaptop = 0;
527         gcdstcore = 0;
529         // initialize queue
530         if (gchead==NULL) {
531                 gcheadindex=gctailindex=gctailindex2 = 0;
532                 gchead=gctail=gctail2=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct pointerblock));
533         } else {
534                 gctailindex = gctailindex2 = gcheadindex;
535                 gctail = gctail2 = gchead;
536         }
538         // initialize the large obj queues
539         if (gclobjhead==NULL) {
540                 gclobjheadindex=0;
541                 gclobjtailindex=0;
542                 gclobjtailindex2 = 0;
543                 gclobjhead=gclobjtail=gclobjtail2=
544                         RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct lobjpointerblock));
545         } else {
546                 gclobjtailindex = gclobjtailindex2 = gclobjheadindex;
547                 gclobjtail = gclobjtail2 = gclobjhead;
548         }
550         freeRuntimeHash(gcpointertbl);
551         gcpointertbl = allocateRuntimeHash(20);
553         memset(gcsmemtbl, '\0', sizeof(int)*gcnumblock);
554 } // void initGC()
556 // compute load balance for all cores
557 inline int loadbalance() {
558         // compute load balance
559         int i;
561         // get the total loads
562         int tloads = gcloads[STARTUPCORE];
563         for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; i++) {
564                 tloads += gcloads[i];
565         }
566         int heaptop = gcbaseva + tloads;
567 #ifdef DEBUG
568         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xdddd);
569         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tloads);
570         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(heaptop);
571 #endif
572         int b = 0;
573         BLOCKINDEX(heaptop, &b);
574         int numbpc = b / NUMCORES; // num of blocks per core
575 #ifdef DEBUG
577         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(numbpc);
578 #endif
579         gctopblock = b;
580         RESIDECORE(heaptop, &gctopcore);
581 #ifdef DEBUG
582         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctopcore);
583 #endif
584         return numbpc;
585 } // void loadbalance()
587 inline bool cacheLObjs() {
588         // check the total mem size need for large objs
589         int sumsize = 0;
590         int size = 0;
591 #ifdef DEBUG
592         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe801);
593 #endif
594         gclobjtail2 = gclobjtail;
595         gclobjtailindex2 = gclobjtailindex;
596         while(gc_lobjmoreItems2()){
597                 gc_lobjdequeue2();
598                 size = gclobjtail2->lengths[gclobjtailindex2 - 1];
599                 sumsize += size;
600 #ifdef DEBUG
601                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gclobjtail2->lobjs[gclobjtailindex2-1]);
602                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(size);
603                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(sumsize);
604 #endif
605         } // while(gc_lobjmoreItems2())
607         // check if there are enough space to cache these large objs
608         INTPTR dst = (BAMBOO_BASE_VA) + (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) - sumsize;
609         if(gcheaptop > dst) {
610                 // do not have enough room to cache large objs
611                 return false;
612         }
613 #ifdef DEBUG
614         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe802);
615         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(dst);
616 #endif
618         gcheaptop = dst; // Note: record the start of cached lobjs with gcheaptop
619         // cache the largeObjs to the top of the shared heap
620         gclobjtail2 = gclobjtail;
621         gclobjtailindex2 = gclobjtailindex;
622         while(gc_lobjmoreItems2()) {
623                 gc_lobjdequeue2();
624                 size = gclobjtail2->lengths[gclobjtailindex2 - 1];
625                 // set the mark field to 2, indicating that this obj has been moved and 
626                 // need to be flushed
627                 ((int *)(gclobjtail2->lobjs[gclobjtailindex2-1]))[6] = 2;
628                 memcpy(dst, gclobjtail2->lobjs[gclobjtailindex2 - 1], size);
629                 dst += size;
630 #ifdef DEBUG
631                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gclobjtail2->lobjs[gclobjtailindex2-1]);
632                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(dst-size);
633                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(size);
634 #endif
635         }
636         return true;
637 } // void cacheLObjs()
639 // NOTE: the free mem chunks should be maintained in an ordered linklist
640 // the listtop param always specify current list tail
642 // update the gcsmemtbl to record current shared mem usage
643 void updateSmemTbl(int coren,
644                                int localtop) {
645         int ltopcore = 0;
646         int bound = BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L;
647         BLOCKINDEX(localtop, &ltopcore);
648         if(localtop >= (gcbaseva+(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND))) {
649                 bound = BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
650         }
651         int load = (localtop-gcbaseva)%bound;
652         int i = 0;
653         int j = 0;
654         int toset = 0;
655         do{
656                 toset = gc_core2block[2*coren+i]+124*j;
657                 if(toset < ltopcore) {
658                         gcsmemtbl[toset] = (toset<NUMCORES)?BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L:BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
659                 } else if(toset == ltopcore) {
660                         gcsmemtbl[toset] = load;
661                         break;
662                 } else {
663                         break;
664                 }
665                 i++;
666                 if(i == 2) {
667                         i = 0;
668                         j++;
669                 }
670         }while(true);
671 } // void updateSmemTbl(int, int)
673 inline struct freeMemItem * addFreeMemItem(int ptr,
674                                                        int size,
675                                                                                                                                                                          struct freeMemItem * listtail,
676                                                                                                                                                                          bool* sethead) {
677         struct freeMemItem * tochange = listtail;
678         if(*sethead) {
679                 if(tochange->next == NULL) {
680                         tochange->next = 
681                                 (struct freeMemItem *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct freeMemItem));
682                 } // if(tochange->next == NULL)
683                 tochange = tochange->next;
684         } else {
685                 *sethead = true;
686         } // if(sethead)
687         tochange->ptr = ptr;
688         tochange->size = size;
689         BLOCKINDEX(ptr, &(tochange->startblock));
690         BLOCKINDEX(ptr+size-1, &(tochange->endblock));
691         // zero out all these spare memory
692         // note that, leave the mem starting from heaptop, as it caches large objs
693         // zero out these cache later when moving large obj
694         memset(tochange->ptr, '\0', tochange->size);
695         return tochange;
696 } // struct freeMemItem * addFreeMemItem(int,int,struct freeMemItem*,bool*, int)
698 inline void moveLObjs() {
699 #ifdef DEBUG
700         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xea01);
701 #endif
702         // find current heap top
703         // flush all gcloads to indicate the real heap top on one core
704         // previous it represents the next available ptr on a core
705         if((gcloads[0] > (gcbaseva+(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L))) 
706                         && ((gcloads[0]%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)) == 0)) {
707                 // edge of a block, check if this is exactly the heaptop
708                 BASEPTR(0, gcfilledblocks[0]-1, &(gcloads[0]));
709                 gcloads[0]+=(gcfilledblocks[0]>1?
710                                 (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE):(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L));
711         } 
712         updateSmemTbl(0, gcloads[0]);
713 #ifdef DEBUG
714   BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xea02);
715         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcloads[0]);
716         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcsmemtbl[0]);
717 #endif
718         for(int i = 1; i < NUMCORES; i++) {
719                 int tmptop = 0;
720 #ifdef DEBUG
721                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xf000+i);
722                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcloads[i]);
723                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcfilledblocks[i]);
724 #endif
725                 if((gcfilledblocks[i] > 0) 
726                                 && ((gcloads[i] % (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)) == 0)) {
727                         // edge of a block, check if this is exactly the heaptop
728                         BASEPTR(i, gcfilledblocks[i]-1, &gcloads[i]);
729                         gcloads[i]
730                                 +=(gcfilledblocks[i]>1?(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE):(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L));
731                         tmptop = gcloads[i];
732                 } 
733                 updateSmemTbl(i, gcloads[i]);
734 #ifdef DEBUG
735                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcloads[i]);
736 #endif
737         } // for(int i = 1; i < NUMCORES; i++) {
739         // find current heap top
740         // TODO
741         // a bug here: when using local allocation, directly move large objects
742         // to the highest free chunk might not be memory efficient
743         int tmpheaptop = 0;
744         int size = 0;
745         int bound = 0;
746         int i = 0;
747         for(i = gcnumblock-1; i >= 0; i--) {
748                 if(gcsmemtbl[i] > 0) {
749                         break;
750                 }
751         }
752         if(i == -1) {
753                 tmpheaptop = gcbaseva;
754         } else {
755                 tmpheaptop = gcbaseva+gcsmemtbl[i]+((i<NUMCORES)?(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L*i):
756                                 (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE*(i-NUMCORES)+BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND));
757         }
758         // move large objs from gcheaptop to tmpheaptop
759         // write the header first
760         int tomove = (BAMBOO_BASE_VA) + (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) - gcheaptop;
761 #ifdef DEBUG
762         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xea03);
763         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tomove);
764         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpheaptop);
765         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcheaptop);
766 #endif
767         // flush the sbstartbl
768         memset(&(gcsbstarttbl[gcreservedsb]), '\0', 
769                            BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE/BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE*sizeof(INTPTR));
770         if(tomove == 0) {
771                 gcheaptop = tmpheaptop;
772         } else {
773                 // check how many blocks it acrosses
774                 int remain = tmpheaptop-gcbaseva;
775                 int sb = remain/(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE) + gcreservedsb; // number of the sblock
776                 int b = 0; // number of the block
777                 BLOCKINDEX(tmpheaptop, &b);
778                 // check the remaining space in this block
779                 bound = (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE);
780                 if(remain < (BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)) {
781                         bound = (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L);
782                 }
783                 remain = bound - remain%bound;
785 #ifdef DEBUG
786                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xea04);
787 #endif
788                 size = 0;
789                 int isize = 0;
790                 int host = 0;
791                 int ptr = 0;
792                 int base = tmpheaptop;
793                 int cpysize = 0;
794                 remain -= BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
795                 tmpheaptop += BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
796                 while(gc_lobjmoreItems()) {
797                         ptr = (int)(gc_lobjdequeue(&size, &host));
798                         ALIGNSIZE(size, &isize);
799                         if(remain < isize) {
800                                 // this object acrosses blocks
801                                 if(cpysize > 0) {
802                                         // close current block, fill its header
803                                         memset(base, '\0', BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
804                                         *((int*)base) = cpysize + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
805                                         gcsmemtbl[b] = cpysize + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
806                                         cpysize = 0;
807                                         base = tmpheaptop;
808                                         if(remain == 0) {
809                                                 remain = ((tmpheaptop-gcbaseva)<(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)) ? 
810                                                                                  BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L : BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
811                                         } 
812                                         remain -= BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
813                                         tmpheaptop += BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
814                                         BLOCKINDEX(tmpheaptop, &b);
815                                         sb = (tmpheaptop-gcbaseva)/(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE) + gcreservedsb;
816                                 } // if(cpysize > 0)
818                                 // move the large obj
819                                 memcpy(tmpheaptop, gcheaptop, size);
820                                 // fill the remaining space with -2 padding
821                                 memset(tmpheaptop+size, -2, isize-size);
822                                 // zero out original mem caching the lobj
823                                 memset(gcheaptop, '\0', size);
824 #ifdef DEBUG
825                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xea05);
826                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcheaptop);
827                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpheaptop);
828                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(size);
829                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(isize);
830                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(base);
831 #endif
832                                 gcheaptop += size;
833                                 if(host == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
834                                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
835                                         RuntimeHashadd_I(gcpointertbl, ptr, tmpheaptop);
836                                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
837 #ifdef DEBUG
838                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xcdca);
839                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
840                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpheaptop);
841 #endif
842                                 } else {
843                                         // send the original host core with the mapping info
844                                         send_msg_3(host, GCLOBJMAPPING, ptr, tmpheaptop);
845 #ifdef DEBUG
846                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xcdcb);
847                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
848                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpheaptop);
849 #endif
850                                 } // if(host == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) else ...
851                                 tmpheaptop += isize;
853                                 // set the gcsbstarttbl and gcsmemtbl
854                                 int tmpsbs = 1+(isize-remain-1)/BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
855                                 for(int k = 1; k < tmpsbs; k++) {
856                                         gcsbstarttbl[sb+k] = (INTPTR)(-1);
857                                 }
858                                 sb += tmpsbs;
859                                 bound = (b<NUMCORES)?BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L:BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
860                                 BLOCKINDEX(tmpheaptop-1, &tmpsbs);
861                                 for(; b < tmpsbs; b++) {
862                                         gcsmemtbl[b] = bound;
863                                         if(b==NUMCORES-1) {
864                                                 bound = BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
865                                         }
866                                 }
867                                 if(((isize-remain)%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)) == 0) {
868                                         gcsbstarttbl[sb] = (INTPTR)(-1);
869                                         remain = ((tmpheaptop-gcbaseva)<(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)) ? 
870                                                                          BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L : BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
871                                         gcsmemtbl[b] = bound;
872                                 } else {
873                                         gcsbstarttbl[sb] = (INTPTR)(tmpheaptop);
874                                         remain = tmpheaptop-gcbaseva;
875                                         gcsmemtbl[b] = remain%bound;
876                                         remain = bound - gcsmemtbl[b];
877                                 } // if(((isize-remain)%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)) == 0) else ...
879                                 // close current block and fill the header
880                                 memset(base, '\0', BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
881                                 *((int*)base) = isize + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
882                                 cpysize = 0;
883                                 base = tmpheaptop;
884                                 remain -= BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
885                                 tmpheaptop += BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
886                         } else {
887                                 remain -= isize;
888                                 // move the large obj
889                                 memcpy(tmpheaptop, gcheaptop, size);
890                                 // fill the remaining space with -2 padding
891                                 memset(tmpheaptop+size, -2, isize-size);
892                                 // zero out original mem caching the lobj
893                                 memset(gcheaptop, '\0', size);
894 #ifdef DEBUG
895                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xea06);
896                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcheaptop);
897                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpheaptop);
898                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(size);
899                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(isize);
900 #endif
901                                 gcheaptop += size;
902                                 cpysize += isize;
903                                 if(host == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
904                                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
905                                         RuntimeHashadd_I(gcpointertbl, ptr, tmpheaptop);
906                                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
907 #ifdef DEBUG
908                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xcdcc);
909                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
910                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpheaptop);
911 #endif
912                                 } else {
913                                         // send the original host core with the mapping info
914                                         send_msg_3(host, GCLOBJMAPPING, ptr, tmpheaptop);
915 #ifdef DEBUG
916                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xcdcd);
917                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
918                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpheaptop);
919 #endif
920                                 } // if(host == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) else ...
921                                 tmpheaptop += isize;
923                                 // update gcsmemtbl
924                                 if(gcsmemtbl[b] == 0) {
925                                         // add the header's size
926                                         gcsmemtbl[b] = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
927                                 }
928                                 gcsmemtbl[b] += isize;
929                         } // if(remain < isize) else ...
930                 } // while(gc_lobjmoreItems())
931                 if(cpysize > 0) {
932                         // close current block, fill the header
933                         memset(base, '\0', BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
934                         *((int*)base) = cpysize + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
935                         gcsmemtbl[b] = cpysize + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
936                 } else {
937                         tmpheaptop -= BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
938                 }
939                 gcheaptop = tmpheaptop;
940         } // if(tomove == 0)
942 #ifdef DEBUG
943         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xea07);
944         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcheaptop);
945 #endif
947         // update the free mem list
948         // create new free mem list according to gcsmemtbl
949         bool sethead = false;
950         struct freeMemItem * tochange = bamboo_free_mem_list->head;
951         if(tochange == NULL) {
952                 bamboo_free_mem_list->head = tochange = 
953                         (struct freeMemItem *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct freeMemItem));
954                 tochange->next = NULL;
955         }
956         int startptr = 0;
957         size = 0;
958         bound = BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L;
959         for(i = 0; i < gcnumblock; i++) {
960                 if(gcsmemtbl[i] < bound) {
961                         if(gcsmemtbl[i] == 0) {
962                                 // blank one
963                                 if(startptr == 0) {
964                                         // a start of a new free mem chunk
965                                         startptr = gcbaseva+((i<NUMCORES)?(i*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)
966                                                         :(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND+(i-NUMCORES)*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE));
967                                 } // if(startptr == 0) 
968                                 size += bound;
969                         } else {
970                                 if(startptr != 0) {
971                                         // the end of previous free mem chunk
972                                         tochange = addFreeMemItem(startptr,size,tochange,&sethead);
973                                         //startptr = 0;
974                                         //size = 0;
975                                 }
976                                 // start of a new free mem chunk
977                                 startptr = gcbaseva+((i<NUMCORES)?(i*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)
978                                                 :(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND+(i-NUMCORES)*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE))+gcsmemtbl[i];
979                                 size = bound-gcsmemtbl[i];
980                         } // if(gcsmemtbl[i] == 0) else
981                 } else {
982                         if(startptr != 0) {
983                                 // the end of previous free mem chunk
984                                 tochange = addFreeMemItem(startptr,size,tochange,&sethead);
985                                 startptr = 0;
986                                 size = 0;
987                         } // if(startptr != 0) {
988                 } // if(gcsmemtbl[i] < bound) else
989                 if(i == NUMCORES-1) {
990                         bound = BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
991                 }
992         } // for(i = 0; i < gcnumblock; i++) {
993         if(startptr != 0) {
994                 tochange = addFreeMemItem(startptr, size, tochange, &sethead);
995                 startptr = 0;
996                 size = 0;
997         }
999 #ifdef DEBUG
1000         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xea08);
1001         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcheaptop);
1002 #endif
1003 } // void moveLObjs()
1005 // enqueue root objs
1006 inline void tomark(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
1007         if(MARKPHASE != gcphase) {
1008 #ifdef DEBUG
1009                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcphase);
1010 #endif
1011                 BAMBOO_EXIT(0xb101);
1012         }
1013         gcbusystatus = true;
1014         gcnumlobjs = 0;
1016         int i,j;
1017         // enqueue current stack 
1018         while(stackptr!=NULL) {
1019 #ifdef DEBUG
1020                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe501);
1021                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(stackptr->size);
1022                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(stackptr->next);
1023                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(stackptr->array[0]);
1024 #endif
1025                 for(i=0; i<stackptr->size; i++) {
1026                         if(stackptr->array[i] != NULL) {
1027                                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1028                                 gc_enqueue_I(stackptr->array[i]);
1029                                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1030                         }
1031                 }
1032                 stackptr=stackptr->next;
1033         }
1035 #ifdef DEBUG
1036         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe503);
1037 #endif
1038         // enqueue objectsets
1039         for(i=0; i<NUMCLASSES; i++) {
1040                 struct parameterwrapper ** queues = 
1041                         objectqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][i];
1042                 int length = numqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][i];
1043                 for(j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
1044                         struct parameterwrapper * parameter = queues[j];
1045                         struct ObjectHash * set=parameter->objectset;
1046                         struct ObjectNode * ptr=set->listhead;
1047                         while(ptr!=NULL) {
1048                                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1049                                 gc_enqueue_I((void *)ptr->key);
1050                                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1051                                 ptr=ptr->lnext;
1052                         }
1053                 }
1054         }
1056         // euqueue current task descriptor
1057         if(currtpd != NULL) {
1058 #ifdef DEBUG
1059                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe504);
1060 #endif
1061                 for(i=0; i<currtpd->numParameters; i++) {
1062                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1063                         gc_enqueue_I(currtpd->parameterArray[i]);
1064                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1065                 }
1066         }
1068 #ifdef DEBUG
1069         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe505);
1070 #endif
1071         // euqueue active tasks
1072         struct genpointerlist * ptr=activetasks->list;
1073         while(ptr!=NULL) {
1074                 struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=ptr->src;
1075                 int i;
1076                 for(i=0; i<tpd->numParameters; i++) {
1077                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1078                         gc_enqueue_I(tpd->parameterArray[i]);
1079                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1080                 }
1081                 ptr=ptr->inext;
1082         }
1084 #ifdef DEBUG
1085         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe506);
1086 #endif
1087         // enqueue cached transferred obj
1088         struct QueueItem * tmpobjptr =  getHead(&objqueue);
1089         while(tmpobjptr != NULL) {
1090                 struct transObjInfo * objInfo = 
1091                         (struct transObjInfo *)(tmpobjptr->objectptr); 
1092                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1093                 gc_enqueue_I(objInfo->objptr);
1094                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1095                 tmpobjptr = getNextQueueItem(tmpobjptr);
1096         }
1098 #ifdef DEBUG
1099         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe507);
1100 #endif
1101         // enqueue cached objs to be transferred
1102         struct QueueItem * item = getHead(totransobjqueue);
1103         while(item != NULL) {
1104                 struct transObjInfo * totransobj = 
1105                         (struct transObjInfo *)(item->objectptr);
1106                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1107                 gc_enqueue_I(totransobj->objptr);
1108                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1109                 item = getNextQueueItem(item);
1110         } // while(item != NULL)
1111 } // void tomark(struct garbagelist * stackptr)
1113 inline void markObj(void * objptr) {
1114         if(objptr == NULL) {
1115                 return;
1116         }
1117         if(ISSHAREDOBJ(objptr)) {
1118                 int host = hostcore(objptr);
1119                 if(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE == host) {
1120                         // on this core
1121                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1122                         gc_enqueue_I(objptr);  
1123                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1124                 } else {
1125 #ifdef DEBUG
1126                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xbbbb);
1127                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(host);
1128                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(objptr);
1129 #endif
1130                         // send a msg to host informing that objptr is active
1131                         send_msg_2(host, GCMARKEDOBJ, objptr);
1132                         gcself_numsendobjs++;
1133                 }
1134         } else {
1135                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1136                 gc_enqueue_I(objptr);
1137                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1138         } // if(ISSHAREDOBJ(objptr))
1139 } // void markObj(void * objptr) 
1141 inline void mark(bool isfirst, 
1142                              struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
1143 #ifdef DEBUG
1144         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed01);
1145 #endif
1146         if(isfirst) {
1147 #ifdef DEBUG
1148                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed02);
1149 #endif
1150                 // enqueue root objs
1151                 tomark(stackptr);
1152                 gccurr_heaptop = 0; // record the size of all active objs in this core
1153                                   // aligned but does not consider block boundaries
1154                 gcmarkedptrbound = 0;
1155         }
1156 #ifdef DEBUG
1157         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed03);
1158 #endif
1159         int isize = 0;
1160         bool checkfield = true;
1161         bool sendStall = false;
1162         // mark phase
1163         while(MARKPHASE == gcphase) {
1164 #ifdef DEBUG
1165                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed04);
1166 #endif
1167                 while(gc_moreItems2()) {
1168 #ifdef DEBUG
1169                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed05);
1170 #endif
1171                         sendStall = false;
1172                         gcbusystatus = true;
1173                         checkfield = true;
1174                         void * ptr = gc_dequeue2();
1175 #ifdef DEBUG
1176                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
1177 #endif
1178                         int size = 0;
1179                         int isize = 0;
1180                         int type = 0;
1181                         // check if it is a shared obj
1182                         if(ISSHAREDOBJ(ptr)) {
1183                                 // a shared obj, check if it is a local obj on this core
1184                                 if(isLarge(ptr, &type, &size)) {
1185                                         // ptr is a large object
1186                                         if(((int *)ptr)[6] == 0) {
1187                                                 // not marked and not enqueued
1188 #ifdef DEBUG
1189                                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xecec);
1190                                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
1191 #endif
1192                                                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1193                                                 gc_lobjenqueue_I(ptr, size, BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
1194                                                 gcnumlobjs++;
1195                                                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1196                                                 // mark this obj
1197                                                 ((int *)ptr)[6] = 1;
1198                                         } // if(((int *)ptr)[6] == 0)
1199                                 } else {
1200                                         bool islocal = isLocal(ptr);
1201                                         if (islocal && (((int *)ptr)[6] == 0)) {
1202                                                 // ptr is an unmarked active object on this core
1203                                                 ALIGNSIZE(size, &isize);
1204                                                 gccurr_heaptop += isize;
1205 #ifdef DEBUG
1206                                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xaaaa);
1207                                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
1208                                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(isize);
1209 #endif
1210                                                 // mark this obj
1211                                                 ((int *)ptr)[6] = 1;
1212                                                 if(ptr + size > gcmarkedptrbound) {
1213                                                         gcmarkedptrbound = ptr + size;
1214                                                 } // if(ptr + size > gcmarkedptrbound)
1215                                         } else if (!islocal /*&& (((int *)ptr)[6] == 0)*/) {
1216                                                 int host = hostcore(ptr);
1217 #ifdef DEBUG
1218                                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xbbbb);
1219                                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(host);
1220                                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
1221 #endif
1222                                                 // send a msg to host informing that ptr is active
1223                                                 send_msg_2(host, GCMARKEDOBJ, ptr);
1224                                                 gcself_numsendobjs++;
1225                                                 checkfield = false;
1226                                         }// if(isLocal(ptr)) else ...
1227                                 } // if(isLarge(ptr, &type, &size)) else ...
1228                         } // if(ISSHAREDOBJ(ptr))
1229 #ifdef DEBUG
1230                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed06);
1231 #endif
1233                         if(checkfield) {
1234                                 // scan all pointers in ptr
1235                                 unsigned INTPTR * pointer;
1236                                 pointer=pointerarray[type];
1237                                 if (pointer==0) {
1238                                         /* Array of primitives */
1239                                         /* Do nothing */
1240                                 } else if (((INTPTR)pointer)==1) {
1241                                         /* Array of pointers */
1242                                         struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) ptr;
1243                                         int length=ao->___length___;
1244                                         int j;
1245                                         for(j=0; j<length; j++) {
1246                                                 void *objptr = 
1247                                                         ((void **)(((char *)&ao->___length___)+sizeof(int)))[j];
1248                                                 markObj(objptr);
1249                                         }
1250                                 } else {
1251                                         INTPTR size=pointer[0];
1252                                         int i;
1253                                         for(i=1; i<=size; i++) {
1254                                                 unsigned int offset=pointer[i];
1255                                                 void * objptr=*((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset));
1256                                                 markObj(objptr);
1257                                         }
1258                                 } // if (pointer==0) else if ... else ...
1259                         } // if(checkfield)
1260                 } // while(gc_moreItems2())
1261 #ifdef DEBUG
1262                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed07);
1263 #endif
1264                 gcbusystatus = false;
1265                 // send mark finish msg to core coordinator
1266                 if(STARTUPCORE == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
1267 #ifdef DEBUG
1268                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed08);
1269 #endif
1270                         gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
1271                         gcnumsendobjs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gcself_numsendobjs;
1272                         gcnumreceiveobjs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gcself_numreceiveobjs;
1273                         gcloads[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gccurr_heaptop;
1274                 } else {
1275                         if(!sendStall) {
1276 #ifdef DEBUG
1277                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed09);
1278 #endif
1279                                 send_msg_4(STARTUPCORE, GCFINISHMARK, BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE,
1280                                                                          gcself_numsendobjs, gcself_numreceiveobjs);
1281                                 sendStall = true;
1282                         }
1283                 } // if(STARTUPCORE == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) ...
1284 #ifdef DEBUG
1285                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed0a);
1286 #endif
1288                 if(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE == STARTUPCORE) {
1289 #ifdef DEBUG
1290                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xed0b);
1291 #endif
1292                         return;
1293                 }
1294         } // while(MARKPHASE == gcphase)
1295 } // mark()
1297 inline void compact2Heaptophelper(int coren,
1298                                               int* p,
1299                                                                                                                                         int* numblocks,
1300                                                                                                                                         int* remain) {
1301         int b;
1302         int memneed = gcrequiredmems[coren] + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1303         if(STARTUPCORE == coren) {
1304                 gctomove = true;
1305                 gcmovestartaddr = *p;
1306                 gcdstcore = gctopcore;
1307                 gcblock2fill = *numblocks + 1;
1308         } else {
1309                 send_msg_4(coren, GCMOVESTART, gctopcore, *p, (*numblocks) + 1);
1310         }
1311 #ifdef DEBUG
1312         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(coren);
1313         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctopcore);
1314         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(*p);
1315         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(*numblocks+1);
1316 #endif
1317         if(memneed < *remain) {
1318 #ifdef DEBUG
1319                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xd104);
1320 #endif
1321                 *p = *p + memneed;
1322                 gcrequiredmems[coren] = 0;
1323                 gcloads[gctopcore] += memneed;
1324                 *remain = *remain - memneed;
1325         } else {
1326 #ifdef DEBUG
1327                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xd105);
1328 #endif
1329                 // next available block
1330                 *p = *p + *remain;
1331                 gcfilledblocks[gctopcore] += 1;
1332                 int newbase = 0;
1333                 BASEPTR(gctopcore, gcfilledblocks[gctopcore], &newbase);
1334                 gcloads[gctopcore] = newbase;
1335                 gcrequiredmems[coren] -= *remain - BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1336                 gcstopblock[gctopcore]++;
1337                 gctopcore = NEXTTOPCORE(gctopblock);
1338                 gctopblock++;
1339                 *numblocks = gcstopblock[gctopcore];
1340                 *p = gcloads[gctopcore];
1341                 BLOCKINDEX(*p, &b);
1342                 *remain=(b<NUMCORES)?((BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)-((*p)%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)))
1343                                                                                           :((BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)-((*p)%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)));
1344 #ifdef DEBUG
1345                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xd106);
1346                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctopcore);
1347                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(*p);
1348                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(b);
1349                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(*remain);
1350 #endif
1351         } // if(memneed < remain)
1352         gcmovepending--;
1353 } // void compact2Heaptophelper(int, int*, int*, int*)
1355 inline void compact2Heaptop() {
1356         // no cores with spare mem and some cores are blocked with pending move
1357         // find the current heap top and make them move to the heap top
1358         int p;
1359         int numblocks = gcfilledblocks[gctopcore];
1360         //BASEPTR(gctopcore, numblocks, &p);
1361         p = gcloads[gctopcore];
1362         int b;
1363         BLOCKINDEX(p, &b);
1364         int remain = (b<NUMCORES)?((BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)-(p%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)))
1365                                        :((BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)-(p%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)));
1366         // check if the top core finishes
1367         if(gccorestatus[gctopcore] != 0) {
1368 #ifdef DEBUG
1369                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xd101);
1370                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctopcore);
1371 #endif
1372                 // let the top core finishes its own work first
1373                 compact2Heaptophelper(gctopcore, &p, &numblocks, &remain);
1374                 return;
1375         }
1377 #ifdef DEBUG
1378         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xd102);
1379         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctopcore);
1380         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(p);
1381         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(b);
1382         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(remain);
1383 #endif
1384         /*if((gctopcore == STARTUPCORE) && (b == 0)) {
1385                 remain -= gcreservedsb*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
1386                 p += gcreservedsb*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
1387         }*/
1388         for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES; i++) {
1389                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1390                 if((gccorestatus[i] != 0) && (gcrequiredmems[i] > 0)) {
1391 #ifdef DEBUG
1392                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xd103);
1393 #endif
1394                         compact2Heaptophelper(i, &p, &numblocks, &remain);
1395                         if(gccorestatus[gctopcore] != 0) {
1396 #ifdef DEBUG
1397                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xd101);
1398                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctopcore);
1399 #endif
1400                                 // the top core is not free now
1401                                 return;
1402                         }
1403                 } // if((gccorestatus[i] != 0) && (gcrequiredmems[i] > 0))
1404                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1405         } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; i++)
1406 #ifdef DEBUG
1407         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xd106);
1408 #endif
1409 } // void compact2Heaptop()
1411 inline void resolvePendingMoveRequest() {
1412 #ifdef DEBUG
1413         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xeb01);
1414 #endif
1415 #ifdef DEBUG
1416                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xeeee);
1417                 for(int k = 0; k < NUMCORES; k++) {
1418                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xf000+k);
1419                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gccorestatus[k]);
1420                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcloads[k]);
1421                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcfilledblocks[k]);
1422                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcstopblock[k]);
1423                 }
1424                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xffff);
1425 #endif
1426         int i;
1427         int j;
1428         bool nosparemem = true;
1429         bool haspending = false;
1430         bool hasrunning = false;
1431         bool noblock = false;
1432         int dstcore = 0; // the core who need spare mem
1433         int sourcecore = 0; // the core who has spare mem
1434         for(i = j = 0; (i < NUMCORES) && (j < NUMCORES);) {
1435                 if(nosparemem) {
1436                         // check if there are cores with spare mem
1437                         if(gccorestatus[i] == 0) {
1438                                 // finished working, check if it still have spare mem
1439                                 if(gcfilledblocks[i] < gcstopblock[i]) {
1440                                         // still have spare mem
1441                                         nosparemem = false;
1442                                         sourcecore = i;
1443                                 } // if(gcfilledblocks[i] < gcstopblock[i]) else ...
1444                         }
1445                         i++;
1446                 } // if(nosparemem)
1447                 if(!haspending) {
1448                         if(gccorestatus[j] != 0) {
1449                                 // not finished, check if it has pending move requests
1450                                 if((gcfilledblocks[j]==gcstopblock[j])&&(gcrequiredmems[j]>0)) {
1451                                         dstcore = j;
1452                                         haspending = true;
1453                                 } else {
1454                                         hasrunning = true;
1455                                 } // if((gcfilledblocks[i] == gcstopblock[i])...) else ...
1456                         } // if(gccorestatus[i] == 0) else ...
1457                         j++;
1458                 } // if(!haspending)
1459                 if(!nosparemem && haspending) {
1460                         // find match
1461                         int tomove = 0;
1462                         int startaddr = 0;
1463                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1464                         gcrequiredmems[dstcore] = assignSpareMem_I(sourcecore, 
1465                                                                                gcrequiredmems[dstcore], 
1466                                                                                                                                                                                            &tomove, 
1467                                                                                                                                                                                            &startaddr);
1468                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1469 #ifdef DEBUG
1470                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xeb02);
1471                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(sourcecore);
1472                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(dstcore);
1473                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(startaddr);
1474                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tomove);
1475 #endif
1476                         if(STARTUPCORE == dstcore) {
1477 #ifdef DEBUG
1478                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xeb03);
1479 #endif
1480                                 gcdstcore = sourcecore;
1481                                 gctomove = true;
1482                                 gcmovestartaddr = startaddr;
1483                                 gcblock2fill = tomove;
1484                         } else {
1485 #ifdef DEBUG
1486                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xeb04);
1487 #endif
1488                                 send_msg_4(dstcore, GCMOVESTART, sourcecore, startaddr, tomove);
1489                         }
1490                         gcmovepending--;
1491                         nosparemem = true;
1492                         haspending = false;
1493                         noblock = true;
1494                 }
1495         } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; i++)
1496 #ifdef DEBUG
1497         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xcccc);
1498         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(hasrunning);
1499         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(haspending);
1500         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(noblock);
1501 #endif
1503         if(!hasrunning && !noblock) {
1504                 gcphase = SUBTLECOMPACTPHASE;
1505                 compact2Heaptop();
1506         }
1508 } // void resovePendingMoveRequest()
1510 struct moveHelper {
1511         int numblocks; // block num for heap
1512         INTPTR base; // base virtual address of current heap block
1513         INTPTR ptr; // virtual address of current heap top
1514         int offset; // offset in current heap block
1515         int blockbase; // virtual address of current small block to check
1516         int blockbound; // bound virtual address of current small blcok
1517         int sblockindex; // index of the small blocks
1518         int top; // real size of current heap block to check
1519         int bound; // bound size of current heap block to check
1520 }; // struct moveHelper
1522 // if out of boundary of valid shared memory, return false, else return true
1523 inline bool nextSBlock(struct moveHelper * orig) {
1524         orig->blockbase = orig->blockbound;
1525 #ifdef DEBUG
1526         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xecc0);
1527         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->blockbase);
1528         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->blockbound);
1529         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->bound);
1530         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->ptr);
1531 #endif
1532 outernextSBlock:
1533         // check if across a big block
1534         if((orig->blockbase >= orig->bound) || (orig->ptr >= orig->bound) 
1535                         || ((*((int*)orig->ptr))==0) || ((*((int*)orig->blockbase))==0)) {
1536 innernextSBlock:
1537                 // end of current heap block, jump to next one
1538                 orig->numblocks++;
1539 #ifdef DEBUG
1540                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xecc1);
1541                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->numblocks);
1542 #endif
1543                 BASEPTR(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, orig->numblocks, &(orig->base));
1544 #ifdef DEBUG
1545                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(orig->base);
1546 #endif
1547                 if(orig->base >= BAMBOO_BASE_VA + BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) {
1548                         // out of boundary
1549                         orig->ptr = orig->base; // set current ptr to out of boundary too
1550                         return false;
1551                 }
1552                 orig->bound = orig->base + BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
1553                 orig->blockbase = orig->base;
1554                 orig->sblockindex = (orig->blockbase-BAMBOO_BASE_VA)/BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
1555         } else if(0 == (orig->blockbase%BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)) {
1556                 orig->sblockindex += 1;
1557         } // if((orig->blockbase >= orig->bound) || (orig->ptr >= orig->bound)...
1559         // check if this sblock should be omitted or have special start point
1560         if(gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex] == -1) {
1561                 // goto next sblock
1562 #ifdef DEBUG
1563                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xecc2);
1564 #endif
1565                 orig->sblockindex += 1;
1566                 orig->blockbase += BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
1567                 goto outernextSBlock;
1568         } else if(gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex] != 0) {
1569 #ifdef DEBUG
1570                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xecc3);
1571 #endif
1572                 // not start from the very beginning
1573                 orig->blockbase = gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex];
1574         } // if(gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex] == -1) else ...
1576         // setup information for this sblock
1577         orig->blockbound = orig->blockbase + *((int*)(orig->blockbase));
1578         orig->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1579         orig->ptr = orig->blockbase + orig->offset;
1580 #ifdef DEBUG
1581         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xecc4);
1582         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->base);
1583         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->bound);
1584         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->ptr);
1585         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->blockbound);
1586         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->blockbase);
1587         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->offset);
1588 #endif
1589         if(orig->ptr >= orig->bound) {
1590                 // met a lobj, move to next block
1591                 goto innernextSBlock;
1592         }
1594         return true;
1595 } // bool nextSBlock(struct moveHelper * orig) 
1597 // return false if there are no available data to compact
1598 inline bool initOrig_Dst(struct moveHelper * orig, 
1599                                      struct moveHelper * to) {
1600         // init the dst ptr
1601         to->numblocks = 0;
1602         to->top = to->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1603         to->bound = BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L;
1604         BASEPTR(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->numblocks, &(to->base));
1606 #ifdef DEBUG
1607         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xef01);
1608         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(to->base);
1609 #endif
1610         to->ptr = to->base + to->offset;
1612         // init the orig ptr
1613         orig->numblocks = 0;
1614         orig->base = to->base;
1615         orig->bound = to->base + BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L;
1616         orig->blockbase = orig->base;
1617         orig->sblockindex = (orig->base - BAMBOO_BASE_VA) / BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
1618 #ifdef DEBUG
1619         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xef02);
1620         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->base);
1621         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->sblockindex);
1622         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcsbstarttbl);
1623         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex]);
1624 #endif
1626         if(gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex] == -1) {
1627 #ifdef DEBUG
1628                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xef03);
1629 #endif
1630                 // goto next sblock
1631                 orig->blockbound = 
1632                         BAMBOO_BASE_VA+BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE*(orig->sblockindex+1);
1633                 return nextSBlock(orig);
1634         } else if(gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex] != 0) {
1635 #ifdef DEBUG
1636                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xef04);
1637 #endif
1638                 orig->blockbase = gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex];
1639         }
1640 #ifdef DEBUG
1641         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xef05);
1642 #endif
1643         orig->blockbound = orig->blockbase + *((int*)(orig->blockbase));
1644         orig->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1645         orig->ptr = orig->blockbase + orig->offset;
1646 #ifdef DEBUG
1647         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xef06);
1648         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->base);
1649 #endif
1650         return true;
1651 } // bool initOrig_Dst(struct moveHelper * orig, struct moveHelper * to) 
1653 inline void nextBlock(struct moveHelper * to) {
1654         to->top = to->bound + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE; // header!
1655         to->bound += BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
1656         to->numblocks++;
1657         BASEPTR(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->numblocks, &(to->base));
1658         to->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1659         to->ptr = to->base + to->offset;
1660 } // void nextBlock(struct moveHelper * to)
1662 // endaddr does not contain spaces for headers
1663 inline bool moveobj(struct moveHelper * orig, 
1664                                 struct moveHelper * to, 
1665                                                         int stopblock) {
1666         if(stopblock == 0) {
1667                 return true;
1668         }
1670 #ifdef DEBUG
1671         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe201);
1672         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->ptr);
1673         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(to->ptr);
1674 #endif
1676         int type = 0;
1677         int size = 0;
1678         int mark = 0;
1679         int isize = 0;
1680 innermoveobj:
1681         while((char)(*((int*)(orig->ptr))) == (char)(-2)) {
1682                 orig->ptr = (int*)(orig->ptr) + 1;
1683         }
1684         if((orig->ptr > orig->bound) || (orig->ptr == orig->blockbound)) {
1685                 if(!nextSBlock(orig)) {
1686                         // finished, no more data
1687                         return true;
1688                 }
1689                 goto innermoveobj;
1690         }
1691 #ifdef DEBUG
1692         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe202);
1693 #endif
1694         // check the obj's type, size and mark flag
1695         type = ((int *)(orig->ptr))[0];
1696         size = 0;
1697         if(type == 0) {
1698                 // end of this block, go to next one
1699                 if(!nextSBlock(orig)) {
1700                         // finished, no more data
1701                         return true;
1702                 }
1703                 goto innermoveobj;
1704         } else if(type < NUMCLASSES) {
1705                 // a normal object
1706                 size = classsize[type];
1707         } else {        
1708                 // an array 
1709                 struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *)(orig->ptr);
1710                 int elementsize=classsize[type];
1711                 int length=ao->___length___; 
1712                 size=sizeof(struct ArrayObject)+length*elementsize;
1713         }
1714         mark = ((int *)(orig->ptr))[6];
1715 #ifdef DEBUG
1716         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe203);
1717         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->ptr);
1718         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(size);
1719 #endif
1720         ALIGNSIZE(size, &isize); // no matter is the obj marked or not
1721                                  // should be able to across it
1722         if(mark == 1) {
1723 #ifdef DEBUG
1724                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe204);
1725 #endif
1726                 // marked obj, copy it to current heap top
1727                 // check to see if remaining space is enough
1728                 if(to->top + isize > to->bound) {
1729                         // fill -1 indicating the end of this block
1730                         /*if(to->top != to->bound) {
1731                                 *((int*)to->ptr) = -1;
1732                         }*/
1733                         //memset(to->ptr+1,  -2, to->bound - to->top - 1);
1734                         // fill the header of this block and then go to next block
1735         to->offset += to->bound - to->top;
1736                         memset(to->base, '\0', BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
1737                         (*((int*)(to->base))) = to->offset;
1738                         nextBlock(to);
1739                         if(stopblock == to->numblocks) {
1740                                 // already fulfilled the block
1741                                 return true;
1742                         } // if(stopblock == to->numblocks)
1743                 } // if(to->top + isize > to->bound)
1744                 // set the mark field to 2, indicating that this obj has been moved 
1745                 // and need to be flushed
1746                 ((int *)(orig->ptr))[6] = 2;
1747                 if(to->ptr != orig->ptr) {
1748                         memcpy(to->ptr, orig->ptr, size);
1749                         // fill the remaining space with -2
1750                         memset(to->ptr+size, -2, isize-size);
1751                 }
1752                 // store mapping info
1753                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1754                 RuntimeHashadd_I(gcpointertbl, orig->ptr, to->ptr); 
1755                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1756 #ifdef DEBUG
1757                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xcdce);
1758                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->ptr);
1759                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(to->ptr);
1760 #endif
1761                 gccurr_heaptop -= isize;
1762                 to->ptr += isize;
1763                 to->offset += isize;
1764                 to->top += isize;
1765                 if(to->top == to->bound) {
1766                         // fill the header of this block and then go to next block
1767                         memset(to->base, '\0', BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
1768                         (*((int*)(to->base))) = to->offset;
1769                         nextBlock(to);
1770                 }
1771         } // if(mark == 1)
1772 #ifdef DEBUG
1773         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe205);
1774 #endif
1775         // move to next obj
1776         orig->ptr += isize;
1777 #ifdef DEBUG
1778         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(isize);
1779         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->ptr);
1780         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->bound);
1781 #endif
1782         if((orig->ptr > orig->bound) || (orig->ptr == orig->blockbound)) {
1783 #ifdef DEBUG
1784         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe206);
1785 #endif
1786                 if(!nextSBlock(orig)) {
1787                         // finished, no more data
1788                         return true;
1789                 }
1790         }
1791 #ifdef DEBUG
1792         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->ptr);
1793 #endif
1794         return false;
1795 } //bool moveobj(struct moveHelper* orig,struct moveHelper* to,int* endaddr)
1797 // should be invoked with interrupt closed
1798 inline int assignSpareMem_I(int sourcecore,
1799                                         int * requiredmem,
1800                                                                                                           int * tomove,
1801                                                                                                           int * startaddr) {
1802         int b = 0;
1803         BLOCKINDEX(gcloads[sourcecore], &b);
1804         int boundptr = (b<NUMCORES)?((b+1)*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)
1806         int remain = boundptr - gcloads[sourcecore];
1807         int memneed = requiredmem + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1808         *startaddr = gcloads[sourcecore];
1809         *tomove = gcfilledblocks[sourcecore] + 1;
1810         if(memneed < remain) {
1811                 gcloads[sourcecore] += memneed;
1812                 return 0;
1813         } else {
1814                 // next available block
1815                 gcfilledblocks[sourcecore] += 1;
1816                 int newbase = 0;
1817                 BASEPTR(sourcecore, gcfilledblocks[sourcecore], &newbase);
1818                 gcloads[sourcecore] = newbase;
1819                 return requiredmem-remain;
1820         }
1821 } // int assignSpareMem_I(int ,int * , int * , int * )
1823 // should be invoked with interrupt closed
1824 inline bool gcfindSpareMem_I(int * startaddr,
1825                                          int * tomove,
1826                                                                                                    int * dstcore,
1827                                                                                                    int requiredmem,
1828                                                                                                    int requiredcore) {
1829         for(int k = 0; k < NUMCORES; k++) {
1830                 if((gccorestatus[k] == 0) && (gcfilledblocks[k] < gcstopblock[k])) {
1831                         // check if this stopped core has enough mem
1832                         assignSpareMem_I(k, requiredmem, tomove, startaddr);
1833                         *dstcore = k;
1834                         return true;
1835                 }
1836         }
1837         // if can not find spare mem right now, hold the request
1838         gcrequiredmems[requiredcore] = requiredmem;
1839         gcmovepending++;
1840         return false;
1841 } //bool gcfindSpareMem_I(int* startaddr,int* tomove,int mem,int core)
1843 inline bool compacthelper(struct moveHelper * orig,
1844                                       struct moveHelper * to,
1845                                                                                                         int * filledblocks,
1846                                                                                                         int * heaptopptr,
1847                                                                                                         bool * localcompact) {
1848         // scan over all objs in this block, compact the marked objs 
1849         // loop stop when finishing either scanning all active objs or 
1850         // fulfilled the gcstopblock
1851 #ifdef DEBUG
1852         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe101);
1853         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcblock2fill);
1854 #endif
1855 innercompact:
1856         do {
1857                 bool stop = moveobj(orig, to, gcblock2fill);
1858                 if(stop) {
1859                         break;
1860                 }
1861         } while(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound);
1862         // if no objs have been compact, do nothing, 
1863         // otherwise, fill the header of this block
1864         if(to->offset > BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) {
1865                 memset(to->base, '\0', BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
1866                 (*((int*)(to->base))) = to->offset;
1867         } else {
1868                 to->offset = 0;
1869                 to->ptr = to->base;
1870                 to->top -= BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1871         } // if(to->offset > BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) else ...
1872         if(*localcompact) {
1873                 *heaptopptr = to->ptr;
1874                 *filledblocks = to->numblocks;
1875         }
1876 #ifdef DEBUG
1877         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe102);
1878         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(orig->ptr);
1879         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcmarkedptrbound);
1880         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(*heaptopptr);
1881         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(*filledblocks);
1882         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gccurr_heaptop);
1883 #endif
1885         // send msgs to core coordinator indicating that the compact is finishing
1886         // send compact finish message to core coordinator
1887         if(STARTUPCORE == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
1888                 gcfilledblocks[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = *filledblocks;
1889                 gcloads[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = *heaptopptr;
1890                 if(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound) {
1891 #ifdef DEBUG
1892                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe103);
1893 #endif
1894                         // ask for more mem
1895                         gctomove = false;
1896                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1897                         if(gcfindSpareMem_I(&gcmovestartaddr, &gcblock2fill, &gcdstcore, 
1898                                                               gccurr_heaptop, BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE)) {
1899 #ifdef DEBUG
1900                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe104);
1901 #endif
1902                                 gctomove = true;
1903                         } else {
1904                                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1905 #ifdef DEBUG
1906                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe105);
1907 #endif
1908                                 return false; 
1909                         }
1910                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
1911                 } else {
1912 #ifdef DEBUG
1913                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe106);
1914 #endif
1915                         gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
1916                         gctomove = false;
1917                         return true;
1918                 }
1919         } else {
1920                 if(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound) {
1921 #ifdef DEBUG
1922                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe107);
1923 #endif
1924                         // ask for more mem
1925                         gctomove = false;
1926                         send_msg_5(STARTUPCORE, GCFINISHCOMPACT, BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, 
1927                                                *filledblocks, *heaptopptr, gccurr_heaptop);
1928                 } else {
1929 #ifdef DEBUG
1930                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe108);
1931                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(*heaptopptr);
1932 #endif
1933                         // finish compacting
1934                         send_msg_5(STARTUPCORE, GCFINISHCOMPACT, BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE,
1935                                                *filledblocks, *heaptopptr, 0);
1936                 }
1937         } // if(STARTUPCORE == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE)
1939         if(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound) {
1940 #ifdef DEBUG
1941                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe109);
1942 #endif
1943                 // still have unpacked obj
1944                 while(true) {
1945                         if(gctomove) {
1946                                 break;
1947                         }
1948                 };
1949                 gctomove = false;
1950 #ifdef DEBUG
1951                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe10a);
1952 #endif
1954                 to->ptr = gcmovestartaddr;
1955                 to->numblocks = gcblock2fill - 1;
1956                 to->bound = (to->numblocks==0)?
1957                         BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L:
1958                         BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L+BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE*to->numblocks;
1959                 BASEPTR(gcdstcore, to->numblocks, &(to->base));
1960                 to->offset = to->ptr - to->base;
1961                 to->top = (to->numblocks==0)?
1962                         (to->offset):(to->bound-BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE+to->offset);
1963                 to->base = to->ptr;
1964                 to->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
1965                 to->ptr += to->offset; // for header
1966                 to->top += to->offset;
1967                 if(gcdstcore == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
1968                         *localcompact = true;
1969                 } else {
1970                         *localcompact = false;
1971                 }
1972                 goto innercompact;
1973         }
1974 #ifdef DEBUG
1975         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe10b);
1976 #endif
1977         return true;
1978 } // void compacthelper()
1980 inline void compact() {
1981         if(COMPACTPHASE != gcphase) {
1982                 BAMBOO_EXIT(0xb102);
1983         }
1985         // initialize pointers for comapcting
1986         struct moveHelper * orig = 
1987                 (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
1988         struct moveHelper * to = 
1989                 (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
1991         if(!initOrig_Dst(orig, to)) {
1992                 // no available data to compact
1993                 RUNFREE(orig);
1994                 RUNFREE(to);
1995                 return;
1996         }
1998         int filledblocks = 0;
1999         INTPTR heaptopptr = 0;
2000         bool localcompact = true;
2001         compacthelper(orig, to, &filledblocks, &heaptopptr, &localcompact);
2003         RUNFREE(orig);
2004         RUNFREE(to);
2005 } // compact()
2007 inline void * flushObj(void * objptr) {
2008 #ifdef DEBUG
2009         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe401);
2010 #endif
2011         void * dstptr = NULL;
2012         if(ISSHAREDOBJ(objptr)) {
2013 #ifdef DEBUG
2014                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe402);
2015                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(objptr);
2016 #endif
2017                 // a shared obj ptr, change to new address
2018                 BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2019                 RuntimeHashget(gcpointertbl, objptr, &dstptr);
2020                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2021 #ifdef DEBUG
2022                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(dstptr);
2023 #endif
2024                 if(NULL == dstptr) {
2025 #ifdef DEBUG
2026                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe403);
2027                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(objptr);
2028                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(hostcore(objptr));
2029 #endif
2030                         // send msg to host core for the mapping info
2031                         gcobj2map = (int)objptr;
2032                         gcismapped = false;
2033                         gcmappedobj = NULL;
2034                         send_msg_3(hostcore(objptr), GCMAPREQUEST, (int)objptr, 
2035                                                                  BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
2036                         while(true) {
2037                                 if(gcismapped) {
2038                                         break;
2039                                 }
2040                         }
2041                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2042                         RuntimeHashget(gcpointertbl, objptr, &dstptr);
2043                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2044 #ifdef DEBUG
2045                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(dstptr);
2046 #endif
2047                 }
2048         } // if(ISSHAREDOBJ(objptr))
2049 #ifdef DEBUG
2050         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe404);
2051 #endif
2052         return dstptr;
2053 } // void flushObj(void * objptr, void ** tochange)
2055 inline void flushRuntimeObj(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
2056         int i,j;
2057         // flush current stack 
2058         while(stackptr!=NULL) {
2059                 for(i=0; i<stackptr->size; i++) {
2060                         if(stackptr->array[i] != NULL) {
2061                                 stackptr->array[i] = flushObj(stackptr->array[i]);
2062                         }
2063                 }
2064                 stackptr=stackptr->next;
2065         }
2067         // flush objectsets
2068         for(i=0; i<NUMCLASSES; i++) {
2069                 struct parameterwrapper ** queues = 
2070                         objectqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][i];
2071                 int length = numqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][i];
2072                 for(j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
2073                         struct parameterwrapper * parameter = queues[j];
2074                         struct ObjectHash * set=parameter->objectset;
2075                         struct ObjectNode * ptr=set->listhead;
2076                         while(ptr!=NULL) {
2077                                 ptr->key = flushObj((void *)ptr->key);
2078                                 ptr=ptr->lnext;
2079                         }
2080                 }
2081         }
2083         // flush current task descriptor
2084         if(currtpd != NULL) {
2085                 for(i=0; i<currtpd->numParameters; i++) {
2086                         currtpd->parameterArray[i] = flushObj(currtpd->parameterArray[i]);
2087                 }
2088         }
2090         // flush active tasks
2091         struct genpointerlist * ptr=activetasks->list;
2092         while(ptr!=NULL) {
2093                 struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=ptr->src;
2094                 int i;
2095                 for(i=0; i<tpd->numParameters; i++) {
2096                         tpd->parameterArray[i] = flushObj(tpd->parameterArray[i]);
2097                 }
2098                 ptr=ptr->inext;
2099         }
2101         // flush cached transferred obj
2102         struct QueueItem * tmpobjptr =  getHead(&objqueue);
2103         while(tmpobjptr != NULL) {
2104                 struct transObjInfo * objInfo = 
2105                         (struct transObjInfo *)(tmpobjptr->objectptr); 
2106                 objInfo->objptr = flushObj(objInfo->objptr);
2107                 tmpobjptr = getNextQueueItem(tmpobjptr);
2108         }
2110         // flush cached objs to be transferred
2111         struct QueueItem * item = getHead(totransobjqueue);
2112         while(item != NULL) {
2113                 struct transObjInfo * totransobj = 
2114                         (struct transObjInfo *)(item->objectptr);
2115                 totransobj->objptr = flushObj(totransobj->objptr);
2116                 item = getNextQueueItem(item);
2117         } // while(item != NULL)
2118 } // void flushRuntimeObj(struct garbagelist * stackptr)
2120 inline void flush(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
2121         flushRuntimeObj(stackptr);
2123         while(gc_moreItems()) {
2124 #ifdef DEBUG
2125                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe301);
2126 #endif
2127                 void * ptr = gc_dequeue();
2128                 void * tptr = flushObj(ptr);
2129 #ifdef DEBUG
2130                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe302);
2131                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(ptr);
2132                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tptr);
2133 #endif
2134                 if(tptr != NULL) {
2135                         ptr = tptr;
2136                 }
2137                 if(((int *)(ptr))[6] == 2) {
2138                         int type = ((int *)(ptr))[0];
2139                         // scan all pointers in ptr
2140                         unsigned INTPTR * pointer;
2141                         pointer=pointerarray[type];
2142 #ifdef DEBUG
2143                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe303);
2144                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(pointer);
2145 #endif
2146                         if (pointer==0) {
2147                                 /* Array of primitives */
2148                                 /* Do nothing */
2149                         } else if (((INTPTR)pointer)==1) {
2150 #ifdef DEBUG
2151                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe304);
2152 #endif
2153                                 /* Array of pointers */
2154                                 struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) ptr;
2155                                 int length=ao->___length___;
2156                                 int j;
2157                                 for(j=0; j<length; j++) {
2158 #ifdef DEBUG
2159                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe305);
2160 #endif
2161                                         void *objptr=
2162                                                 ((void **)(((char *)&ao->___length___)+sizeof(int)))[j];
2163 #ifdef DEBUG
2164                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(objptr);
2165 #endif
2166                                         ((void **)(((char *)&ao->___length___)+sizeof(int)))[j] = 
2167                                                 flushObj(objptr);
2168                                 }
2169                         } else {
2170 #ifdef DEBUG
2171                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe306);
2172 #endif
2173                                 INTPTR size=pointer[0];
2174                                 int i;
2175                                 for(i=1; i<=size; i++) {
2176 #ifdef DEBUG
2177                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe307);
2178 #endif
2179                                         unsigned int offset=pointer[i];
2180                                         void * objptr=*((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset));
2181 #ifdef DEBUG
2182                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(objptr);
2183 #endif
2184                                         *((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset)) = flushObj(objptr);
2185                                 } // for(i=1; i<=size; i++) 
2186                         } // if (pointer==0) else if (((INTPTR)pointer)==1) else ()
2187                         // restore the mark field, indicating that this obj has been flushed
2188                         ((int *)(ptr))[6] = 0;
2189                 } // if(((int *)(ptr))[6] == 2)
2190         } // while(gc_moreItems())
2191 #ifdef DEBUG
2192         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe308);
2193 #endif
2194         // send flush finish message to core coordinator
2195         if(STARTUPCORE == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
2196                 gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
2197         } else {
2198                 send_msg_2(STARTUPCORE, GCFINISHFLUSH, BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
2199         }
2200 #ifdef DEBUG
2201         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe309);
2202 #endif
2203 } // flush()
2205 inline void gc_collect(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
2206         // core collector routine
2207         while(true) {
2208                 //BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2209                 if(INITPHASE == gcphase) {
2210                         //BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2211                         break;
2212                 }
2213                 //BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2214         }
2215 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2216         tprintf("Do initGC\n");
2217 #endif
2218         initGC();
2219         //send init finish msg to core coordinator
2221         while(true) {
2222                 //BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2223                 if(MARKPHASE == gcphase) {
2224                         //BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2225                         break;
2226                 }
2227                 //BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2228         }
2229 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2230         tprintf("Start mark phase\n");
2231 #endif
2232         mark(true, stackptr);
2233 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2234         tprintf("Finish mark phase, start compact phase\n");
2235 #endif
2236         compact();
2237 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2238         tprintf("Finish compact phase\n");
2239 #endif
2240         while(true) {
2241                 //BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2242                 if(FLUSHPHASE == gcphase) {
2243                         //BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2244                         break;
2245                 }
2246                 //BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2247         }
2248 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2249         tprintf("Start flush phase\n");
2250 #endif
2251         flush(stackptr);
2252 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2253         tprintf("Finish flush phase\n");
2254 #endif
2256         while(true) {
2257                 //BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2258                 if(FINISHPHASE == gcphase) {
2259                         //BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2260                         break;
2261                 }
2262                 //BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2263         }
2264 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2265         tprintf("Finish gc!\n");
2266 #endif
2267 } // void gc_collect(struct garbagelist * stackptr)
2269 inline void gc(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
2270         // check if do gc
2271         if(!gcflag) {
2272                 gcprocessing = false;
2273                 return;
2274         }
2276         // core coordinator routine
2277         if(0 == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
2278 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2279         tprintf("Check if can do gc or not\n");
2280 #endif
2281                 if(!preGC()) {
2282                         // not ready to do gc
2283                         gcflag = true;
2284                         return;
2285                 }
2287 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2288                 tprintf("start gc! \n");
2289                 dumpSMem();
2290 #endif
2292                 gcprocessing = true;
2293                 int i = 0;
2294                 waitconfirm = false;
2295                 waitconfirm = 0;
2296                 gcphase = INITPHASE;
2297                 for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; i++) {
2298                         // send GC init messages to all cores
2299                         send_msg_1(i, GCSTARTINIT);
2300                 }
2301                 bool isfirst = true;
2302                 bool allStall = false;
2304                 initGC();
2305 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2306                 tprintf("Check core status \n");
2307 #endif
2309                 gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
2310                 while(true) {
2311                         BAMBOO_START_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2312                         if(gc_checkCoreStatus()) {
2313                                 BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2314                                 break;
2315                         }
2316                         BAMBOO_CLOSE_CRITICAL_SECTION();
2317                 }
2318 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2319                 tprintf("Start mark phase \n");
2320 #endif
2321                 // all cores have finished compacting
2322                 // restore the gcstatus of all cores
2323                 gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 1;
2324                 for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
2325                         gccorestatus[i] = 1;
2326                         // send GC start messages to all cores
2327                         send_msg_1(i, GCSTART);
2328                 }
2330                 gcphase = MARKPHASE;
2331     // mark phase
2332                 while(MARKPHASE == gcphase) {
2333                         mark(isfirst, stackptr);
2334                         if(isfirst) {
2335                                 isfirst = false;
2336                         }
2338                         // check gcstatus
2339                         checkMarkStatue(); 
2340                 }  // while(MARKPHASE == gcphase)
2341                 // send msgs to all cores requiring large objs info
2342                 numconfirm = NUMCORES - 1;
2343                 for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
2344                         send_msg_1(i, GCLOBJREQUEST);
2345                 }
2346                 gcloads[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gccurr_heaptop;
2347                 while(true) {
2348                         if(numconfirm==0) {
2349                                 break;
2350                         }
2351                 } // wait for responses
2352 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2353                 tprintf("prepare to cache large objs \n");
2354                 //dumpSMem();
2355 #endif
2356                 // cache all large objs
2357                 if(!cacheLObjs()) {
2358                         // no enough space to cache large objs
2359                         BAMBOO_EXIT(0xb103);
2360                 }
2361                 // predict number of blocks to fill for each core
2362                 int numpbc = loadbalance();
2363                 // TODO
2364                 numpbc = (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE)/(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE);
2365 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2366                 tprintf("mark phase finished \n");
2367                 //dumpSMem();
2368 #endif
2369                 int tmptopptr = 0;
2370                 BASEPTR(gctopcore, 0, &tmptopptr);
2371                 // TODO
2372                 tmptopptr = (BAMBOO_BASE_VA) + (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE);
2373 #ifdef DEBUG
2374                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xabab);
2375                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmptopptr);
2376 #endif
2377                 for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
2378                         int tmpcoreptr = 0;
2379                         BASEPTR(i, 0, &tmpcoreptr);
2380                         //send start compact messages to all cores
2381                         if (tmpcoreptr < tmptopptr) {
2382                                 gcstopblock[i] = numpbc + 1;
2383                                 if(i != STARTUPCORE) {
2384                                         send_msg_2(i, GCSTARTCOMPACT, numpbc+1); 
2385                                 } else {
2386                                         gcblock2fill = numpbc+1;
2387                                 } // if(i != STARTUPCORE)
2388                         } else {
2389                                 gcstopblock[i] = numpbc;
2390                                 if(i != STARTUPCORE) {
2391                                         send_msg_2(i, GCSTARTCOMPACT, numpbc);
2392                                 } else {
2393                                         gcblock2fill = numpbc;
2394                                 } // if(i != STARTUPCORE)
2395                         }
2396 #ifdef DEBUG
2397                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xf000+i);
2398                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpcoreptr);
2399                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcstopblock[i]);
2400 #endif
2401                         // init some data strutures for compact phase
2402                         gcloads[i] = 0;
2403                         gcfilledblocks[i] = 0;
2404                         gcrequiredmems[i] = 0;
2405                 }
2407                 // compact phase
2408                 bool finalcompact = false;
2409                 // initialize pointers for comapcting
2410                 struct moveHelper * orig = 
2411                         (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
2412                 struct moveHelper * to = 
2413                         (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
2414                 initOrig_Dst(orig, to);
2415                 int filledblocks = 0;
2416                 INTPTR heaptopptr = 0;
2417                 bool finishcompact = false;
2418                 bool iscontinue = true;
2419                 bool localcompact = true;
2420                 while((COMPACTPHASE == gcphase) || (SUBTLECOMPACTPHASE == gcphase)) {
2421                         if((!finishcompact) && iscontinue) {
2422 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2423                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe001);
2424                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(numpbc);
2425                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcblock2fill);
2426 #endif
2427                                 finishcompact = compacthelper(orig, to, &filledblocks, 
2428                                                                           &heaptopptr, &localcompact);
2429 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2430                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe002);
2431                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(finishcompact);
2432                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctomove);
2433                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcrequiredmems[0]);
2434                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcfilledblocks[0]);
2435                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcstopblock[0]);
2436 #endif
2437                         }
2439                         if(gc_checkCoreStatus()) {
2440                                 // all cores have finished compacting
2441                                 // restore the gcstatus of all cores
2442                                 for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
2443                                         gccorestatus[i] = 1;
2444                                 }
2445                                 break;
2446                         } else {
2447                                 // check if there are spare mem for pending move requires
2448                                 if(COMPACTPHASE == gcphase) {
2449 #ifdef DEBUG
2450                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe003);
2451 #endif
2452                                         resolvePendingMoveRequest();
2453 #ifdef DEBUG
2454                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctomove);
2455 #endif
2456                                 } else {
2457 #ifdef DEBUG
2458                                         BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe004);
2459 #endif
2460                                         compact2Heaptop();
2461                                 }
2462                         } // if(gc_checkCoreStatus()) else ...
2464                         if(gctomove) {
2465 #ifdef DEBUG
2466                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe005);
2467                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcmovestartaddr);
2468                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gcblock2fill);
2469                                 BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(gctomove);
2470 #endif
2471                                 to->ptr = gcmovestartaddr;
2472                                 to->numblocks = gcblock2fill - 1;
2473                                 to->bound = (to->numblocks==0)?
2474                                         BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L:
2475                                         BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L+BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE*to->numblocks;
2476                                 BASEPTR(gcdstcore, to->numblocks, &(to->base));
2477                                 to->offset = to->ptr - to->base;
2478                                 to->top = (to->numblocks==0)?
2479                                         (to->offset):(to->bound-BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE+to->offset);
2480                                 to->base = to->ptr;
2481                                 to->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
2482                                 to->ptr += to->offset; // for header
2483                                 to->top += to->offset;
2484                                 if(gcdstcore == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
2485                                         localcompact = true;
2486                                 } else {
2487                                         localcompact = false;
2488                                 }
2489                                 gctomove = false;
2490                                 iscontinue = true;
2491                         } else if(!finishcompact) {
2492                                 // still pending
2493                                 iscontinue = false;
2494                         } // if(gctomove)
2496                 } // while(COMPACTPHASE == gcphase) 
2497 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2498                 tprintf("prepare to move large objs \n");
2499                 //dumpSMem();
2500 #endif
2501                 // move largeObjs
2502                 moveLObjs();
2503 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2504                 tprintf("compact phase finished \n");
2505                 //dumpSMem();
2506 #endif
2508                 gcphase = FLUSHPHASE;
2509                 gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 1;
2510                 for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
2511                         // send start flush messages to all cores
2512                         gccorestatus[i] = 1;
2513                         send_msg_1(i, GCSTARTFLUSH);
2514                 }
2516 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2517                 tprintf("Start flush phase \n");
2518 #endif
2519                 // flush phase
2520                 flush(stackptr);
2521                 gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
2522                 while(FLUSHPHASE == gcphase) {
2523                         // check the status of all cores
2524                         if(gc_checkCoreStatus()) {
2525                                 break;
2526                         }
2527                 } // while(FLUSHPHASE == gcphase)
2528                 gcphase = FINISHPHASE;
2530                 gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 1;
2531                 for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
2532                         // send gc finish messages to all cores
2533                         send_msg_1(i, GCFINISH);
2534                         gccorestatus[i] = 1;
2535                 }
2536 #ifdef GC_DEBUG
2537                 tprintf("gc finished \n");
2538                 dumpSMem();
2539 #endif
2540         } else {
2541                 gcprocessing = true;
2542                 gc_collect(stackptr);
2543         }
2545         // invalidate all shared mem pointers
2546         bamboo_cur_msp = NULL;
2547         bamboo_smem_size = 0;
2549         gcflag = false;
2550         gcprocessing = false;
2552 } // void gc(struct garbagelist * stackptr)
2554 #endif