(*===-- llvm_executionengine.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface ---------*- C++ -*-===* * * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure * * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. * *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*) (** JIT Interpreter. This interface provides an ocaml API for LLVM execution engine (JIT/ interpreter), the classes in the ExecutionEngine library. *) exception Error of string module GenericValue: sig (** [GenericValue.t] is a boxed union type used to portably pass arguments to and receive values from the execution engine. It supports only a limited selection of types; for more complex argument types, it is necessary to generate a stub function by hand or to pass parameters by reference. See the struct [llvm::GenericValue]. *) type t (** [of_float fpty n] boxes the float [n] in a float-valued generic value according to the floating point type [fpty]. See the fields [llvm::GenericValue::DoubleVal] and [llvm::GenericValue::FloatVal]. *) val of_float: Llvm.lltype -> float -> t (** [of_pointer v] boxes the pointer value [v] in a generic value. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::PointerVal]. *) val of_pointer: 'a -> t (** [of_int32 n w] boxes the int32 [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *) val of_int32: Llvm.lltype -> int32 -> t (** [of_int n w] boxes the int [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *) val of_int: Llvm.lltype -> int -> t (** [of_natint n w] boxes the native int [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *) val of_nativeint: Llvm.lltype -> nativeint -> t (** [of_int64 n w] boxes the int64 [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *) val of_int64: Llvm.lltype -> int64 -> t (** [as_float fpty gv] unboxes the floating point-valued generic value [gv] of floating point type [fpty]. See the fields [llvm::GenericValue::DoubleVal] and [llvm::GenericValue::FloatVal]. *) val as_float: Llvm.lltype -> t -> float (** [as_pointer gv] unboxes the pointer-valued generic value [gv]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::PointerVal]. *) val as_pointer: t -> 'a (** [as_int32 gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int32]. Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than 32 bits. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *) val as_int32: t -> int32 (** [as_int gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int]. Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than the host bit width (but the most significant bit may be lost). See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *) val as_int: t -> int (** [as_natint gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as a [nativeint]. Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than [nativeint]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *) val as_nativeint: t -> nativeint (** [as_int64 gv] returns the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int64]. Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than [int64]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *) val as_int64: t -> int64 end module ExecutionEngine: sig (** An execution engine is either a JIT compiler or an interpreter, capable of directly loading an LLVM module and executing its functions without first invoking a static compiler and generating a native executable. *) type t (** [create mp] creates a new execution engine, taking ownership of the module provider [mp] if successful. Creates a JIT if possible, else falls back to an interpreter. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with [dispose ee]. See the function [llvm::ExecutionEngine::create]. *) val create: Llvm.llmoduleprovider -> t (** [create_interpreter mp] creates a new interpreter, taking ownership of the module provider [mp] if successful. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with [dispose ee]. See the function [llvm::ExecutionEngine::create]. *) val create_interpreter: Llvm.llmoduleprovider -> t (** [create_jit mp] creates a new JIT (just-in-time compiler), taking ownership of the module provider [mp] if successful. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with [dispose ee]. See the function [llvm::ExecutionEngine::create]. *) val create_jit: Llvm.llmoduleprovider -> t (** [dispose ee] releases the memory used by the execution engine and must be invoked to avoid memory leaks. *) val dispose: t -> unit (** [add_module_provider mp ee] adds the module provider [mp] to the execution engine [ee]. *) val add_module_provider: Llvm.llmoduleprovider -> t -> unit (** [remove_module_provider mp ee] removes the module provider [mp] from the execution engine [ee], disposing of [mp] and the module referenced by [mp]. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurs. *) val remove_module_provider: Llvm.llmoduleprovider -> t -> Llvm.llmodule (** [find_function n ee] finds the function named [n] defined in any of the modules owned by the execution engine [ee]. Returns [None] if the function is not found and [Some f] otherwise. *) val find_function: string -> t -> Llvm.llvalue option (** [run_function f args ee] synchronously executes the function [f] with the arguments [args], which must be compatible with the parameter types. *) val run_function: Llvm.llvalue -> GenericValue.t array -> t -> GenericValue.t (** [run_static_ctors ee] executes the static constructors of each module in the execution engine [ee]. *) val run_static_ctors: t -> unit (** [run_static_dtors ee] executes the static destructors of each module in the execution engine [ee]. *) val run_static_dtors: t -> unit (** [run_function_as_main f args env ee] executes the function [f] as a main function, passing it [argv] and [argc] according to the string array [args], and [envp] as specified by the array [env]. Returns the integer return value of the function. *) val run_function_as_main: Llvm.llvalue -> string array -> (string * string) array -> t -> int (** [free_machine_code f ee] releases the memory in the execution engine [ee] used to store the machine code for the function [f]. *) val free_machine_code: Llvm.llvalue -> t -> unit (** [target_data ee] is the target data owned by the execution engine [ee]. *) val target_data: t -> Llvm_target.TargetData.t end