Modification to the current specifications. I. Order -- Sequential order (SO): Some total order that is consistent with the union of happens-before and SC relation. II. State Previously, we keep a sequential state throughout the process of executing the sequential history. In our model, we keep a state local to each method call. Conceptually, this state is the accumulative side effects of the subset of method calls that happen before the current method call. To evaluate the state of each method call, an obvious approach is to execute the subset of methods that happen before the current method in the sequential order from the initial state. A optimization we can make is that we start to evaluate the state from the most recent deviding node which every other node in that subset is either hb before or after. III. Specifications Our specification language supports using the following primitives to access the state of method calls so that users can use those to write specifications with different level of tightness. To support tighter specifications, we introduce the concept of concurrent set of method calls, meaning that for a specific method call, it can basically see the effect of two different categories of method calls --- one that happens before it, and one that concurrently execute with it. It is worth noting that when two two method calls execute concurrently, in general there can be the following two effects: 1) those concurrent methods can happen in either order, and the final result remains the same. A concurrent FIFO is an example, in which concurrent enqueue and dequeue methods can happen in a random order; and 2) the order of those concurrent methods will affect the final result. The C/C++11 atomics is an example, in which when concurrent stores to the same location execute in different order, a later store will have different result. 1. CONCURRENT: This primitive extracts all the methods that executes "concurrently" with the current method --- neither hb/SC before nor after the current method --- and returns as a set. It is worth noting that in order to preserve composability, when evaluating the state, the concurrent method calls' information cannot be used. That is to say, the concurrent set of mehtods are only used for assertions. 2. PREV: This primitive extracts all the methods that execute right before the current method in the execution graph --- most recent method calls that are hb/SC before the current method call --- and returns as a set. For each method in this set, the current method's specification can access their state. 3. NEXT: This primitive extracts all the methods that execute right after the current method in the execution graph, and returns as a set. For each method in this set, the current method's specification CANNOT access their state (for preserving composability). // FIXME: This might break composability!!??!! 4. FINAL: This is the function that allows users to specify some final check on the state. This will enable to users to use the graph model (the relaxed atomics can be specified) although the complxity of using that can get quite complex. Our specifications allow two ways of evaluating the state of method calls. One way is to define "@Transition" on method calls, and then our checker executes the method calls that are hb/SC before me in the sequential order starting from the initial state. The other way is to define "@EvaluateState" after "@Transition", which can only access the states of method calls that are hb/SC before it. Usually users calculate the state by using the PREV primitive to access the state of previous method calls. IV. Examples /// Global specification @State: // Declare the state structure @Initial: // How do we initialize the state @Commutativity: Method1 <-> Method2 (Guard) // Guard can only access the return // value and the arguments of the two method calls /// Interface specification @Interface: InterfaceName // Required; a label to represent the interface @Transition: // Optional; the transitional side effect from the initial state to // the current method call by executing such effect on method calls // that are hb/SC before me in sequential order. When this field is // omitted, the current state seen before checking is the same as // the initial state. @EvaluateState: // Optional; to calculate the state before this // method call is checked in a customized fashion. This is // evaluated after "@Transition". If omitted, the state we would // see is the effect after the "@Transition". @PreCondition: // Optional; checking code @SideEffect: // Optional; to calculate the side effect this method call // have on the state after the "@PreCondition". @PostCondition: // Optional; checking code /// Convienient operations We define a struct called MethodCall to represent the data we would collect and communicate between the real execution and the checking process. ***************************************************************************** typedef struct MethodCall { string name; // The interface label name void *value; // The pointer that points to the struct that have the return // value and the arguments void *state; // The pointer that points to the struct that represents // the (local) state set *prev; // Method calls that are hb right before me set *concurrent; // Method calls that are concurrent with me set *next; // Method calls that are hb right after me } MethodCall; typedef MethodCall *Method; typedef set *MethodSet; typedef vector IntVector; typedef list IntList; typedef set IntSet; ***************************************************************************** We will automatically generate two types of struct. One is the state struct, and we will call it StateStruct. The other one is a per interface struct, and it wraps the return value (RET) and the arguments as its field. We will name those struct with the interface label name. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For example, if we declare an ordered integer list in the specification state , we will generate a struct as follow. @State: IntList *queue; @Initial: queue = new IntList; @... ===> typedef struct StateStruct { IntList *queue; } StateStruct; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If we have two interface whose specifications are as follow, we would generate two struct accordingly. @Interface: Store @... void store(atomic_int *loc, int val) ... @Interface: Load @... int load(atomic_int *loc) ... ===> typedef struct Store { atomic_int *loc; int val; } Store; typedef struct Load { int RET; atomic_int *loc; } Load; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- We will put all these generated struct in a automatically-generated header file called "generated.h". This file also includes header files that have commonly used data types that interface (return value and arguments) accesses. In order to make things work, users should include "generated.h" file in the end for using our specification checker. ***************************************************************************** // Some nice C/C++ macro definition to make specifications easier to write ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CAT(a, b) CAT_HELPER(a, b) /* Concatenate two symbols for macros! */ #define CAT_HELPER(a, b) a ## b #define X(name) CAT(__##name, __LINE__) /* unique variable */ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ForEach --> to iterate a set, list or vector (containers that support using iterator to iterate) #define ForEach(item, container) \ auto X(_container) = (container); \ auto X(iter) = X(_container)->begin(); \ for (auto item = *X(iter); X(iter) != X(_container)->end(); item = ((++X(iter)) != \ X(_container)->end()) ? *X(iter) : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** This is a common macro that is used as a constant for the name of specific variables. We basically have two usage scenario: 1. In Subset operation, we allow users to specify a condition to extract a subset. In that condition expression, we provide NAME, RET(type), ARG(type, field) and LOCAL(field) to access each item's (method call) information. 2. In general specification (in pre- & post- conditions and side effects), we would automatically generate an assignment that assign the current MethodCall* pointer to a variable namedd _M. With this, when we access the local state of the current method, we use LOCAL(field) (this is a reference for read/write). */ #define ITEM _M #define _M ME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1.1 Subset(set, guard) --> to get a subset of method calls by a boolean // expression; This takes advantage of C++11 std::function features and C macros. // 1.2 Size(set) --> to get the size of a method set #define Size(set) set->size() // 1.3 Belong(set, method) --> whether method belongs to set #define Belong(set, method) std::find(set->begin(), set->end(), method) != set->end() // 1.4 Intersect(set1, set2) --> the intersection of two method sets inline MethodSet Intersect(MethodSet set1, MethodSet set2) { MethodSet res = NewSet; ForEach (m, set1) { if (Belong(set2, m)) res->push_back(m); } return res; } // 1.5 Union(set1, set2) --> the union of two method sets inline MethodSet Union(MethodSet set1, MethodSet set2) { MethodSet res = NewSet(set1); ForEach (m, set2) { if (!Belong(set1, m)) res->push_back(m); } return res; } // 1.6 Insert(set, method) --> add a method to the set inline bool Insert(MethodSet set, Method m) { if (Belong(set, m)) return false; else { set->push_back(m); return true; } } // 1.7 Subtract(set1, set2) --> subtract set2 from set1 inline MethodSet Subtract(MethodSet set1, MethodSet set2) { MethodSet res = NewSet; ForEach (m, set1) { if (!Belong(set2, m)) res->push_back(m); } return res; } // 1.8 MakeSet(count, ...) --> Make a set from the arguments // 2. Local(method, field) #define Local(method, field) ((StateStruct*) method->localState)->field // 3. Value(method, type, field) #define Value(method, type, field) ((type*) method->value)->field 3.1 Return #define Ret(method, type) Value(method, type, RET) 3.2 Arguments #define Arg(method, type, arg) Value(method, type, arg) // 4. Name(mehtod) #defien Lable(method) method->interfaceName // 5. Prev(method) #define Prev(method) mehtod->prev // 6. Next(method) #define Next(method) mehtod->next // 7. Concurrent(method) #define Concurrent(method) mehtod->concurrent /// Ordering point specification @OPDefine: condition // If the specified condition satisfied, the atomic // operation right before is an ordering point @PotentialOP(Label): condition // If the specified condition satisfied, the // atomic operation right before is a potential // ordering point, and we label it with a tag @OPCheck(Label): condition // If the specified condition satisfied, the // potential ordering point defined earlier with the // same tag becomes an ordering point @OPClear: condition // If the specified condition satisfied, all the // ordering points and potential ordering points will be // cleared @OPClearDefine: condition // If the specified condition satisfied, all the // ordering points and potential ordering points will // be cleared, and the atomic operation right before // becomes an ordering point. This is a syntax sugar // as the combination of an "OPClear" and "OPDefine" // statement 1. The register examples: Basically, we can think of registers as the cache on a memory system. The effect of a load or store basically tells us what the current value in the cache line is, and a load can read from values that can be potentially in the cache --- either one of the concurrent store update the cache or it inherites one of the the previous local state in the execution graph. ---------- Interfae ---------- void init(atomic_int &loc, int initial); int load(atomic_int &loc); void store(atomic_int &loc, int val); ---------- Interfae ---------- a. The SC atomics --- the classic linearizability approach b. The RA (release/acquire) C/C++ atomics // For RA atomics, a load must read its value from a store that happens before // it. ---------- Specification ---------- @DeclareVar: int x; @InitVar: x = 0; @Interface: Store @SideEffect: LOCAL(x) = val; void store(int *loc, int val); @Interface: Load @PreCondition: Size(Subset(PREV, LOCAL(x) == RET)) > 0; @SideEffect: LOCAL(x) = RET; int load(int *loc); c. The C/C++ atomics (a slightly loose specification) // Actually, any concurrent data structures that rely modification-order to be // correct would not have a precicely tight specification under our model, and // C/C++ relaxed atomics is an example. See the following read-read coherence // example. // T1 // T2 x = 1; x = 2; // T3 r1 = x; // r1 == 1 r2 = x; // r2 == 2 r3 = x; // r3 == 1 Our model cannot prevent such a case from happening. However, we can still have a slightly loose specification which basically states that a load can read from any store that either immediately happens before it or concurrently executes. ---------- Specification ---------- @DeclareVar: int x; @InitVar: x = 0; @Interface: Store @SideEffect: LOCAL(x) = val; void store(int *loc, int val); @Interface: Load @PreCondition: // Auto generated code // MethodCall *ME = ((SomeTypeConversion) info)->method; int count = Size(Subset(Prev, LOCAL(x) == RET)) + Size(Subset(CONCURRENT, NAME == "Store" && ARG(Store, val) == RET)) return count > 0; @SideEffect: LOCAL(x) = RET; int load(int *loc); d. The C/C++ normal memory accesses - Use the admissibility requirement, then the classic linearizability approach on the admissible executions 2. The FIFO queue example. ---------- Specification ---------- // A FIFO queue should have the following properties held: // 1. The enq() methods should conflict // 2. The deq() methods that succeed should conflict // 3. Corresponding enq() and deq() methods should conflict // 4. An enqueued item can be dequeued by at most once // 5. A dequeued item must have a corresponding enqueued item // 6. When a queue is NOT "empty" (users can tightly or loosely define // emptiness), and there comes a deq() method, the deq() method should succeed @DeclareVar: vector *q; @InitVar: q = new voctor; @Copy: New.q = new vector(Old.q); // Fails to dequeue @Commutativity: Deq <-> Deq (!_M1.RET || !_M2.RET) // The dequeuer doesn't dequeue from that enqueuer @Commutativity: Enq <-> Deq (!_M2.RET || (_M2.RET && Enq.val != *Deq.res)) @Interface: Enq @SideEffect: q->push_back(val); void enq(queue_t *q, int val); @Interface: Deq @PreCondition: // Check whether the queue is really empty // Either the local state is an empty queue, or for all those remaining // elements in the local queue, there should be some concurrent dequeuers to // dequeue them if (!RET) { // Local state is empty if (Local(q)->size() == 0) return true; // Otherwise check there must be other concurrent dequeuers ForEach (item, Local(q)) { // Check there's some concurrent dequeuer for this item if (Size(Subset(CONCURRENT, NAME == "Deq" && RET(Deq) && *ARG(Deq, res) == item)) == 0) return false; } return true; } else { // Check the global queue state return q->back() == *res; } @SideEffect: if (RET) q->pop_back(); bool deq(queue_t *q, int *res); A good example to simulate a queue data structure is as follows. Suppose we have a special structure typedef struct Q { atomic_int x; atomic_int y; } Q; , and we have two interface on Q, read() and write(), where the write and read method calls are synchronized by themselves, and they have to read and write the x and y fields in turn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We also need to think about the non-ordered queue. #### Combiming Data Structures --- For example, a queue, a -hb->c, b -hb-> e. // T1 enq(1) -> {1} - {$} // a enq(2) -> {1, 2} - {$} // b // T2 deq(1) -> {$} - {1} // c deq($) -> {$} - {1} // d // State before this method JOIN ({1, 2} - {$}, {$} - {1}) = {2} - {1} deq(2) -> {$} - {1, 2}