cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.5) if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) # If this is the root project, issue a project() command so that # the Visual Studio generator will create an .sln file. set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "Debug;RelWithAsserts;RelWithDebInfo" CACHE INTERNAL "Build configs") project(Junction) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) endif() # Default values, can be overridden by user set(JUNCTION_USERCONFIG "" CACHE STRING "Optional path to additional config file (relative to root CMakeLists.txt)") set(JUNCTION_WITH_FOLLY FALSE CACHE BOOL "Use Folly") set(JUNCTION_WITH_CDS FALSE CACHE BOOL "Use CDS") set(JUNCTION_WITH_NBDS FALSE CACHE BOOL "Use NBDS") set(JUNCTION_WITH_TBB FALSE CACHE BOOL "Use TBB") set(JUNCTION_WITH_TERVEL FALSE CACHE BOOL "Use Tervel") set(JUNCTION_TRACK_GRAMPA_STATS FALSE CACHE BOOL "Enable stats in ConcurrentMap_Grampa") set(JUNCTION_USE_STRIPING TRUE CACHE BOOL "Allocate a fixed-size ConditionBank for striped primitives") # Initialize variables used to collect include dirs/libraries. set(JUNCTION_INCLUDE_DIRS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include") set(JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${JUNCTION_INCLUDE_DIRS}") set(JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES junction) set(JUNCTION_ALL_DLLS "") list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") # Add turf targets and import its macros since we use them below find_package(Turf REQUIRED) include("${TURF_ROOT}/cmake/Macros.cmake") if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) # If this is the root project, apply build settings here so that # they're applied to all targets ApplyTurfBuildSettings() endif() add_subdirectory(${TURF_ROOT} turf) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${TURF_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES ${TURF_ALL_LIBRARIES}) # Optional: Locate Folly and append it to the list of include dirs/libraries. if(JUNCTION_WITH_FOLLY) find_package(Folly REQUIRED) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${FOLLY_INCLUDE_DIR}) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES ${FOLLY_LIBRARIES}) endif() # Optional: Locate CDS and append it to the list of include dirs/libraries. if(JUNCTION_WITH_CDS) find_package(CDS REQUIRED) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${CDS_INCLUDE_DIR}) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES ${CDS_LIBRARY}) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_DLLS ${CDS_DLL}) endif() # Optional: Locate NBDS and append it to the list of include dirs/libraries. if(JUNCTION_WITH_NBDS) set(NBDS_USE_TURF_HEAP FALSE CACHE BOOL "Redirect NBDS's memory allocator to use Turf") find_package(NBDS REQUIRED) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NBDS_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # If NBDS_USE_TURF_HEAP=1, then NBDS has dependencies on junction, so add junction to the linker # command line again as needed by the GNU linker. list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES ${NBDS_LIBRARIES} junction) endif() # Optional: Locate Intel TBB and append it to the list of include dirs/libraries. if(JUNCTION_WITH_TBB) set(TBB_USE_TURF_HEAP FALSE CACHE BOOL "Redirect TBB's memory allocator to use Turf") find_package(TBB REQUIRED) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${TBB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # If TBB_USE_TURF_HEAP=1, then TBB has dependencies on junction, so add junction to the linker # command line again as needed by the GNU linker. list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES ${TBB_LIBRARIES} junction) endif() # Optional: Locate Tervel and append it to the list of include dirs/libraries. if(JUNCTION_WITH_TERVEL) find_package(Tervel REQUIRED) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${TERVEL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES ${TERVEL_LIBRARIES}) endif() # Optional: Locate libcuckoo and append it to the list of include dirs/libraries. if(JUNCTION_WITH_LIBCUCKOO) find_package(LibCuckoo REQUIRED) list(APPEND JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBCUCKOO_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() # If this is the root listfile, add all samples if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) file(GLOB children samples/*) foreach(child ${children}) if(EXISTS "${child}/CMakeLists.txt") add_subdirectory("${child}") endif() endforeach() endif() # Gather source files. GetFilesWithSourceGroups(GLOB_RECURSE JUNCTION_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/junction junction/*.cpp junction/*.h) # Configure autogenerated headers. ConfigureFileIfChanged(cmake/ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/junction_config.h" JUNCTION_FILES) if(JUNCTION_USERCONFIG) # Interpret JUNCTION_USERCONFIG relative to root project, in case Junction was added as a subdirectory GetAbsoluteRelativeTo(absPath "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${JUNCTION_USERCONFIG}") ConfigureFileIfChanged("${absPath}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/junction_userconfig.h" JUNCTION_FILES) else() WriteFileIfDifferent("// JUNCTION_USERCONFIG not set when CMake was run. This is a placeholder file.\n" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/junction_userconfig.h" JUNCTION_FILES) endif() # Define library target. add_library(junction ${JUNCTION_FILES}) # Set include dirs for this library (done last, so it's not inherited by subprojects like Tervel, NBDS). include_directories(${JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Export include dirs/libraries to parent project if we were invoked using add_subdirectory(). if(NOT CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) set(JUNCTION_INCLUDE_DIRS "${JUNCTION_INCLUDE_DIRS}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${JUNCTION_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES "${JUNCTION_ALL_LIBRARIES}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(JUNCTION_ALL_DLLS "${JUNCTION_ALL_DLLS}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif()