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SampleIntegerAlignmentPricer - Class in edu.uci.iotproject.comparison.seqalignment
A sample AlignmentPricer for computing the cost of aligning integer values.
SampleIntegerAlignmentPricer() - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.comparison.seqalignment.SampleIntegerAlignmentPricer
SanitySignatureGenerator - Class in edu.uci.iotproject.evaluation
Hacky utility for producing a sanity signature for negative test sets.
SanitySignatureGenerator() - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.evaluation.SanitySignatureGenerator
SequenceAlignment<ALIGNMENT_UNIT> - Class in edu.uci.iotproject.comparison.seqalignment
A generic implementation of the sequence alignment algorithm given in Kleinberg's and Tardos' "Algorithm Design".
SequenceAlignment(AlignmentPricer<ALIGNMENT_UNIT>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.comparison.seqalignment.SequenceAlignment
Constructs a new SequenceAlignment.
SequenceAlignmentTest - Class in edu.uci.iotproject.test
Tests the implementation of SequenceAlignment.
SequenceAlignmentTest() - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.test.SequenceAlignmentTest
SequenceExtraction - Class in edu.uci.iotproject.comparison.seqalignment
TODO add class documentation.
SequenceExtraction() - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.comparison.seqalignment.SequenceExtraction
SequenceExtraction(SequenceAlignment<Integer>) - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.comparison.seqalignment.SequenceExtraction
serializeClustersIntoFile(String, List<List<PcapPacket>>) - Static method in class edu.uci.iotproject.util.PrintUtils
Write the list of list of packet pairs List<List<PcapPacket>> into a file.
serializeIntoFile(String, List<List<List<PcapPacket>>>) - Static method in class edu.uci.iotproject.util.PrintUtils
Write the signature and cluster analysis List<List<List<PcapPacket>>> into a file.
setDnsMap(DnsMap) - Method in class edu.uci.iotproject.analysis.PcapPacketPair
Set the DnsMap to be queried for hostnames mappings when performing IP/hostname-sensitive clustering.
setTimestampFormatter(DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class edu.uci.iotproject.analysis.UserAction
Sets the DateTimeFormatter used when outputting a user action as a string and parsing a user action from a string.
shouldIncludePacket(PcapPacket) - Method in interface edu.uci.iotproject.analysis.PcapPacketFilter
shouldIncludePacket(PcapPacket) - Method in class edu.uci.iotproject.analysis.TriggerTrafficExtractor
SignatureDetectorObserver - Interface in edu.uci.iotproject.detection
Used for registering for notifications from a signature detector.
SignatureGenerator - Class in edu.uci.iotproject
This is a system that reads PCAP files to compare patterns of DNS hostnames, packet sequences, and packet lengths with training data to determine certain events or actions for smart home devices.
SignatureGenerator() - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.SignatureGenerator
sortConversationList(List<Conversation>) - Static method in class edu.uci.iotproject.analysis.TcpConversationUtils
Given a list of Conversation objects, sort them by timestamps.
sortSequences(List<List<List<PcapPacket>>>) - Static method in class edu.uci.iotproject.util.PcapPacketUtils
Sort the sequences in the List of List of List of PcapPacket objects.
stopReading() - Method in class
Stop reading from the wrapped PcapHandle.
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