#!/bin/bash printhelp() { echo STM Options echo -singleTM single machine committing transactions echo -stmdebug STM debug echo "-stmstats prints single machine commit (stm) statistics for the benchmark" echo -fastmemcpy use fast memcpy echo -sandbox sandbox transactions echo -dcopts conflict optimizations for transactional memory echo -transstats generates transaction stats on commits and aborts echo -inlineatomic depth inline methods inside of transactions to specified depth echo "-stmarray partial array treatment" echo "-dualview dual view of arrays" echo "-hybrid use fission only when it looks like a good choice" echo "-numa numa aware" echo "-eventmonitor turn on transaction event trace recording" echo echo OOOJava options echo -coreprof, turn on profiling API echo -coreprof-eventwords NUM, space in words/thread for coreprof events echo -coreprof-checkoverflow, ONLY use for debugging event overflow echo -coreprof-enable EVENTNAME, only enable desired events to reduce overhead echo EVENTNAME can be: cpe_main, cpe_runmalloc, cpe_runfree, cpe_poolalloc, cpe_count_poolalloc, cpe_count_poolreuse, cpe_workschedgrab, cpe_taskdispatch, cpe_preparememq, cpe_taskexecute, cpe_taskretire, cpe_taskstallvar, cpe_taskstallmem echo "-ooojava " echo -ooodebug general OOOJava debugging messages echo -ooodebug-disable-task-mem-pool this is a tricky module, disable for simpler runtime echo -mempool-detect-misuse turn on to find code misusing pool-allocated records echo -rcr turn on runtime conflict resolver echo -rcr_debug Shows weakly connected heaproots and which allocation sites were considered for traversal echo -rcr_debug_verbose in addition to above, also prints out effects passed in, internal representation of effects, and internal representation of reach graph echo -squeue use single queue echo -corepin use core pinning echo -nostalltr turn off RCR traversers that only handle conflicts between task and stallsite echo -nolock turn off synchronization lock echo echo Disjoint Reachability Analysis options echo -disjoint enable analysis echo -disjoint-k set k-limit for heap nodes per allocation site echo "-disjoint-write-dots write reach graphs for all method sols. or only final sols." echo -disjoint-write-initial-contexts write reach graphs for callee initial contexts from all call sites echo -disjoint-write-ihms write reach graphs for each call site\'s Initial Heap Model echo "-disjoint-alias-file write sharing for normal human reading or LaTeX tabbed" echo "-disjoint-debug-callsite " echo " To debug call site, give callee caller symbols (ie foo) the analysis visit to start capturing, num captures to take, and whether to halt analysis after capturing" echo "-disjoint-debug-snap-method " echo " To take snapshots at statements, give method symbol, the analysis visit to start capturing, num captures to take, and whether to halt analsyis after capturing" echo "-disjoint-dvisit-stack use stack strat to visit descriptors (tasks or methods)" echo -disjoint-dvisit-stack-callees-on-top alternate stack strat echo -disjoint-dvisit-pqueue use prio. q strat to visit descriptors echo -disjoint-desire-determinism set above interproc for determinism echo -disjoint-debug-scheduling debug when methods are scheduled for analysis echo echo -pointsto-check-v-runtime check allocation site of pointer targets at runtime to help verify heap analysis results echo echo "-mlp build mlp code" echo -mlpdebug if mlp, report progress and interim results echo echo DSM options echo -dsm distributed shared memory echo -abortreaders abort readers immediately echo -trueprob double - probabiltiy of true branch echo -dsmcaching -enable caching in dsm runtime echo echo BAMBOO Multicore options echo -scheduling do task scheduling echo "-distributioninfo execute to collect distribution info for simulated annealing in multi-core version" echo "-disall execute to collect whole distribution" echo "-disstart specify the start number of distribution information collection" echo -multicore generate multi-core version binary echo "-numcore set the number of cores (should be used together with -multicore), defaultly set as 1" echo "-interrupt generate raw version binary with interruption (should be used togethere with -raw)" echo "-rawpath print out execute path information for raw version (should be used together with -raw)" echo "-useprofile use profiling data for scheduling (should be used together with -raw)" echo -printscheduling print out scheduling graphs echo -printschedulesim print out scheduling simulator result graphs echo "-tilera_output_dir specify the output directory for the generated TILERA code" echo "-tilera_bme generate tilera version binary for Bare Mental Environment (should be used together with -multicore" echo "-tilera_zlinux generate tilera version binary for Zero-Overhead Linux with multi-process mode (should be used together with -multicore" echo "-tileraconfig config tilera simulator/pci as nxm (should be used together with -tilera)" echo "-raw generate raw version binary (should be used together with -multicore)" echo "-rawconfig config raw simulator as 4xn (should be used together with -raw)" echo "-tilera_memprof build the memprof version (should be used together with -tilera_xx) " echo -accurateprofile build with accurate profile information including pre/post task processing info echo -profile_interrupt build with profile information of interrupts echo "-useio use standard io to output profiling data (should be used together with -raw and -profile), it only works with single core version" echo echo Multicore GC options echo -perfcount performance counters echo -multicoregc generate multi-core binary with garbage collection echo -pmc parallel collector echo "-numcore4gc set the number of cores for gc (should be used together with -multicoregc), defaultly set as 0" echo "-gcmem_local set the gc shared memory allocation strategy as local (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gcmem_fixed set the gc shared memory allocation strategy as fixed (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gcmem_mixed set the gc shared memory allocation strategy as mixed (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gcmem_global set the gc shared memory allocation strategy as global (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gccache_local set the gc shared memory cache strategy as local (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gccache_ran set the gc shared memory cache strategy as random (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gccontroller_near set the gc shared memory to use the nearest controller for each core (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gccontroller_remote set the gc shared memory to use a remote controller for each core (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gcsmallpagesize(2) set the gc shared memory to use small page size (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gclargepagesize set the gc shared memory to use large page size (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gclargesharedheap(2) set the gc shared memory as large (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo "-gccacheadapt setup as cacheadaptable mode (should be used together with -multicoregc)" echo -gcprofile build with gcprofile options echo -mgc generate Multicore GC binary without task stuff echo -objectlockdebug generate OBJECT_LOCK_DEBUG code echo -gctbldebug generate GC_TBL_DEBUG code echo echo SSJava options echo -ssjava enables SSJava echo -ssjavadebug reports interim results echo echo Other options echo -jni enable jni echo -abcclose turnoff array boundary checks echo -builddir setup different build directory echo -robustroot set up the ROBUSTROOT to directory other than default one echo -readset turn on readset echo -mac distributed shared memory mac support echo -check generate check code echo -dmalloc link in dmalloc echo -64bit compile for 64 bit machine echo -32bit compile for 32 bit machine echo -joptimize java compiler optimizations echo -noloop turnoff loop optimizations echo -recover compile task code echo -fastcheck fast checkpointing for Bristlecone echo -specdir directory echo -printflat print out flat representation echo -selfloop task - this task cannot self loop forever echo "-excprefetch methoddescriptor - exclude prefetches for this method (specified as class.method)" echo -taskstate do task state analysis echo -tagstate do tag state analysis echo -optional enable optional echo -debug generate debug symbols echo -prefetch do prefetch analysis echo -heapsize-mb NUM set initial heap size in MB, default is 256 echo -garbagestats Print garbage collection statistics echo -webinterface enable web interface echo -runtimedebug printout runtime debug messages echo "-thread use support for multiple threads" echo "-optimize call gcc with -O9 (optimize)" echo "-nooptimize call gcc with -O0 (do not optimize)" echo -curdir directory echo -mainclass class with main method echo -o binary echo -nojava do not run bristlecone compiler echo -instructionfailures inject code for instructionfailures echo -profile build with profile options echo "-enable-assertions execute assert statements during compilation" echo -justanalyze exit after compiler analyses complete echo -assembly generate assembly echo -recovery compile recovery code echo -dsmtask support work and task class library echo -recoverystats print out recovery record echo -src-after-pp prints source code after preprocessor to tmp.c echo -capture-null-dereferences generates code to warn before derefencing null echo -printlinenum print out line numbers in generated C codes echo -help help } tmpbuilddirectory="tmpbuilddirectory" JNI=false SSJAVA=false SRCAFTERPP=false; COREPROF=false; NUMA=false; SANDBOX=false; ABORTREADERS=false; ROBUSTROOT=~/research/Robust/src DSMRUNTIME=$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/DSTM/interface/ STMRUNTIME=$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/STM/ DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME=$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/DSTM/interface_recovery/ REPAIRROOT=~/research/Repair/RepairCompiler/ CURDIR=`pwd` SQUEUE=false DSMFLAG=false DSMRECOVERY=false FASTMEMCPY=false STMARRAY=false DUALVIEW=false STM=false EVENTMONITOR=false NOJAVA=false CHECKFLAG=false RECOVERFLAG=false MLP_ON=false RCR=false RCR_DEBUG=false RCR_DEBUG_VERBOSE=false MLPDEBUG=false MULTICOREFLAG=false RAWFLAG=false TILERAFLAG=false TILERABMEFLAG=false TILERAZLINUXFLAG=false TILERAMEMPROFFLAG=false TILERACONFIG='' TILERACORES='' RAWCONFIG='' DEBUGFLAG=false RAWPATHFLAG=false PROFILEFLAG=false GCPROFILEFLAG=false GCPROFILESFLAG=false ACCURATEPROFILEFLAG=false PROFILEINTERRUPTFLAG=false USEIOFLAG=false INTERRUPTFLAG=false THREADSIMULATEFLAG=false; MULTICOREGCFLAG=false; PERFCOUNT=false; PMCFLAG=false; GCMEMLOCALFLAG=false; GCMEMFIXEDFLAG=false; GCMEMMIXEDFLAG=false; GCMEMGLOBALFLAG=false; GCCACHELOCALFLAG=false; GCCACHERANFLAG=false; GCCONTROLLERNEARFLAG=false; GCCONTROLLERREMOTEFLAG=false; GCSMALLPAGESIZEFLAG=false; GCLARGEPAGESIZEFLAG=false; GCLARGEPAGESIZE2FLAG=false; GCLARGESHAREDHEAPFLAG=false; GCSMALLPAGESIZEFLAG2=false; GCLARGESHAREDHEAPFLAG2=false; GCCACHEADAPTFLAG=false GCCACHEADAPTPOLICYFLAG=false GCCACHEADAPTPOLICY='' GCCACHESAMPLINGFLAG=false MGCFLAG=false MGCINTELFLAG=false OBJECTLOCKDEBUGFLAG=false GCTBLDEBUGFLAG=false USEDMALLOC=false THREADFLAG=false FASTCHECK=false SPECDIR=`pwd` SRCFILES='' EXTRAOPTIONS='' MAINFILE='a' JAVAFORWARDOPTS='' JAVAOPTS='' OPTIONALFLAG=false EXITAFTERANALYSIS=false ASSEMBLY=false GCCORES='' TILERAN1COREFLAG=false TILERA56COREFLAG=false TILERAOUTPUTDIR='' if [[ -z $1 ]] then printhelp exit fi while [[ -n $1 ]] do if [[ $1 = '-help' ]] then printhelp exit elif [[ $1 = '-jni' ]] then JNI=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -jni" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DJNI -I$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/jni" elif [[ $1 = '-justanalyze' ]] then EXITAFTERANALYSIS=true elif [[ $1 = '-capture-null-dereferences' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -capture-null-dereferences" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DCAPTURE_NULL_DEREFERENCES" elif [[ $1 = '-src-after-pp' ]] then SRCAFTERPP=true elif [[ $1 = '-assembly' ]] then ASSEMBLY=true elif [[ $1 = '-abortreaders' ]] then ABORTREADERS=true EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DABORTREADERS" JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -abortreaders" elif [[ $1 = '-sandbox' ]] then SANDBOX=true EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DSANDBOX" JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -sandbox" elif [[ $1 = '-numa' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DAFFINITY -D_GNU_SOURCE" NUMA=true elif [[ $1 = '-robustroot' ]] then ROBUSTROOT="$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-builddir' ]] then tmpbuilddirectory="$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-nojava' ]] then NOJAVA=true elif [[ $1 = '-eventmonitor' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -eventmonitor" EVENTMONITOR=true EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DEVENTMONITOR" elif [[ $1 = '-garbagestats' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DGARBAGESTATS" elif [[ $1 = '-64bit' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DBIT64 -m64" elif [[ $1 = '-32bit' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -m32" elif [[ $1 = '-fastcheck' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DFASTCHECK" JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -fastcheck" FASTCHECK=true elif [[ $1 = '-o' ]] then MAINFILE="$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-mainclass' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -mainclass $2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-selfloop' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -selfloop $2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-excprefetch' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -excprefetch $2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-arraypad' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -arraypad" elif [[ $1 = '-dsm' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -dsm" DSMFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-fastmemcpy' ]] then FASTMEMCPY=true EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DFASTMEMCPY" elif [[ $1 = '-singleTM' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -singleTM" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DSTM" STM=true elif [[ $1 = '-stmarray' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -stmarray" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DSTMARRAY" STMARRAY=true elif [[ $1 = '-dualview' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -dualview" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DDUALVIEW" DUALVIEW=true elif [[ $1 = '-readset' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -readset" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DREADSET" elif [[ $1 = '-stmdebug' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DSTMDEBUG" elif [[ $1 = '-stmstats' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DSTMSTATS" elif [[ $1 = '-stmlog' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DSTMLOG" elif [[ $1 = '-prefetch' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -prefetch" elif [[ $1 = '-transstats' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DTRANSSTATS" elif [[ $1 = '-printflat' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -printflat" elif [[ $1 = '-trueprob' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -trueprob $2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-inlineatomic' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -inlineatomic $2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-mac' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DMAC" elif [[ $1 = '-squeue' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DSQUEUE" elif [[ $1 = '-corepin' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DCOREPIN" SQUEUE=true elif [[ $1 = '-profile' ]] then PROFILEFLAG=true EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -pg" elif [[ $1 = '-gcprofile' ]] then GCPROFILEFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gcprofile_s' ]] then GCPROFILESFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-accurateprofile' ]] then ACCURATEPROFILEFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-profile_interrupt' ]] then PROFILEINTERRUPTFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-useio' ]] then USEIOFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-taskstate' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -taskstate" elif [[ $1 = '-tagstate' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -tagstate" elif [[ $1 = '-scheduling' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -scheduling" elif [[ $1 = '-multicore' ]] then MULTICOREFLAG=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -multicore" elif [[ $1 = '-numcore' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -numcore $2" TILERACORES="$2" if [[ "$2" -gt "1" ]] then TILERAN1COREFLAG=true if [[ "$2" -eq "56" ]] then TILERA56COREFLAG=true fi fi shift elif [[ $1 = '-numcore4gc' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -numcore4gc $2" GCCORES="GC_$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-raw' ]] then RAWFLAG=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -raw" elif [[ $1 = '-tilera_output_dir' ]] then TILERAOUTPUTDIR="$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-tilera_bme' ]] then TILERAFLAG=true TILERABMEFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-tilera_zlinux' ]] then TILERAFLAG=true TILERAZLINUXFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-tilera_memprof' ]] then TILERAMEMPROFFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-tileraconfig' ]] then TILERACONFIG="$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-rawconfig' ]] then RAWCONFIG="$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-interrupt' ]] then INTERRUPTFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-abcclose' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -abcclose" elif [[ $1 = '-optional' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -optional" OPTIONALFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-multicoregc' ]] then MULTICOREGCFLAG=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -multicoregc" elif [[ $1 = '-pmc' ]] then PMCFLAG=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -pmc" elif [[ $1 = '-perfcount' ]] then PERFCOUNT=true elif [[ $1 = '-gcmem_local' ]] then GCMEMLOCALFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gcmem_fixed' ]] then GCMEMFIXEDFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gcmem_mixed' ]] then GCMEMMIXEDFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gcmem_global' ]] then GCMEMGLOBALFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gccache_local' ]] then GCCACHELOCALFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gccache_ran' ]] then GCCACHERANFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gccontroller_near' ]] then GCCONTROLLERNEARFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gccontroller_remote' ]] then GCCONTROLLERREMOTEFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gcsmallpagesize' ]] then GCSMALLPAGESIZEFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gcsmallpagesize2' ]] then GCSMALLPAGESIZEFLAG2=true elif [[ $1 = '-gclargepagesize' ]] then GCLARGEPAGESIZEFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gclargepagesize2' ]] then GCLARGEPAGESIZE2FLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gclargesharedheap' ]] then GCLARGESHAREDHEAPFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gclargesharedheap2' ]] then GCLARGESHAREDHEAPFLAG2=true elif [[ $1 = '-gccacheadapt' ]] then GCCACHEADAPTFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-gccacheadaptpolicy' ]] then GCCACHEADAPTPOLICYFLAG=true GCCACHEADAPTPOLICY="$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-gccachesampling' ]] then GCCACHESAMPLINGFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-mgc' ]] then MGCFLAG=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -mgc" elif [[ $1 = '-mgcintel' ]] then MGCINTELFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-objectlockdebug' ]] then OBJECTLOCKDEBUGFLAG=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -objectlockdebug" elif [[ $1 = '-gctbldebug' ]] then GCTBLDEBUGFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-dmalloc' ]] then USEDMALLOC=true elif [[ $1 = '-recover' ]] then RECOVERFLAG=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -task" elif [[ $1 = '-useprofile' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -useprofile $2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-webinterface' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -webinterface" elif [[ $1 = '-instructionfailures' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -instructionfailures" elif [[ $1 = '-joptimize' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -optimize" elif [[ $1 = '-noloop' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -noloop" elif [[ $1 = '-dcopts' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -dcopts" elif [[ $1 = '-delaycomp' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -delaycomp" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DDELAYCOMP" elif [[ $1 = '-hybrid' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -hybrid" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DHYBRID" elif [[ $1 = '-minimize' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -minimize" elif [[ $1 = '-ooojava' ]] then MLP_ON=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -ooojava $2 $3" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DPRECISE_GC -lpthread -DMLP" shift shift elif [[ $1 = '-ooodebug-disable-task-mem-pool' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DOOO_DISABLE_TASKMEMPOOL" elif [[ $1 = '-ssjava' ]] then SSJAVA=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -ssjava" elif [[ $1 = '-ssjavadebug' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -ssjavadebug" elif [[ $1 = '-mempool-detect-misuse' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DMEMPOOL_DETECT_MISUSE" elif [[ $1 = '-heapsize-mb' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DINITIALHEAPSIZE_MB=($2)" shift elif [[ $1 = '-nostalltr' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -nostalltr" elif [[ $1 = '-printlinenum' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -printlinenum" elif [[ $1 = '-rcr' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -rcr" RCR=true EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DRCR -I$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/oooJava" elif [[ $1 = '-rcr_debug' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -rcr_debug" RCR_DEBUG=true elif [[ $1 = '-rcr_debug_verbose' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -rcr_debug_verbose" RCR_DEBUG_VERBOSE=true elif [[ $1 = '-debug-deque' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DDEBUG_DEQUE" elif [[ $1 = '-nolock' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DNOLOCK" elif [[ $1 = '-coreprof' ]] then COREPROF=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -coreprof" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DCOREPROF -I$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/coreprof" elif [[ $1 = '-coreprof-eventwords' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DCP_MAXEVENTWORDS=($2)" shift elif [[ $1 = '-coreprof-checkoverflow' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DCOREPROF_CHECKOVERFLOW" elif [[ $1 = '-coreprof-enable' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -D$2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-mlp' ]] then MLP_ON=true EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DPRECISE_GC -lpthread -DMLP" JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -mlp $2 $3" shift shift elif [[ $1 = '-mlpdebug' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -mlpdebug" elif [[ $1 = '-check' ]] then CHECKFLAG=true JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -conscheck" elif [[ $1 = '-enable-assertions' ]] then JAVAFORWARDOPTS="$JAVAFORWARDOPTS -ea" elif [[ $1 = '-specdir' ]] then cd $2 SPECDIR=`pwd` cd $CURDIR shift elif [[ $1 = '-debug' ]] then DEBUGFLAG=true EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -g -rdynamic" elif [[ $1 = '-rawpath' ]] then RAWPATHFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-runtimedebug' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DDEBUG" elif [[ $1 = '-dsmcaching' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DCACHE" elif [[ $1 = '-rangeprefetch' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DRANGEPREFETCH" elif [[ $1 = '-nooptimize' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -O0" elif [[ $1 = '-optimize' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -O3" elif [[ $1 = '-thread' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -thread" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DTHREADS -lpthread" THREADFLAG=true elif [[ $1 = '-recovery' ]] then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DRECOVERY" DSMRECOVERY=true elif [[ $1 = '-recoverystats' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -recoverystats" EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DRECOVERYSTATS" elif [[ $1 = '-distributioninfo' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -distributioninfo" elif [[ $1 = '-disall' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -disall" elif [[ $1 = '-disstart' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -disstart $2" shift elif [[ $1 = '-noc' ]] then CCOMPILEFLAG=false elif [[ $1 = '-curdir' ]] then CURDIR=$2 shift elif [[ $1 = '-outputdir' ]] then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -outputdir $2" shift else SRCFILES="$SRCFILES $1" fi shift done BUILDDIR="$CURDIR/$tmpbuilddirectory" BAMBOORUNTIME=$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/bamboo cd $1 cd $CURDIR shift mkdir $BUILDDIR if $CHECKFLAG #Generate structure files for repair tool then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -struct structfile" fi ######################### # Setup class path ######################### if $JNI then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/classpath/ -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/classpath/vm/reference" elif $MGCINTELFLAG then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/MGC/ -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/MGC/gnu/" elif $MGCFLAG then #base multicore gc files JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/MGC/ -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/MGC/gnu/" elif $SSJAVA then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/SSJava" else if $RECOVERFLAG then if $FASTCHECK then #fast transactions JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/FastCheck" else #base bristlecone files JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/Bristlecone" fi elif $DSMFLAG then #dsm stuff JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/JavaDSM" elif $STM then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/JavaSTM" elif $THREADFLAG then #threading java stuff JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/JavaThread" else #base java stuff JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/Java" fi fi # everyone gets this except ssjava! if ! $SSJAVA then JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/ -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/gnu/" fi ######################### # end classpath ######################### # Build bristlecone/java sources if $MULTICOREFLAG then if ! ${ROBUSTROOT}/ourjava -Xms50m -Xmx1500m $JAVAFORWARDOPTS -classpath $ROBUSTROOT/../cup/:$ROBUSTROOT Main.Main \ -dir $BUILDDIR $JAVAOPTS $SRCFILES then exit $? fi else if $MGCINTELFLAG then if ! ${ROBUSTROOT}/ourjava -Xms50m -Xmx1500m $JAVAFORWARDOPTS -classpath $ROBUSTROOT/../cup/:$ROBUSTROOT Main.Main $JAVAOPTS \ -dir $BUILDDIR -precise $SRCFILES then exit $? fi else if ! $NOJAVA then if ! ${ROBUSTROOT}/ourjava -Xms50m -Xmx1500m $JAVAFORWARDOPTS -classpath $ROBUSTROOT/../cup/:$ROBUSTROOT Main.Main \ -dir $BUILDDIR -precise $JAVAOPTS $SRCFILES then exit $? fi fi fi fi if $EXITAFTERANALYSIS then exit fi # Build all of the consistency specs if $CHECKFLAG # CHECKFLAG then cd $SPECDIR mkdir $BUILDDIR/specdir cp $REPAIRROOT/MCC/CRuntime/* $BUILDDIR/specdir echo > $BUILDDIR/specs # compile specs into C code for i in * # iterate over all directories do if [[ "$i" != "CVS" ]] # CVSDIR CHECK then cd $SPECDIR/$i cat $BUILDDIR/structfile.struct $i.label > $i.struct java -cp $REPAIRROOT/:. MCC.Compiler -name $i -checkonly $i cp size.[c,h] $BUILDDIR/specdir cp $i.c $i\_aux.[c,h] $BUILDDIR/specdir echo $i >> $BUILDDIR/specs fi # CVSDIR CHECK done # iterate over all directories #compile C code cd $BUILDDIR/specdir ./buildrobust echo > $BUILDDIR/checkers.h for i in `cat $BUILDDIR/specs` do gcc -O0 -g -fbounds-check -c $i\_aux.c echo \#include \"specdir\/$i\_aux.h\" >> $BUILDDIR/checkers.h done fi # CHECKFLAG #build and link everything if $RAWFLAG then # RAWFLAG RAWDIR="$CURDIR/raw" MAKEFILE="Makefile.raw" mkdir $RAWDIR cd $RAWDIR make clean rm ./* export RAWRGCCFLAGS="-DTASK -DMULTICORE -DRAW" if $RAWPATHFLAG then # print path RAWRGCCFLAGS="${RAWRGCCFLAGS} -DRAWPATH" fi if $DEBUGFLAG then #debug version RAWRGCCFLAGS="${RAWRGCCFLAGS} -DDEBUG" fi if $PROFILEFLAG then # profile version RAWRGCCFLAGS="${RAWRGCCFLAGS} -DPROFILE" fi if $ACCURATEPROFILEFLAG then # accurateprofile version RAWRGCCFLAGS="${RAWRGCCFLAGS} -DACCURATEPROFILE" fi if $USEIOFLAG then # useio version RAWRGCCFLAGS="${RAWRGCCFLAGS} -DUSEIO" fi if $INTERRUPTFLAG then #INTERRUPT version RAWRGCCFLAGS="${RAWRGCCFLAGS} -DINTERRUPT" fi #INTERRUPT version if $USEIOFLAG then # useio version MAKEFILE="$MAKEFILE.io" echo "+++++++++++use Makefile.raw.io++++++++++++++++" else MAKEFILE="$MAKEFILE.$RAWCONFIG" fi #useio version cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/RAW/$MAKEFILE ./Makefile cp ../Runtime/*.c ./ cp ../Runtime/*.h ./ cp ../Runtime/*.S ./ cp ../Runtime/*.s ./ cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/*.c ./ cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/*.h ./ cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/RAW/*.c ./ cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/RAW/*.h ./ cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/RAW/*.S ./ cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/RAW/*.s ./ cp ../$tmpbuilddirectory/*.c ./ cp ../$tmpbuilddirectory/*.h ./ make elif $TILERAFLAG then # TILERAFLAG TILERADIR="$CURDIR/${TILERAOUTPUTDIR}" if $TILERABMEFLAG then # TILERABMEFLAG TILERA_INDIR="BME" MAKEFILE="Makefile.tilera.$TILERACORES" #SIMHVC="sim.hvc.$TILERACONFIG" PCIHVC="pci.hvc.$TILERACORES" if $TILERA56COREFLAG then PCIHVC="$PCIHVC.56" fi elif $TILERAZLINUXFLAG then # TILERAZLINUXFLAG TILERA_INDIR="ZLinux" MAKEFILE="Makefile.tilera.$TILERACONFIG" fi mkdir $TILERADIR cd $TILERADIR make clean rm ./* if $MGCFLAG then export TILERACFLAGS="-DMULTICORE -DCLOSE_PRINT -DTILERA" else export TILERACFLAGS="-DTASK -DMULTICORE -DCLOSE_PRINT -DTILERA" fi if $GCTBLDEBUGFLAG then TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_TBL_DEBUG" fi if $OBJECTLOCKDEBUGFLAG then TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DOBJECT_LOCK_DEBUG" fi if $TILERAMEMPROFFLAG then # not only with 1 core PCIHVC="$PCIHVC.memprof" TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DBAMBOO_MEMPROF" fi if $TILERABMEFLAG then # TILERABMEFLAG TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DTILERA_BME" elif $TILERAZLINUXFLAG then # TILERAZLINUXFLAG TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DTILERA_ZLINUX" fi if $RAWPATHFLAG then # print path TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DRAWPATH" fi if $DEBUGFLAG then #debug version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DDEBUG" fi if $PROFILEFLAG then # profile version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DPROFILE" fi if $ACCURATEPROFILEFLAG then # accurateprofile version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DACCURATEPROFILE" fi if $PROFILEINTERRUPTFLAG then # profile_interrupt version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DPROFILE_INTERRUPT" fi if $USEIOFLAG then # useio version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DUSEIO" fi if $INTERRUPTFLAG then #INTERRUPT version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DINTERRUPT" fi #INTERRUPT version if $MGCFLAG then #MGCFLAG TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DMGC -DMGC_SPEC" fi if $MULTICOREGCFLAG then #MULTICOREGC version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DMULTICORE_GC -D${GCCORES}" fi if $PMCFLAG then #MULTICOREGC version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DPMC_GC -D${GCCORES}" fi if $PERFCOUNT then #MULTICOREGC version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DPERFCOUNT" fi if $GCPROFILEFLAG then # GC_PROFILE version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_PROFILE" fi if $GCPROFILESFLAG then # GC_PROFILE_S version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_PROFILE_S" fi if $GCMEMLOCALFLAG then # SMEMLOCAL version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DSMEML" fi if $GCMEMFIXEDFLAG then # SMEMFIXED version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DSMEMF" fi if $GCMEMMIXEDFLAG then # SMEMMIXED version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DSMEMM" fi if $GCMEMGLOBALFLAG then # SMEMGLOBAL version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DSMEMG" fi if $GCCACHELOCALFLAG then # CACHE_LOCAL version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DCACHE_LOCAL" fi if $GCCACHERANFLAG then # CACHE_RAN version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DCACHE_RAN" fi if $GCCONTROLLERNEARFLAG then # CONTROLLER_NEAR version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DCONTROLLER_NEAR" fi if $GCCONTROLLERREMOTEFLAG then # CONTROLLER_REMOTE version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DCONTROLLER_REMOTE" fi if $GCSMALLPAGESIZEFLAG then # GC_SMALLPAGESIZE version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_SMALLPAGESIZE" fi if $GCLARGEPAGESIZEFLAG then # GC_LARGEPAGESIZE version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_LARGEPAGESIZE" fi if $GCLARGEPAGESIZE2FLAG then # GC_LARGEPAGESIZE2 version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_LARGEPAGESIZE2" fi if $GCLARGESHAREDHEAPFLAG then # GC_LARGESHAREDHEAP version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_LARGESHAREDHEAP" fi if $GCSMALLPAGESIZEFLAG2 then # GC_SMALLPAGESIZE2 version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_SMALLPAGESIZE2" fi if $GCLARGESHAREDHEAPFLAG2 then # GC_LARGESHAREDHEAP2 version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_LARGESHAREDHEAP2" fi if $GCCACHEADAPTFLAG then # GC_CACHE_ADAPT version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_CACHE_ADAPT" fi if $GCCACHEADAPTPOLICYFLAG then # GC_CACHE_ADAPT version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_CACHE_ADAPT_POLICY${GCCACHEADAPTPOLICY}" fi if $GCCACHESAMPLINGFLAG then # GC_CACHE_ADAPT version TILERACFLAGS="${TILERACFLAGS} -DGC_CACHE_SAMPLING" fi if $PMCFLAG then cp $ROBUSTROOT/Tilera/Runtime/PMC/$MAKEFILE ./Makefile elif $MGCFLAG then cp $ROBUSTROOT/Tilera/Runtime/MGC/$MAKEFILE ./Makefile else cp $ROBUSTROOT/Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/$MAKEFILE ./Makefile fi if $TILERABMEFLAG then # TILERABMEFLAG #cp $ROBUSTROOT/Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/$SIMHVC ./sim.hvc cp $ROBUSTROOT/Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/$PCIHVC ./pci.hvc if $TILERA56COREFLAG then cp $ROBUSTROOT/Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/bamboo-vmlinux-pci.hvc.56 ./bamboo-vmlinux-pci.hvc.56 else cp $ROBUSTROOT/Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/bamboo-vmlinux-pci.hvc ./bamboo-vmlinux-pci.hvc fi fi cp ../Runtime/Queue.c ./ cp ../Runtime/file.c ./ cp ../Runtime/math.c ./ if [ !$MGCFLAG ] then cp ../Runtime/object.c ./ fi cp ../Runtime/GenericHashtable.c ./ cp ../Runtime/SimpleHash.c ./ cp ../Runtime/ObjectHash.c ./ cp ../Runtime/socket.c ./ cp ../Runtime/mem.c ./ cp ../Runtime/GenericHashtable.h ./ cp ../Runtime/mem.h ./ if [ !$MGCFLAG ] then cp ../Runtime/object.h ./ fi cp ../Runtime/ObjectHash.h ./ cp ../Runtime/Queue.h ./ cp ../Runtime/runtime.h ./ cp ../Runtime/SimpleHash.h ./ cp ../Runtime/objtypes.h ./ cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/*.c ./ cp $BAMBOORUNTIME/*.h ./ cp ../Tilera/Runtime/*.c ./ cp ../Tilera/Runtime/*.h ./ cp ../Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/*.c ./ cp ../Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/*.h ./ if $TILERAZLINUXFLAG then # TILERAZLINUXFLAG cp ../Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/*.S ./ fi #if $TILERAMEMPROFFLAG #then # TILERAMEMPROFFLAG cp ../Tilera/Runtime/$TILERA_INDIR/linux_client.c ./ #fi if $MGCFLAG then cp ../Tilera/Runtime/MGC/*.c ./ cp ../Tilera/Runtime/MGC/*.h ./ fi cp ../Tilera/lib/* ./ cp ../$tmpbuilddirectory/*.c ./ cp ../$tmpbuilddirectory/*.h ./ echo $TILERACFLAGS > ./tileracflags.txt make else #!RAWFLAG && !TILERABMEFLAG && ! TILERAZLINUXFLAG cd $CURDIR INCLUDES="$INCLUDES -I$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime -I. -IRuntime/include \ -I$BUILDDIR" if $MULTICOREFLAG then RUNTIMEFILE="$BAMBOORUNTIME/multicoreruntime.c $BAMBOORUNTIME/multicoretask.c" INCLUDES="$INCLUDES -I$BAMBOORUNTIME" else RUNTIMEFILE="$ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/runtime.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/task.c" fi FILES="$RUNTIMEFILE \ $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/file.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/Queue.c \ $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/SimpleHash.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/option.c \ $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/ObjectHash.c \ $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/garbage.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/socket.c \ $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/taskgarbage.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/oojgarbage.c \ $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/math.c \ $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/GenericHashtable.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/object.c" if $JNI then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/jni/jni.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/jni/jni-stuff.c" fi if $NUMA then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/affinity.c" fi if $EVENTMONITOR then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/STM/monitor.c" fi if $FASTMEMCPY then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/memcpy32.o $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/instrset32.o" fi if $DSMFLAG then if $DSMRECOVERY then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -lpthread -DCOMPILER -DDSTM -I$DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME" FILES="$FILES $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/trans.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/mcpileq.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/objstr.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/dstm.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/altmlookup.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/clookup.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/llookup.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/tlookup.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/threadnotify.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/dstmserver.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/plookup.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/ip.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/queue.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/altprelookup.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/machinepile.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/localobjects.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/thread.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/sockpool.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/addUdpEnhance.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/signal.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/gCollect.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/addPrefetchEnhance.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/dsmlock.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/translist.c $DSMRECOVERYRUNTIME/paxos.c" else EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -lpthread -DCOMPILER -DDSTM -I$DSMRUNTIME" FILES="$FILES $DSMRUNTIME/trans.c $DSMRUNTIME/mcpileq.c $DSMRUNTIME/objstr.c $DSMRUNTIME/dstm.c $DSMRUNTIME/clookup.c $DSMRUNTIME/llookup.c $DSMRUNTIME/threadnotify.c $DSMRUNTIME/dstmserver.c $DSMRUNTIME/plookup.c $DSMRUNTIME/ip.c $DSMRUNTIME/queue.c $DSMRUNTIME/altprelookup.c $DSMRUNTIME/machinepile.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/localobjects.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/thread.c $DSMRUNTIME/sockpool.c $DSMRUNTIME/addUdpEnhance.c $DSMRUNTIME/signal.c $DSMRUNTIME/gCollect.c $DSMRUNTIME/addPrefetchEnhance.c $DSMRUNTIME/dsmlock.c $DSMRUNTIME/prefetch.c $DSMRUNTIME/altmlookup.c" fi fi if $STM then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -lpthread -DCOMPILER -I$STMRUNTIME" FILES="$FILES $STMRUNTIME/stmlock.c $STMRUNTIME/stm.c $STMRUNTIME/stmlookup.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/thread.c $STMRUNTIME/stats.c $STMRUNTIME/commit.c $STMRUNTIME/objstr.c" fi if $SANDBOX then if $DSMFLAG then FILES="$FILES $DSMRUNTIME/sandbox.c" else FILES="$FILES $STMRUNTIME/sandbox.c" fi fi if $ABORTREADERS then FILES="$FILES $DSMRUNTIME/abortreaders.c" fi if $FASTCHECK then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/localobjects.c" fi if $COREPROF then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/coreprof/coreprof.c" fi if $RCR then FILES="$FILES $tmpbuilddirectory/RuntimeConflictResolver.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/oooJava/hashRCR.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/oooJava/Queue_RCR.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/oooJava/hashStructure.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/oooJava/trqueue.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/oooJava/rcr_runtime.c" fi if $MLP_ON then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/mlp_runtime.c" FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/psemaphore.c" FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/workschedule.c" if ! $SQUEUE then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/deque.c" fi fi if $RECOVERFLAG then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DTASK" if $MULTICOREFLAG then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DMULTICORE" fi FILES="$FILES $tmpbuilddirectory/taskdefs.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/checkpoint.c $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/chash.c" if $RAWFLAG then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DRAW" fi if $THREADSIMULATEFLAG then # -lpthread for pthread functions, -lrt for message queue functions EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DTHREADSIMULATE -lpthread -lrt" fi fi if $OPTIONALFLAG then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DOPTIONAL" FILES="$FILES $tmpbuilddirectory/optionalarrays.c" fi if $THREADFLAG then FILES="$FILES $ROBUSTROOT/Runtime/thread.c" fi if $CHECKFLAG then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -DCONSCHECK $BUILDDIR/specdir/*.o" INCLUDES="$INCLUDES -I$BUILDDIR/specdir" fi if $USEDMALLOC then EXTRAOPTIONS="$EXTRAOPTIONS -ldmalloc -DDMALLOC" fi echo Compiling C... echo EXTRAOPTIONS=$EXTRAOPTIONS if $ASSEMBLY then gcc -S $INCLUDES $EXTRAOPTIONS -DPRECISE_GC \ -c $tmpbuilddirectory/methods.c -lm fi if $MULTICOREFLAG then NONMULTICOREOPTS= else NONMULTICOREOPTS=-DPRECISE_GC fi if $SRCAFTERPP then gcc -E $INCLUDES $EXTRAOPTIONS $NONMULTICOREOPTS \ $tmpbuilddirectory/methods.c $FILES > tmp.c fi gcc $INCLUDES $EXTRAOPTIONS $NONMULTICOREOPTS \ $tmpbuilddirectory/methods.c $FILES -lm -o $MAINFILE.bin fi #!RAWFLAG exit