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fameAlignedWithNameShouldBe1() - Method in class edu.uci.iotproject.test.SequenceAlignmentTest
FinAckPair - Class in edu.uci.iotproject.trafficreassembly.layer3
Groups a FIN packet and its corresponding ACK packet.
FinAckPair(PcapPacket) - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.trafficreassembly.layer3.FinAckPair
Constructs a FinAckPair given a FIN packet.
FinAckPair(PcapPacket, PcapPacket) - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.trafficreassembly.layer3.FinAckPair
Constructs a FinAckPair given a FIN and an ACK packet.
findFlowPattern() - Method in class edu.uci.iotproject.maclayer.MacLayerFlowPatternFinder
FlowPattern - Class in edu.uci.iotproject
TODO add class documentation.
FlowPattern(String, String, PcapHandle) - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.FlowPattern
Constructor #1
FlowPattern(String, List<String>, PcapHandle) - Constructor for class edu.uci.iotproject.FlowPattern
Constructor #2
fromCliNicSelection(PacketListener...) - Static method in class
Prompts the user to pick a Network Interface Card (NIC) for which live traffic is to be captured, then creates a PcapHandleReader that is ready to start capturing live traffic from that NIC.
fromNic(PcapNetworkInterface, PacketListener...) - Static method in class
Creates a PcapHandleReader that is ready to start capturing live traffic from the provided Network Interface Card (NIC).
fromPcapPacket(PcapPacket, boolean) - Static method in class edu.uci.iotproject.trafficreassembly.layer3.Conversation
Factory method for creating a Conversation from a PcapPacket.
fromString(String) - Static method in class edu.uci.iotproject.analysis.UserAction
Instantiates a UserAction from a string that obeys the format used in UserAction.toString().
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