1 package edu.uci.iotproject.comparison.seqalignment;
3 import edu.uci.iotproject.Conversation;
4 import edu.uci.iotproject.analysis.TcpConversationUtils;
6 import java.util.Comparator;
9 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
12 * TODO add class documentation.
14 * @author Janus Varmarken
16 public class SequenceExtraction {
19 private final SequenceAlignment<Integer> mAlignmentAlg;
22 public SequenceExtraction() {
23 mAlignmentAlg = new SequenceAlignment<>(new AlignmentPricer<>((i1,i2) -> Math.abs(i1-i2), i -> 10));
27 public SequenceExtraction(SequenceAlignment<Integer> alignmentAlgorithm) {
28 mAlignmentAlg = alignmentAlgorithm;
32 * Gets the {@link SequenceAlignment} used to perform the sequence extraction.
33 * @return the {@link SequenceAlignment} used to perform the sequence extraction.
35 public SequenceAlignment<Integer> getAlignmentAlgorithm() {
42 // * @param convsForAction A set of {@link Conversation}s known to be associated with a single type of user action.
44 // public void extract(List<Conversation> convsForAction) {
45 // int maxDifference = 0;
47 // for (int i = 0; i < convsForAction.size(); i++) {
48 // for (int j = i+1; j < convsForAction.size(); i++) {
49 // Integer[] sequence1 = getPacketLengthSequence(convsForAction.get(i));
50 // Integer[] sequence2 = getPacketLengthSequence(convsForAction.get(j));
51 // int alignmentCost = mAlignmentAlg.calculateAlignment(sequence1, sequence2);
52 // if (alignmentCost > maxDifference) {
53 // maxDifference = alignmentCost;
61 // public void extract(Map<String, List<Conversation>> hostnameToConvs) {
62 // int maxDifference = 0;
64 // for (int i = 0; i < convsForAction.size(); i++) {
65 // for (int j = i+1; j < convsForAction.size(); i++) {
66 // Integer[] sequence1 = getPacketLengthSequence(convsForAction.get(i));
67 // Integer[] sequence2 = getPacketLengthSequence(convsForAction.get(j));
68 // int alignmentCost = mAlignmentAlg.calculateAlignment(sequence1, sequence2);
69 // if (alignmentCost > maxDifference) {
70 // maxDifference = alignmentCost;
77 // Building signature from entire sequence
78 public ExtractedSequence extract(List<Conversation> convsForActionForHostname) {
79 // First group conversations by packet sequences.
80 // TODO: the introduction of SYN/SYNACK, FIN/FINACK and RST as part of the sequence ID may be undesirable here
81 // as it can potentially result in sequences that are equal in terms of payload packets to be considered
82 // different due to differences in how they are terminated.
83 Map<String, List<Conversation>> groupedBySequence =
84 TcpConversationUtils.groupConversationsByPacketSequence(convsForActionForHostname);
86 // Then get a hold of one of the conversations that gave rise to the most frequent sequence.
87 Conversation mostFrequentConv = null;
89 for (Map.Entry<String, List<Conversation>> seqMapEntry : groupedBySequence.entrySet()) {
90 if (seqMapEntry.getValue().size() > maxFrequency) {
91 // Found a more frequent sequence
92 maxFrequency = seqMapEntry.getValue().size();
93 // We just pick the first conversation as the representative conversation for this sequence type.
94 mostFrequentConv = seqMapEntry.getValue().get(0);
95 } else if (seqMapEntry.getValue().size() == maxFrequency) {
96 // This sequence has the same frequency as the max frequency seen so far.
97 // Break ties by choosing the longest sequence.
98 // First get an arbitrary representative of currently examined sequence; we just pick the first.
99 Conversation c = seqMapEntry.getValue().get(0);
100 mostFrequentConv = c.getPackets().size() > mostFrequentConv.getPackets().size() ? c : mostFrequentConv;
103 // Now find the maximum cost of aligning the most frequent (or, alternatively longest) conversation with the
104 // each of the rest of the conversations also associated with this action and hostname.
106 final Integer[] mostFrequentConvSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(mostFrequentConv);
107 for (Conversation c : convsForActionForHostname) {
108 if (c == mostFrequentConv) {
109 // Don't compute distance to self.
112 Integer[] cSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(c);
113 int alignmentCost = mAlignmentAlg.calculateAlignment(mostFrequentConvSeq, cSeq);
114 if (alignmentCost > maxCost) {
115 maxCost = alignmentCost;
118 return new ExtractedSequence(mostFrequentConv, maxCost, false);
121 // Building signature from only TLS Application Data packets
122 public ExtractedSequence extractByTlsAppData(List<Conversation> convsForActionForHostname) {
123 // TODO: temporary hack to avoid 97-only conversations for dlink plug. We need some preprocessing/data cleaning.
124 convsForActionForHostname = convsForActionForHostname.stream().filter(c -> c.getTlsApplicationDataPackets().size() > 1).collect(Collectors.toList());
126 Map<String, List<Conversation>> groupedByTlsAppDataSequence =
127 TcpConversationUtils.groupConversationsByTlsApplicationDataPacketSequence(convsForActionForHostname);
128 // Get a Conversation representing the most frequent TLS application data sequence.
129 Conversation mostFrequentConv = groupedByTlsAppDataSequence.values().stream().max((l1, l2) -> {
130 // The frequency of a conversation with a specific packet sequence is the list size as that represents how
131 // many conversations exhibit that packet sequence.
132 // Hence, the difference between the list sizes can be used directly as the return value of the Comparator.
133 // Note: we break ties by choosing the one with the most TLS application data packets (i.e., the longest
134 // sequence) in case the frequencies are equal.
135 int diff = l1.size() - l2.size();
136 return diff != 0 ? diff : l1.get(0).getTlsApplicationDataPackets().size() - l2.get(0).getTlsApplicationDataPackets().size();
137 }).get().get(0); // Just pick the first as a representative of the most frequent sequence.
138 // Lengths of TLS Application Data packets in the most frequent (or most frequent and longest) conversation.
139 Integer[] mostFreqSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequenceTlsAppDataOnly(mostFrequentConv);
140 // Now find the maximum cost of aligning the most frequent (or, alternatively longest) conversation with the
141 // each of the rest of the conversations also associated with this action and hostname.
143 for (Conversation c : convsForActionForHostname) {
144 if (c == mostFrequentConv) continue;
145 int cost = mAlignmentAlg.calculateAlignment(mostFreqSeq, TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequenceTlsAppDataOnly(c));
146 maxCost = cost > maxCost ? cost : maxCost;
148 return new ExtractedSequence(mostFrequentConv, maxCost, true);
149 // Now find the maximum cost of aligning the most frequent (or, alternatively longest) conversation with the
150 // each of the rest of the conversations also associated with this action and hostname.