/** * Copyright 2016 SmartThings * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Gentle Wake Up * * Author: Steve Vlaminck * Date: 2013-03-11 * * https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/HealthAndWellness/App-SleepyTime.png * https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/HealthAndWellness/App-SleepyTime%402x.png * Gentle Wake Up turns on your lights slowly, allowing you to wake up more * naturally. Once your lights have reached full brightness, optionally turn on * more things, or send yourself a text for a more gentle nudge into the waking * world (you may want to set your normal alarm as a backup plan). * */ definition( name: "Gentle Wake Up", namespace: "smartthings", author: "SmartThings", description: "Dim your lights up slowly, allowing you to wake up more naturally.", category: "Health & Wellness", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/HealthAndWellness/App-SleepyTime.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/HealthAndWellness/App-SleepyTime@2x.png" ) preferences { page(name: "rootPage") page(name: "numbersPage") page(name: "schedulingPage") page(name: "completionPage") page(name: "controllerExplanationPage") //page(name: "unsupportedDevicesPage") } def rootPage() { dynamicPage(name: "rootPage", title: "", install: true, uninstall: true) { section("What to dim") { input(name: "dimmers", type: "capability.switchLevel", title: "Dimmers", description: null, multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true) if (dimmers) { /*if (dimmersContainUnsupportedDevices()) { href(name: "toUnsupportedDevicesPage", page: "unsupportedDevicesPage", title: "Some of your selected dimmers don't seem to be supported", description: "Tap here to fix it", required: true) }*/ href(name: "toNumbersPage", page: "numbersPage", title: "Duration & Direction", state: "complete") } } if (dimmers) { section("Gentle Wake Up Has A Controller") { href(title: "Learn how to control Gentle Wake Up", page: "controllerExplanationPage", description: null) } section("Rules For Dimming") { href(name: "toSchedulingPage", page: "schedulingPage", title: "Automation") input(name: "manualOverride", type: "enum", options: ["Cancel dimming","Jump to the end"], title: "When one of the dimmers is manually turned off…", description: "dimming will continue", required: false, multiple: false) href(name: "toCompletionPage", title: "Completion Actions", page: "completionPage") } section { // TODO: fancy label label(title: "Label This SmartApp", required: false, defaultValue: "", description: "Highly recommended", submitOnChange: true) } } } } def unsupportedDevicesPage() { def unsupportedDimmers = dimmers.findAll { !hasSetLevelCommand(it) } dynamicPage(name: "unsupportedDevicesPage") { if (unsupportedDimmers) { section("These devices do not support the setLevel command") { unsupportedDimmers.each { paragraph deviceLabel(it) } } section { paragraph "If you think there is a mistake here, please contact support." } } else { section { paragraph "You're all set. You can hit the back button, now. Thanks for cleaning up your settings :)" } } } } def controllerExplanationPage() { dynamicPage(name: "controllerExplanationPage", title: "How To Control Gentle Wake Up") { section("With other SmartApps", hideable: true, hidden: false) { paragraph "When this SmartApp is installed, it will create a controller device which you can use in other SmartApps for even more customizable automation!" paragraph "The controller acts like a switch so any SmartApp that can control a switch can control Gentle Wake Up, too!" paragraph "Routines and 'Smart Lighting' are great ways to automate Gentle Wake Up." } section("More about the controller", hideable: true, hidden: true) { paragraph "You can find the controller with your other 'Things'. It will look like this." image "http://f.cl.ly/items/2O0v0h41301U14042z3i/GentleWakeUpController-tile-stopped.png" paragraph "You can start and stop Gentle Wake up by tapping the control on the right." image "http://f.cl.ly/items/3W323J3M1b3K0k0V3X3a/GentleWakeUpController-tile-running.png" paragraph "If you look at the device details screen, you will find even more information about Gentle Wake Up and more fine grain controls." image "http://f.cl.ly/items/291s3z2I2Q0r2q0x171H/GentleWakeUpController-richTile-stopped.png" paragraph "The slider allows you to jump to any point in the dimming process. Think of it as a percentage. If Gentle Wake Up is set to dim down as you fall asleep, but your book is just too good to put down; simply drag the slider to the left and Gentle Wake Up will give you more time to finish your chapter and drift off to sleep." image "http://f.cl.ly/items/0F0N2G0S3v1q0L0R3J3Y/GentleWakeUpController-richTile-running.png" paragraph "In the lower left, you will see the amount of time remaining in the dimming cycle. It does not count down evenly. Instead, it will update whenever the slider is updated; typically every 6-18 seconds depending on the duration of your dimming cycle." paragraph "Of course, you may also tap the middle to start or stop the dimming cycle at any time." } section("Starting and stopping the SmartApp itself", hideable: true, hidden: true) { paragraph "Tap the 'play' button on the SmartApp to start or stop dimming." image "http://f.cl.ly/items/0R2u1Z2H30393z2I2V3S/GentleWakeUp-appTouch2.png" } section("Turning off devices while dimming", hideable: true, hidden: true) { paragraph "It's best to use other Devices and SmartApps for triggering the Controller device. However, that isn't always an option." paragraph "If you turn off a switch that is being dimmed, it will either continue to dim, stop dimming, or jump to the end of the dimming cycle depending on your settings." paragraph "Unfortunately, some switches take a little time to turn off and may not finish turning off before Gentle Wake Up sets its dim level again. You may need to try a few times to get it to stop." paragraph "That's why it's best to use devices that aren't currently dimming. Remember that you can use other SmartApps to toggle the controller. :)" } } } def numbersPage() { dynamicPage(name:"numbersPage", title:"") { section { paragraph(name: "pGraph", title: "These lights will dim", fancyDeviceString(dimmers)) } section { input(name: "duration", type: "number", title: "For this many minutes", description: "30", required: false, defaultValue: 30) } section { input(name: "startLevel", type: "number", range: "0..99", title: "From this level", description: "Current Level", required: false, multiple: false) input(name: "endLevel", type: "number", range: "0..99", title: "To this level", , description: "Between 0 and 99", required: true, multiple: false) } def colorDimmers = dimmersWithSetColorCommand() if (colorDimmers) { section { input(name: "colorize", type: "bool", title: "Gradually change the color of ${fancyDeviceString(colorDimmers)}", description: null, required: false, defaultValue: "true") } } } } def defaultStart() { if (usesOldSettings() && direction && direction == "Down") { return 99 } return 0 } def defaultEnd() { if (usesOldSettings() && direction && direction == "Down") { return 0 } return 99 } def startLevelLabel() { if (usesOldSettings()) { // using old settings if (direction && direction == "Down") { // 99 -> 1 return "99%" } return "0%" } return hasStartLevel() ? "${startLevel}%" : "Current Level" } def endLevelLabel() { if (usesOldSettings()) { if (direction && direction == "Down") { // 99 -> 1 return "0%" } return "99%" } return "${endLevel}%" } def weekdays() { ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"] } def weekends() { ["Saturday", "Sunday"] } def schedulingPage() { dynamicPage(name: "schedulingPage", title: "Rules For Automatically Dimming Your Lights") { section("Use Other SmartApps!") { href(title: "Learn how to control Gentle Wake Up", page: "controllerExplanationPage", description: null) } section("Allow Automatic Dimming") { input(name: "days", type: "enum", title: "On These Days", description: "Every day", required: false, multiple: true, options: weekdays() + weekends()) } section("Start Dimming...") { input(name: "startTime", type: "time", title: "At This Time", description: null, required: false) input(name: "modeStart", title: "When Entering This Mode", type: "mode", required: false, mutliple: false, submitOnChange: true, description: null) if (modeStart) { input(name: "modeStop", title: "Stop when leaving '${modeStart}' mode", type: "bool", required: false) } } } } def completionPage() { dynamicPage(name: "completionPage", title: "Completion Rules") { section("Switches") { input(name: "completionSwitches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Set these switches", description: null, required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true) if (completionSwitches) { input(name: "completionSwitchesState", type: "enum", title: "To", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, options: ["on", "off"], defaultValue: "on") input(name: "completionSwitchesLevel", type: "number", title: "Optionally, Set Dimmer Levels To", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, range: "(0..99)") } } section("Notifications") { input("recipients", "contact", title: "Send notifications to", required: false) { input(name: "completionPhoneNumber", type: "phone", title: "Text This Number", description: "Phone number", required: false) input(name: "completionPush", type: "bool", title: "Send A Push Notification", description: "Phone number", required: false) } input(name: "completionMusicPlayer", type: "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Speak Using This Music Player", required: false) input(name: "completionMessage", type: "text", title: "With This Message", description: null, required: false) } section("Modes and Phrases") { input(name: "completionMode", type: "mode", title: "Change ${location.name} Mode To", description: null, required: false) input(name: "completionPhrase", type: "enum", title: "Execute The Phrase", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, options: location.helloHome.getPhrases().label) } section("Delay") { input(name: "completionDelay", type: "number", title: "Delay This Many Minutes Before Executing These Actions", description: "0", required: false) } } } // ======================================================== // Handlers // ======================================================== def installed() { log.debug "Installing 'Gentle Wake Up' with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { log.debug "Updating 'Gentle Wake Up' with settings: ${settings}" unschedule() def controller = getController() if (controller) { controller.label = app.label } initialize() } private initialize() { startLevel = 0//Chagne start level to 0 to make it possible for the light to be off! stop("settingsChange") if (startTime) { log.debug "scheduling dimming routine to run at $startTime" schedule(startTime, "scheduledStart") } // TODO: make this an option subscribe(app, appHandler) subscribe(location, locationHandler) if (manualOverride) { subscribe(dimmers, "switch.off", stopDimmersHandler) } /*if (!getAllChildDevices()) { // create controller device and set name to the label used here def dni = "${new Date().getTime()}" log.debug "app.label: ${app.label}" addChildDevice("smartthings", "Gentle Wake Up Controller", dni, null, ["label": app.label]) state.controllerDni = dni }*/ } def appHandler(evt) { log.debug "appHandler evt: ${evt.value}" if (evt.value == "touch") { if (atomicState.running) { stop("appTouch") } else { start("appTouch") } } } def locationHandler(evt) { log.debug "locationHandler evt: ${evt.value}" if (!modeStart) { return } def isSpecifiedMode = (evt.value == modeStart) def modeStopIsTrue = (modeStop && modeStop != "false") if (isSpecifiedMode && canStartAutomatically()) { start("modeChange") } else if (!isSpecifiedMode && modeStopIsTrue) { stop("modeChange") } } def stopDimmersHandler(evt) { log.trace "stopDimmersHandler evt: ${evt.value}" def percentComplete = completionPercentage() // Often times, the first thing we do is turn lights on or off so make sure we don't stop as soon as we start if (percentComplete > 2 && percentComplete < 98) { if (manualOverride == "cancel") { log.debug "STOPPING in stopDimmersHandler" stop("manualOverride") } else if (manualOverride == "jumpTo") { def end = dynamicEndLevel() log.debug "Jumping to 99% complete in stopDimmersHandler" jumpTo(99) } } else { log.debug "not stopping in stopDimmersHandler" } } // ======================================================== // Scheduling // ======================================================== def scheduledStart() { if (canStartAutomatically()) { start("schedule") } } public def start(source) { log.trace "START" sendStartEvent(source) setLevelsInState() atomicState.running = true atomicState.start = new Date().getTime() schedule("0 * * * * ?", "healthCheck") increment() } public def stop(source) { log.trace "STOP" sendStopEvent(source) atomicState.running = false atomicState.start = 0 unschedule("healthCheck") } private healthCheck() { log.trace "'Gentle Wake Up' healthCheck" if (!atomicState.running) { return } increment() } // ======================================================== // Controller // ======================================================== def sendStartEvent(source) { log.trace "sendStartEvent(${source})" def eventData = [ name: "sessionStatus", value: "running", descriptionText: "${app.label} has started dimming", displayed: true, linkText: app.label, isStateChange: true ] if (source == "modeChange") { eventData.descriptionText += " because of a mode change" } else if (source == "schedule") { eventData.descriptionText += " as scheduled" } else if (source == "appTouch") { eventData.descriptionText += " because you pressed play on the app" } else if (source == "controller") { eventData.descriptionText += " because you pressed play on the controller" } sendControllerEvent(eventData) } def sendStopEvent(source) { log.trace "sendStopEvent(${source})" def eventData = [ name: "sessionStatus", value: "stopped", descriptionText: "${app.label} has stopped dimming", displayed: true, linkText: app.label, isStateChange: true ] if (source == "modeChange") { eventData.descriptionText += " because of a mode change" eventData.value += "cancelled" } else if (source == "schedule") { eventData.descriptionText = "${app.label} has finished dimming" } else if (source == "appTouch") { eventData.descriptionText += " because you pressed play on the app" eventData.value += "cancelled" } else if (source == "controller") { eventData.descriptionText += " because you pressed stop on the controller" eventData.value += "cancelled" } else if (source == "settingsChange") { eventData.descriptionText += " because the settings have changed" eventData.value += "cancelled" } else if (source == "manualOverride") { eventData.descriptionText += " because the dimmer was manually turned off" eventData.value += "cancelled" } // send 100% completion event sendTimeRemainingEvent(100) // send a non-displayed 0% completion to reset tiles sendTimeRemainingEvent(0, false) // send sessionStatus event last so the event feed is ordered properly sendControllerEvent(eventData) } def sendTimeRemainingEvent(percentComplete, displayed = true) { log.trace "sendTimeRemainingEvent(${percentComplete})" def percentCompleteEventData = [ name: "percentComplete", value: percentComplete as int, displayed: displayed, isStateChange: true ] sendControllerEvent(percentCompleteEventData) def duration = sanitizeInt(duration, 30) def timeRemaining = duration - (duration * (percentComplete / 100)) def timeRemainingEventData = [ name: "timeRemaining", value: displayableTime(timeRemaining), displayed: displayed, isStateChange: true ] sendControllerEvent(timeRemainingEventData) } def sendControllerEvent(eventData) { def controller = getController() if (controller) { controller.controllerEvent(eventData) } } def getController() { def dni = state.controllerDni if (!dni) { log.warn "no controller dni" return null } def controller = getChildDevice(dni) if (!controller) { log.warn "no controller" return null } log.debug "controller: ${controller}" return controller } // ======================================================== // Setting levels // ======================================================== private increment() { if (!atomicState.running) { return } def percentComplete = completionPercentage() if (percentComplete > 99) { percentComplete = 99 } updateDimmers(percentComplete) if (percentComplete < 99) { def runAgain = stepDuration() log.debug "Rescheduling to run again in ${runAgain} seconds" //runIn(runAgain, 'increment', [overwrite: true]) } else { int completionDelay = completionDelaySeconds() if (completionDelay) { log.debug "Finished with steps. Scheduling completion for ${completionDelay} second(s) from now" runIn(completionDelay, 'completion', [overwrite: true]) unschedule("healthCheck") // don't let the health check start incrementing again while we wait for the delayed execution of completion } else { log.debug "Finished with steps. Execution completion" completion() } } } def updateDimmers(percentComplete) { dimmers.each { dimmer -> def nextLevel = dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete) if (nextLevel == 0) { dimmer.off() } else { def shouldChangeColors = (colorize && colorize != "false") if (shouldChangeColors/*&& hasSetColorCommand(dimmer)*/) { def hue = getHue(dimmer, nextLevel) log.debug "Setting ${deviceLabel(dimmer)} level to ${nextLevel} and hue to ${hue}" dimmer.setColor([hue: hue, saturation: 100, level: nextLevel]) } else { log.debug "Setting ${deviceLabel(dimmer)} level to ${nextLevel}" dimmer.setLevel(nextLevel) } } } sendTimeRemainingEvent(percentComplete) } int dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete) { def start = atomicState.startLevels[dimmer.id] def end = dynamicEndLevel() if (!percentComplete) { return start } def totalDiff = end - start def actualPercentage = percentComplete / 100 def percentOfTotalDiff = totalDiff * actualPercentage (start + percentOfTotalDiff) as int } // ======================================================== // Completion // ======================================================== private completion() { log.trace "Starting completion block" if (!atomicState.running) { return } stop("schedule") handleCompletionSwitches() handleCompletionMessaging() handleCompletionModesAndPhrases() } private handleCompletionSwitches() { completionSwitches.each { completionSwitch -> def isDimmer = hasSetLevelCommand(completionSwitch) if (completionSwitchesLevel && isDimmer) { completionSwitch.setLevel(completionSwitchesLevel) } else { def command = completionSwitchesState ?: "on" completionSwitch."${command}"() } } } private handleCompletionMessaging() { if (completionMessage) { if (location.contactBookEnabled) { sendNotificationToContacts(completionMessage, recipients) } else { if (completionPhoneNumber) { sendSms(completionPhoneNumber, completionMessage) } if (completionPush) { sendPush(completionMessage) } } if (completionMusicPlayer) { speak(completionMessage) } } } private handleCompletionModesAndPhrases() { if (completionMode) { setLocationMode(completionMode) } if (completionPhrase) { location.helloHome.execute(completionPhrase) } } def speak(message) { def sound = textToSpeech(message) def soundDuration = (sound.duration as Integer) + 2 log.debug "Playing $sound.uri" completionMusicPlayer.playTrack(sound.uri) log.debug "Scheduled resume in $soundDuration sec" runIn(soundDuration, resumePlaying, [overwrite: true]) } def resumePlaying() { log.trace "resumePlaying()" def sonos = completionMusicPlayer if (sonos) { def currentTrack = sonos.currentState("trackData").jsonValue if (currentTrack.status == "playing") { sonos.playTrack(currentTrack) } else { sonos.setTrack(currentTrack) } } } // ======================================================== // Helpers // ======================================================== def setLevelsInState() { def startLevels = [:] dimmers.each { dimmer -> if (usesOldSettings()) { startLevels[dimmer.id] = defaultStart() } else if (hasStartLevel()) { startLevels[dimmer.id] = startLevel } else { def dimmerIsOff = dimmer.currentValue("switch") == "off" startLevels[dimmer.id] = dimmerIsOff ? 0 : dimmer.currentValue("level") } } atomicState.startLevels = startLevels } def canStartAutomatically() { def today = new Date().format("EEEE") log.debug "today: ${today}, days: ${days}" //if (!days || days.contains(today)) {// if no days, assume every day return true //} log.trace "should not run" return false } def completionPercentage() { log.trace "checkingTime" if (!atomicState.running) { return } def now = new Date().getTime() def timeElapsed = now - atomicState.start def totalRunTime = totalRunTimeMillis() ?: 1 def percentComplete = timeElapsed / totalRunTime * 100 log.debug "percentComplete: ${percentComplete}" //return percentComplete // We do not have the notion of time for model-checking return 100 } int totalRunTimeMillis() { int minutes = sanitizeInt(duration, 30) convertToMillis(minutes) } int convertToMillis(minutes) { def seconds = minutes * 60 def millis = seconds * 1000 return millis } def timeRemaining(percentComplete) { def normalizedPercentComplete = percentComplete / 100 def duration = sanitizeInt(duration, 30) def timeElapsed = duration * normalizedPercentComplete def timeRemaining = duration - timeElapsed return timeRemaining } int millisToEnd(percentComplete) { convertToMillis(timeRemaining(percentComplete)) } String displayableTime(timeRemaining) { def timeString = "${timeRemaining}" def parts = timeString.split(/\./) if (!parts.size()) { return "0:00" } def minutes = parts[0] if (parts.size() == 1) { return "${minutes}:00" } def fraction = "0.${parts[1]}" as double def seconds = "${60 * fraction as int}".padLeft(2, "0") return "${minutes}:${seconds}" } def jumpTo(percentComplete) { def millisToEnd = millisToEnd(percentComplete) def endTime = new Date().getTime() + millisToEnd def duration = sanitizeInt(duration, 30) def durationMillis = convertToMillis(duration) def shiftedStart = endTime - durationMillis atomicState.start = shiftedStart updateDimmers(percentComplete) sendTimeRemainingEvent(percentComplete) } int dynamicEndLevel() { if (usesOldSettings()) { if (direction && direction == "Down") { return 0 } return 99 } return endLevel as int } def getHue(dimmer, level) { def start = atomicState.startLevels[dimmer.id] as int def end = dynamicEndLevel() if (start > end) { return getDownHue(level) } else { return getUpHue(level) } } def getUpHue(level) { getBlueHue(level) } def getDownHue(level) { getRedHue(level) } private getBlueHue(level) { if (level < 5) return 72 if (level < 10) return 71 if (level < 15) return 70 if (level < 20) return 69 if (level < 25) return 68 if (level < 30) return 67 if (level < 35) return 66 if (level < 40) return 65 if (level < 45) return 64 if (level < 50) return 63 if (level < 55) return 62 if (level < 60) return 61 if (level < 65) return 60 if (level < 70) return 59 if (level < 75) return 58 if (level < 80) return 57 if (level < 85) return 56 if (level < 90) return 55 if (level < 95) return 54 if (level >= 95) return 53 } private getRedHue(level) { if (level < 6) return 1 if (level < 12) return 2 if (level < 18) return 3 if (level < 24) return 4 if (level < 30) return 5 if (level < 36) return 6 if (level < 42) return 7 if (level < 48) return 8 if (level < 54) return 9 if (level < 60) return 10 if (level < 66) return 11 if (level < 72) return 12 if (level < 78) return 13 if (level < 84) return 14 if (level < 90) return 15 if (level < 96) return 16 if (level >= 96) return 17 } private dimmersContainUnsupportedDevices() { def found = dimmers.find { hasSetLevelCommand(it) == false } return found != null } private hasSetLevelCommand(device) { return hasCommand(device, "setLevel") } private hasSetColorCommand(device) { return hasCommand(device, "setColor") } private hasCommand(device, String command) { return (device.supportedCommands.find { it.name == command } != null) } private dimmersWithSetColorCommand() { def colorDimmers = [] dimmers.each { dimmer -> //if (hasSetColorCommand(dimmer)) { colorDimmers << dimmer //} } return colorDimmers } private int sanitizeInt(i, int defaultValue = 0) { try { if (!i) { return defaultValue } else { return i as int } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug e return defaultValue } } private completionDelaySeconds() { int completionDelayMinutes = sanitizeInt(completionDelay) int completionDelaySeconds = (completionDelayMinutes * 60) return completionDelaySeconds ?: 0 } private stepDuration() { int minutes = sanitizeInt(duration, 30) int stepDuration = (minutes * 60) / 100 return stepDuration ?: 1 } private debug(message) { log.debug "${message}\nstate: ${state}" } public smartThingsDateFormat() { "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" } public humanReadableStartDate() { new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormat(), startTime).format("h:mm a", timeZone(startTime)) } def fancyString(listOfStrings) { def fancify = { list -> return list.collect { def label = it if (list.size() > 1 && it == list[-1]) { label = "and ${label}" } label }.join(", ") } return fancify(listOfStrings) } def fancyDeviceString(devices = []) { fancyString(devices.collect { deviceLabel(it) }) } def deviceLabel(device) { return device.label ?: device.name } def schedulingHrefDescription() { def descriptionParts = [] if (days) { if (days == weekdays()) { descriptionParts << "On weekdays," } else if (days == weekends()) { descriptionParts << "On weekends," } else { descriptionParts << "On ${fancyString(days)}," } } descriptionParts << "${fancyDeviceString(dimmers)} will start dimming" if (startTime) { descriptionParts << "at ${humanReadableStartDate()}" } if (modeStart) { if (startTime) { descriptionParts << "or" } descriptionParts << "when ${location.name} enters '${modeStart}' mode" } if (descriptionParts.size() <= 1) { // dimmers will be in the list no matter what. No rules are set if only dimmers are in the list return null } return descriptionParts.join(" ") } def completionHrefDescription() { def descriptionParts = [] def example = "Switch1 will be turned on. Switch2, Switch3, and Switch4 will be dimmed to 50%. The message '' will be spoken, sent as a text, and sent as a push notification. The mode will be changed to ''. The phrase '' will be executed" if (completionSwitches) { def switchesList = [] def dimmersList = [] completionSwitches.each { def isDimmer = completionSwitchesLevel ? hasSetLevelCommand(it) : false if (isDimmer) { dimmersList << deviceLabel(it) } if (!isDimmer) { switchesList << deviceLabel(it) } } if (switchesList) { descriptionParts << "${fancyString(switchesList)} will be turned ${completionSwitchesState ?: 'on'}." } if (dimmersList) { descriptionParts << "${fancyString(dimmersList)} will be dimmed to ${completionSwitchesLevel}%." } } if (completionMessage && (completionPhoneNumber || completionPush || completionMusicPlayer)) { def messageParts = [] if (completionMusicPlayer) { messageParts << "spoken" } if (completionPhoneNumber) { messageParts << "sent as a text" } if (completionPush) { messageParts << "sent as a push notification" } descriptionParts << "The message '${completionMessage}' will be ${fancyString(messageParts)}." } if (completionMode) { descriptionParts << "The mode will be changed to '${completionMode}'." } if (completionPhrase) { descriptionParts << "The phrase '${completionPhrase}' will be executed." } return descriptionParts.join(" ") } def numbersPageHrefDescription() { def title = "All dimmers will dim for ${duration ?: '30'} minutes from ${startLevelLabel()} to ${endLevelLabel()}" if (colorize) { def colorDimmers = dimmersWithSetColorCommand() if (colorDimmers == dimmers) { title += " and will gradually change color." } else { title += ".\n${fancyDeviceString(colorDimmers)} will gradually change color." } } return title } def hueSatToHex(h, s) { def convertedRGB = hslToRgb(h, s, 0.5) return rgbToHex(convertedRGB) } def hslToRgb(h, s, l) { def r, g, b; if (s == 0) { r = g = b = l; // achromatic } else { def hue2rgb = { p, q, t -> if (t < 0) t += 1; if (t > 1) t -= 1; if (t < 1 / 6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; if (t < 1 / 2) return q; if (t < 2 / 3) return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6; return p; } def q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; def p = 2 * l - q; r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3); g = hue2rgb(p, q, h); b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3); } return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]; } def rgbToHex(red, green, blue) { def toHex = { int n = it as int; n = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 255)); def hexOptions = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"] def firstDecimal = ((n - n % 16) / 16) as int def secondDecimal = (n % 16) as int return "${hexOptions[firstDecimal]}${hexOptions[secondDecimal]}" } def rgbToHex = { r, g, b -> return toHex(r) + toHex(g) + toHex(b) } return rgbToHex(red, green, blue) } def usesOldSettings() { !hasEndLevel() } def hasStartLevel() { return (startLevel != null && startLevel != "") } def hasEndLevel() { return (endLevel != null && endLevel != "") }