apply plugin: "java" sourceCompatibility = 1.8 targetCompatibility = 1.8 repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { testImplementation "junit:junit:4.12" } sourceSets { annotations { java.srcDirs = ["src/annotations"] java.outputDir = file("${buildDir}/annotations") } main { java.srcDirs = ["src/main"] java.outputDir = file("${buildDir}/main") compileClasspath += sourceSets.annotations.output } examples { java.srcDirs = ["src/examples"] java.outputDir = file("${buildDir}/examples") compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.output } classes { java.srcDirs = ["src/classes"] java.outputDir = file("${buildDir}/classes") compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.annotations.output } peers { java.srcDirs = ["src/peers"] java.outputDir = file("${buildDir}/peers") compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.annotations.output } test { java.srcDirs = ["src/tests"] java.outputDir = file("${buildDir}/tests") compileClasspath += sourceSets.annotations.output + sourceSets.classes.output + sourceSets.peers.output } } test { enableAssertions = true forkEvery = 1 maxHeapSize = "1024m" include "**/*Test.class" exclude "**/SplitInputStreamTest.class" exclude "**/JPF_*.class" // XXX Tests temporarily ignored because they are not fully supported in the Gradle build yet new File("failing-tests.txt").eachLine { failedTestClass -> def ignoredPath = "**/" + failedTestClass.replace(".", "/") + ".class" exclude ignoredPath } testLogging { events "passed", "skipped", "failed" } afterSuite { testDescriptor, result -> if (!testDescriptor.parent) { println "Test Execution: ${result.resultType}" def summaryFields = ["${result.testCount} tests", "${result.successfulTestCount} passed", "${result.failedTestCount} failed", "${result.skippedTestCount} skipped"] println "Summary: " + summaryFields.join(", ") } } } task compile { group = "JPF Build" description = "Compile all JPF core sources" // These are automatic generated tasks from the Java Gradle Plugin. // Gradle is able to infer the ordering of the source source sets // due to the compileClasspath attribute dependsOn compileTestJava, compileExamplesJava } defaultTasks "compile"