########################################################################## # # This master makefile shoudl be included in each local makefile of a # benchmark directory. The local makefile should define PROGRAM as # the name of the class with the main method, which also becomes the # name of the output binary. The local makefile should also declare # SOURCE_FILES with whatever Java files should be compiled # ########################################################################## BUILDSCRIPT=../../../buildscript COREPROFOVERFLOW= #-coreprof-checkoverflow USECOREPROF= #-coreprof $(COREPROFOVERFLOW) \ -coreprof-eventwords 1024*1024*128 \ -coreprof-enable cpe_main \ -coreprof-enable cpe_taskexecute \ -coreprof-enable cpe_taskdispatch \ -coreprof-enable cpe_runmalloc \ -coreprof-enable cpe_rcr_traverse # -coreprof-enable cpe_taskretire \ -coreprof-enable cpe_workschedsubmit \ -coreprof-enable cpe_workschedgrab \ -coreprof-enable cpe_poolalloc \ -coreprof-enable cpe_preparememq \ -coreprof-enable cpe_runfree \ -coreprof-enable cpe_count_poolalloc \ -coreprof-enable cpe_count_poolreuse \ -coreprof-enable cpe_taskstallvar \ -coreprof-enable cpe_taskstallmem USEOOO= -ooojava $(NUM_OOO_WORKERS) 2 -ooodebug -squeue #-ooodebug-disable-task-mem-pool USERCR= -ooojava $(NUM_RCR_WORKERS) 2 -rcr -ooodebug -squeue BSFLAGS= -64bit -mainclass $(PROGRAM) -heapsize-mb 8000 -garbagestats -joptimize -noloop -optimize -debug #-nooptimize #src-after-pp #-debug DRELEASEMODE=-disjoint-release-mode -disjoint-dvisit-stack-callees-on-top -disjoint-alias-file aliases.txt tabbed DISJOINT= -disjoint -disjoint-k 1 -enable-assertions $(DRELEASEMODE) #-disjoint-desire-determinism default: $(BUILDSCRIPT) -nojava $(BSFLAGS) $(USECOREPROF) $(USEOOO) $(DISJOINT) -o $(PROGRAM)p -builddir par $(SOURCE_FILES) rcr-remake-c: $(BUILDSCRIPT) -nojava $(BSFLAGS) $(USECOREPROF) $(USERCR) $(DISJOINT) -o $(PROGRAM)r -builddir rcr $(SOURCE_FILES) single: $(PROGRAM)s.bin $(PROGRAM)s.bin: $(SOURCE_FILES) ../master-makefile $(BUILDSCRIPT) -thread $(BSFLAGS) $(USECOREPROF) -o $(PROGRAM)s -builddir sing $(SOURCE_FILES) ooo: $(PROGRAM)p.bin $(PROGRAM)p.bin: $(SOURCE_FILES) ../master-makefile $(BUILDSCRIPT) $(BSFLAGS) $(USECOREPROF) $(USEOOO) $(DISJOINT) -o $(PROGRAM)p -builddir par $(SOURCE_FILES) rcr: $(PROGRAM)r.bin $(PROGRAM)r.bin: $(SOURCE_FILES) ../master-makefile $(BUILDSCRIPT) $(BSFLAGS) $(USECOREPROF) $(USERCR) $(DISJOINT) -o $(PROGRAM)r -builddir rcr $(SOURCE_FILES) clean: rm -f $(PROGRAM)p.bin $(PROGRAM)s.bin $(PROGRAM)r.bin rm -fr par sing rcr rm -f tmp.c rm -f *~ rm -f *.dot rm -f *.png rm -f *.txt rm -f aliases.txt rm -f mlpReport*txt rm -f results*txt rm -f coreprof.dat rm -f trace.out