Add test cases that will show the bug that was fixed in r256725.
[oota-llvm.git] / test / Object / yaml2obj-elf-rel-noref.yaml
1 # RUN: yaml2obj -format=elf %s | llvm-readobj -sections -relocations - | FileCheck %s
3 !ELF
4 FileHeader:        !FielHeader
5   Class:           ELFCLASS32
6   Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
7   Type:            ET_REL
8   Machine:         EM_ARM
9   Flags:           [ EF_ARM_EABI_VER5 ]
10 Sections:        
11   - Name:            .text
12     Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
13     Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
14     AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000004
15     Content:         03308FE0022093E7000052E31EFF2F01
16   - Name:            .rel.text
17     Type:            SHT_REL
18     Flags:           [ SHF_INFO_LINK ]
19     Link:            .symtab
20     AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000004
21     Info:            .text
22     Relocations:     
23       - Offset:          0x000000000000000C
24         Symbol:          ''
25         Type:            R_ARM_V4BX
26   - Name:            .data
27     Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
28     Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
29     AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
30     Content:         ''
31   - Name:            .bss
32     Type:            SHT_NOBITS
33     Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
34     AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
35     Size:            0
36   - Name:            .ARM.attributes
37     Type:            SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES
38     AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
39     Content:         4115000000616561626900010B000000060208010901
40 Symbols:         
41   Local:           
42     - Name:            .text
43       Type:            STT_SECTION
44       Section:         .text
45     - Name:            .data
46       Type:            STT_SECTION
47       Section:         .data
48     - Name:            .bss
49       Type:            STT_SECTION
50       Section:         .bss
51     - Name:            '$a'
52       Section:         .text
53     - Name:            call_weak_fn
54       Type:            STT_FUNC
55       Section:         .text
56     - Name:            .ARM.attributes
57       Type:            STT_SECTION
58       Section:         .ARM.attributes
60 # CHECK:        Section {
61 # CHECK-NEXT:     Index: 0
62 # CHECK:        }
63 # CHECK:        Section {
64 # CHECK-NEXT:     Index: 1
65 # CHECK-NEXT:     Name: .text (5)
66 # CHECK:        }
67 # CHECK-NEXT:   Section {
68 # CHECK-NEXT:     Index: 2
69 # CHECK-NEXT:     Name: .rel.text (1)
70 # CHECK-NEXT:     Type: SHT_REL (0x9)
71 # CHECK-NEXT:     Flags [ (0x40)
72 # CHECK:        }
73 # CHECK:        Relocations [
74 # CHECK-NEXT:     Section (2) .rel.text {
75 # CHECK-NEXT:       0xC R_ARM_V4BX - 0x0
76 # CHECK-NEXT:     }
77 # CHECK-NEXT:   ]