Writing an LLVM Pass
  1. Introduction - What is a pass?
  2. Quick Start - Writing hello world
  3. Pass classes and requirements
  4. Pass Registration
  5. Specifying interactions between passes
  6. Implementing Analysis Groups
  7. What PassManager does
  8. Using GDB with dynamically loaded passes
  9. Future extensions planned

    Written by Chris Lattner

Introduction - What is a pass?

Quick Start - Writing hello world
   Setting up the build environment

   Basic code required
   Running a pass with opt or analyze
Pass classes and requirements
   The ImmutablePass class
   The Pass class

The run method

   The FunctionPass class

The doInitialization(Module &) method

The runOnFunction method

The doFinalization(Module &) method

   The BasicBlockPass class

The doInitialization(Function &) method

The runOnBasicBlock method

The doFinalization(Function &) method

   The MachineFunctionPass class
Pass registration

The print method

Specifying interactions between passes

The getAnalysisUsage method

The getAnalysis<> method

Implementing Analysis Groups

Analysis Group Concepts

Using RegisterAnalysisGroup

What PassManager does

The releaseMemory method

Using GDB with dynamically loaded passes

Setting a breakpoint in your pass

Miscellaneous Problems

Future extensions planned

Multithreaded LLVM

A new ModuleSource interface

Pass's requiring FunctionPass's

Chris Lattner
Last modified: Mon Jul 14 12:12:53 CDT 2003