set terminal postscript enhanced eps color set style data linespoints set style fill solid set grid ytics ##### Plot Execution time for 4 threads ######## set title "Execution times for Microbenchmark numthreads= 4" set output "ExecTime4.eps" set ylabel 'Time in secs' set xlabel 'Desired abort rate for benchmark in %' set yrange [0.43:0.47] set style line 1 lt 2 lw 2 pt 3 ps 0.5 plot 0.46 title 'No-lock base time' linewidth 2, \ "" using 1:2 title 'exec time' linetype 3 linewidth 2 #pause -1 ##### Plot Target abort rate vs observed rate for 4 threads ######## set title "Abort Rates for Microbenchmark(fudge factor= 3, numthreads= 4)" set output "AbortRate4.eps" set ylabel 'Observed Abort rate in %(numabort+numsoftabort)/numcommit' set xlabel 'Desired abort rate for benchmark in %' plot "run4.txt" using 1:2 with impulse title 'Base abort rate' linewidth 2, \ "" using 1:3 title 'abort rate' linetype 3 linewidth 2 #pause -1 ##### Plot Execution time for 8 threads ######## set title "Execution times for Microbenchmark numthreads= 8" set output "ExecTime8.eps" set ylabel 'Time in secs' set xlabel 'Desired abort rate for benchmark in %' set yrange [1.28:1.38] set style line 1 lt 2 lw 2 pt 3 ps 0.5 plot 1.35 title 'No-lock base time' linewidth 2, \ "" using 1:2 title 'exec time' linetype 3 linewidth 2 #pause -1 ##### Plot Target abort rate vs observed rate for 8 threads ######## set title "Abort Rates for Microbenchmark(fudge factor= 3, numthreads= 8)" set output "AbortRate8.eps" set ylabel 'Observed Abort rate in %(numabort+numsoftabort)/numcommit' set xlabel 'Desired abort rate for benchmark in %' plot "run8.txt" using 1:2 with impulse title 'Base abort rate' linewidth 2, \ "" using 1:3 title 'abort rate' linetype 3 linewidth 2 #pause -1