public interface TestClassInterface { public byte getByte(byte in); public short getShort(short in); public long getLong(long in); public float getFloat(float in); public double getDouble(double in); public boolean getBoolean(boolean in); public char getChar(char in); public byte[] getByteArray(byte in[]); public short[] getShortArray(short in[]); public long[] getLongArray(long in[]); public float[] getFloatArray(float in[]); public double[] getDoubleArray(double in[]); public boolean[] getBooleanArray(boolean in[]); public char[] getCharArray(char in[]); public List getByteList(List in); public List getShortList(List in); public List getLongList(List in); public List getFloatList(List in); public List getDoubleList(List in); public List getBooleanList(List in); public List getCharList(List in); public Enum handleEnum(Enum en); public Enum[] handleEnumArray(Enum en[]); public List handleEnumList(List en); public Struct handleStruct(Struct str); public Struct[] handleStructArray(Struct str[]); public List handleStructList(List str); public int getA(); public void setA(int _int); public void setB(float _float); public void setC(String _string); public String sumArray(String newA[]); public int setAndGetA(int newA); public int setACAndGetA(String newC, int newA); capability Setters { description = "All the set methods"; method = "getByte(byte in)"; method = "getShort(short in)"; method = "getLong(long in)"; method = "getFloat(float in)"; method = "getDouble(double in)"; method = "getBoolean(boolean in)"; method = "getChar(char in)"; method = "getByteArray(byte in[])"; method = "getShortArray(short in[])"; method = "getLongArray(long in[])"; method = "getFloatArray(float in[])"; method = "getDoubleArray(double in[])"; method = "getBooleanArray(boolean in[])"; method = "getCharArray(char in[])"; method = "getByteList(List in)"; method = "getShortList(List in)"; method = "getLongList(List in)"; method = "getFloatList(List in)"; method = "getDoubleList(List in)"; method = "getBooleanList(List in)"; method = "getCharList(List in)"; method = "handleEnum(Enum en)"; method = "handleEnumArray(Enum en[])"; method = "handleEnumList(List en)"; method = "handleStruct(Struct str)"; method = "handleStructArray(Struct str[])"; method = "handleStructList(List str)"; method = "getA()"; method = "setA(int _int)"; method = "setB(float _float)"; method = "setC(String _string)"; } capability SetAndGets { description = "All the set-and-get methods"; method = "sumArray(String newA[])"; method = "setAndGetA(int newA)"; method = "setACAndGetA(String newC, int newA)"; } enum Enum { APPLE, ORANGE, GRAPE } struct Struct { string name; float value; int year; } }