------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fence support: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fences provide a few new modification order constraints as well as an interesting extension to release sequences, detailed in 29.3 (p4-p7) and 29.8 (p2-p4). The specifications are pasted here in Appendix A and are applied to our model-checker in these notes. Section 29.3 details the modification order constraints established by sequentially-consistent fences. Section 29.8 details the behavior of release and acquire fences (note that memory_order_seq_cst is both release and acquire). The text of these rules are provided at the end of this document for reference. ******************************* Backtracking requirements ******************************* Because we maintain the seq-cst order as consistent with the execution order, seq-cst fences cannot commute with each other, with seq-cst loads, nor with seq-cst stores; we backtrack at all such pairs. Fences extend release/acquire synchronization beyond just store-release/load-acquire. We must backtrack with potentially-synchronizing fences: that is, with any pair of store- or fence-release and load- or fence-acquire, where the release comes after the acquire in the execution order (the other ordering is OK, as we will explore both behaviors; where the pair synchronize and where they don't). Note that, for instance, a fence-release may synchronize with a fence-acquire only in the presence of a appropriate load/store pair (29.8p2); but the synchronization still occurs between the fences, so the backtracking requirements are only placed on the release/acquire fences themselves. ******************************* Seq-cst MO constraints (29.3 p4-p7) ******************************* The statements given in the specification regarding sequentially consistent fences can be transformed into the following 4 modification order constraints. 29.3p4 If is_write(A) && is_read(B) && is_write(X) && is_fence(Y) && is_seqcst(X) && is_seqcst(Y) && A != X && same_loc(X, A, B) && A --rf-> B && X --sc-> Y --sb-> B then X --mo-> A Intuition/Implementation: * We may (but don't currently) limit our considertion of X to only the most recent (in the SC order) store to the same location as A and B prior to Y (note that all prior writes will be ordered prior to X in both SC and MO) * We should consider the "most recent" seq-cst fence Y that precedes B * This search can be combined with the r_modification_order search, since we already iterate through the necessary stores X 29.3p5 If is_write(A) && is_read(B) && is_write(X) && is_fence(Y) && is_seqcst(B) && is_seqcst(Y) && same_loc(X, A, B) && A != X && A --rf-> B && X --sb-> Y --sc-> B then X --mo-> A Intuition/Implementation: * We only need to examine the "most recent" seq-cst fence Y from each thread * We only need to examine the "most recent" qualifying store X that precedes Y; all other X will provide a weaker MO constraint * This search can be combined with the r_modification_order search, since we already iterate through the necessary stores X For atomic operations A and B on an atomic object M, where A modifies M and B takes its value, if there is a memory_order_seq_cst fence X such that A is sequenced before X and B follows X in S, then B observes either the effects of A or a later modification of M in its modification order. 29.3p6 If is_write(A) && is_read(B) && is_write(X) && is_fence(Y) && is_fence(Z) && is_seqcst(Y) && is_seqcst(Z) && same_loc(X, A, B) && A != X && A --rf-> B && X --sb-> Y --sc-> Z --sb-> B then X --mo-> A Intuition/Implementation: * We should consider only the "most recent" fence Z in the same thread as B (prior fences may only yield the same or weaker constraints) * We may then consider the "most recent" seq-cst fence Y prior to Z (in SC order) from each thread (prior fences may only yield the same or weaker constraints) * We should consider only the "most recent" store X (to the same location as A, B) in the same thread as Y (prior stores may only yield the same or weaker constraints) * This search can be combined with the r_modification_order search, since we already iterate through the necessary stores X 29.3p7 If is_write(A) && is_write(B) && is_fence(X) && is_fence(Y) && is_seqcst(X) && is_seqcst(Y) && same_loc(A, B) && A --sb-> X --sc-> Y --sb-> B then A --mo-> B Intuition/Implementation: * (Similar to 29.3p6 rules, except using A/B write/write) only search for the most recent fence Y in the same thread; search for the most recent (prior to Y) fence X from each thread; search for the most recent store A prior to X * This search can be combined with the w_modification_order search, since we already iterate through the necessary stores A ********************************************************************** Release/acquire synchronization: extended to fences (29.3 p4-p7) ********************************************************************** The C++ specification statements regarding release and acquire fences make extensions to release sequences, using what they call "hypothetical release sequences." These hypothetical release sequences are the same as normal release sequences, except that the "head" doesn't have to be a release: it can have any memory order (e.g., relaxed). This change actually simplifies our release sequences (for the fence case), as we don't actually have to establish a contiguous modification order all the way to a release operation; we just need to reach the same thread (via a RMW chain, for instance). The statements given in the specification regarding release and acquire fences do not result in totally separable conditions, so I will write down my semi-formal notation here along with some simple notes then present my implementation notes at the end. Note that we will use A --rs-> B to denote that B is in the release sequence headed by A (we allow A = B, unless otherwise stated). The hypothetical release sequence will be similarly denoted A --hrs-> B. 29.8p2 If is_fence(A) && is_write(X) && is_write(Y) && is_read(Z) && is_fence(B) && is_release(A) && is_acquire(B) && A --sb-> X --hrs-> Y --rf-> Z --sb-> B then A --sw-> B Notes: * The fence-release A does not result in any action on its own (i.e., when it is first explored); it only affects later release operations, at which point we may need to associate store X with A. Thus, for every store X, we eagerly record the most recent fence-release, then this record can be utilized during later (hypothetical) release sequence checks. * The fence-acquire B is more troublesome, since there may be many qualifying loads Z (loads from different locations; loads which read from different threads; etc.). Each Z may read from different hypothetical release sequences, ending in a different release A with which B should synchronize. It is difficult (but not impossible) to find good stopping conditions at which we should terminate our search for Z. However, we at least know we only need to consder Z such that: W --sb-> Z --sb-> B where W is a previous fence-acquire. 29.8p3 If is_fence(A) && is_write(X) && is_write(Y) && is_read(B) && is_release(A) && is_acquire(B) && A --sb-> X --hrs-> Y --rf-> B then A --sw-> B Notes: * See the note for fence-release A in 29.8p2 29.8p4 If is_write(A) && is_write(X) && is_read(Y) && is_fence(B) && is_release(A) && is_acquire(B) && A --rs-> X --rf-> Y --sb-> B then A --sw-> B Notes: * See the note for fence-acquire B in 29.8p2. The A, Z, and B in 29.8p2 correspond to A, Y, and B in this rule (29.8p4). Summary notes: Now, noting the overlap in implementation notes between 29.8p2,3,4 and the similarity between release sequences and hypothetical release sequences, I can extend our release sequence support to provide easy facilities for release/acquire fence support. I extend release sequence support to include fences first by distinguishing the 'acquire' from the 'load'; previously, release sequence searches were always triggered by a load-acquire operation. Now, we may have a *fence*-acquire which finds a previous load-*relaxed*, then follows any chain to a release sequence (29.8p4). Any release heads found by our existing release sequence support must synchronize with the fence-acquire. Any uncertain release sequences can be stashed (along with both the fence-acquire and the load-relaxed) as "pending" in the existing lists. Next I extend the release sequence support to include hypothetical release sequences. Note that any search for a release sequence can also search for a hypothetical release sequence with little additional effort (and even saving effort in cases where a fence-release hides a prior store-release, whose release sequence may be harder to establish eagerly). Because the "most recent" fence-release is stashed in each ModelAction (see the fence-release note in 29.8p2), release sequence searches can easily add the most recent fence-release to the release_heads vector as it explores a RMW chain. Then, once it reaches a thread in which it looks for a store-release, it can perform this interesting optimization: if the most recent store-release is sequenced before the most recent fence-release, then we can ignore the store-release and simply synchronize with the fence-release. This avoids a "contiguous MO" computation. So, with hypothetical release sequences seamlessly integrated into the release sequence code, we easily cover 29.8p3 (fence-release --sw-> load-acquire). Then, it's a simple extension to see how 29.8p2 is just a combination of the rules described for 29.8p3 and 29.8p4: a fence-acquire triggers a search for loads in its same thread; these loads then launch a series of release sequence searches--hypothetical (29.8p2) or real (29.8p4)--and synchronizes with all the release heads. The best part about all of the preceding explanations: the lazy fixups, etc., can simply be re-used from existing release sequence code, with slight adjustments for dealing the presence of a fence-acquire preceded by a load-relaxed. ******************************* Miscellaneous Notes ******************************* fence(memory_order_consume) acts like memory_order_release, so if we ever support consume, we must alias consume -> release fence(memory_order_relaxed) is a no-op ************************************************** Appendix A: From the C++11 specification (N3337) ************************************************** ------------- Section 29.3 ------------- 29.3p4 For an atomic operation B that reads the value of an atomic object M, if there is a memory_order_seq_cst fence X sequenced before B, then B observes either the last memory_order_seq_cst modification of M preceding X in the total order S or a later modification of M in its modification order. 29.3p5 For atomic operations A and B on an atomic object M, where A modifies M and B takes its value, if there is a memory_order_seq_cst fence X such that A is sequenced before X and B follows X in S, then B observes either the effects of A or a later modification of M in its modification order. 29.3p6 For atomic operations A and B on an atomic object M, where A modifies M and B takes its value, if there are memory_order_seq_cst fences X and Y such that A is sequenced before X, Y is sequenced before B, and X precedes Y in S, then B observes either the effects of A or a later modification of M in its modification order. 29.3p7 For atomic operations A and B on an atomic object M, if there are memory_order_seq_cst fences X and Y such that A is sequenced before X, Y is sequenced before B, and X precedes Y in S, then B occurs later than A in the modification order of M. ------------- Section 29.8 ------------- 29.8p2 A release fence A synchronizes with an acquire fence B if there exist atomic operations X and Y, both operating on some atomic object M, such that A is sequenced before X, X modifies M, Y is sequenced before B, and Y reads the value written by X or a value written by any side effect in the hypothetical release sequence X would head if it were a release operation. 29.8p3 A release fence A synchronizes with an atomic operation B that performs an acquire operation on an atomic object M if there exists an atomic operation X such that A is sequenced before X, X modifies M, and B reads the value written by X or a value written by any side effect in the hypothetical release sequence X would head if it were a release operation. 29.8p4 An atomic operation A that is a release operation on an atomic object M synchronizes with an acquire fence B if there exists some atomic operation X on M such that X is sequenced before B and reads the value written by A or a value written by any side effect in the release sequence headed by A.