/** * Gideon * * Copyright 2016 Nicola Russo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ definition( name: "Gideon Smart Home", namespace: "gideon.api", author: "Braindrain Solutions ltd", description: "Gideon Smart Home SmartApp allows you to connect and control all of your SmartThings devices through the Gideon app, making your SmartThings devices even smarter.", category: "Family", iconUrl: "http://s33.postimg.org/t77u7y7v3/logo.png", iconX2Url: "http://s33.postimg.org/t77u7y7v3/logo.png", iconX3Url: "http://s33.postimg.org/t77u7y7v3/logo.png", oauth: [displayName: "Gideon Smart Home API app", displayLink: "gideon.ai"]) preferences { section("Control these contact sensors...") { input "contact", "capability.contactSensor", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these switch levels...") { input "switchlevels", "capability.switchLevel", multiple:true, required:false } /* section("Control these thermostats...") { input "thermostats", "capability.thermostat", multiple:true, required:false }*/ section("Control the color for these devices...") { input "colors", "capability.colorControl", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control the color temperature for these devices...") { input "kelvin", "capability.colorTemperature", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these switches...") { input "switches", "capability.switch", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these smoke alarms...") { input "smoke_alarms", "capability.smokeDetector", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these window shades...") { input "shades", "capability.windowShade", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these garage doors...") { input "garage", "capability.garageDoorControl", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these water sensors...") { input "water_sensors", "capability.waterSensor", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these motion sensors...") { input "motions", "capability.motionSensor", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these presence sensors...") { input "presence_sensors", "capability.presenceSensor", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these outlets...") { input "outlets", "capability.outlet", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these power meters...") { input "meters", "capability.powerMeter", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these locks...") { input "locks", "capability.lock", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these temperature sensors...") { input "temperature_sensors", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", multiple:true, required:false } section("Control these batteries...") { input "batteries", "capability.battery", multiple:true, required:false } } //API Mapping mappings { path("/getalldevices") { action: [ GET: "getAllDevices" ] } /* path("/thermostat/setcool/:id/:temp") { action: [ GET: "setCoolTemp" ] } path("/thermostat/setheat/:id/:temp") { action: [ GET: "setHeatTemp" ] } path("/thermostat/setfanmode/:id/:mode") { action: [ GET: "setFanMode" ] } path("/thermostat/setmode/:id/:mode") { action: [ GET: "setThermostatMode" ] } path("/thermostat/:id") { action: [ GET: "getThermostatStatus" ] } */ path("/light/dim/:id/:dim") { action: [ GET: "setLevelStatus" ] } path("/light/kelvin/:id/:kelvin") { action: [ GET: "setKelvin" ] } path("/colorlight/:id/:hue/:sat") { action: [ GET: "setColor" ] } path("/light/status/:id") { action: [ GET: "getLightStatus" ] } path("/light/on/:id") { action: [ GET: "turnOnLight" ] } path("/light/off/:id") { action: [ GET: "turnOffLight" ] } path("/doorlocks/lock/:id") { action: [ GET: "lockDoorLock" ] } path("/doorlocks/unlock/:id") { action: [ GET: "unlockDoorLock" ] } path("/doorlocks/:id") { action: [ GET: "getDoorLockStatus" ] } path("/contacts/:id") { action: [ GET: "getContactStatus" ] } path("/smoke/:id") { action: [ GET: "getSmokeStatus" ] } path("/shades/open/:id") { action: [ GET: "openShade" ] } path("/shades/preset/:id") { action: [ GET: "presetShade" ] } path("/shades/close/:id") { action: [ GET: "closeShade" ] } path("/shades/:id") { action: [ GET: "getShadeStatus" ] } path("/garage/open/:id") { action: [ GET: "openGarage" ] } path("/garage/close/:id") { action: [ GET: "closeGarage" ] } path("/garage/:id") { action: [ GET: "getGarageStatus" ] } path("/watersensors/:id") { action: [ GET: "getWaterSensorStatus" ] } path("/tempsensors/:id") { action: [ GET: "getTempSensorsStatus" ] } path("/meters/:id") { action: [ GET: "getMeterStatus" ] } path("/batteries/:id") { action: [ GET: "getBatteryStatus" ] } path("/presences/:id") { action: [ GET: "getPresenceStatus" ] } path("/motions/:id") { action: [ GET: "getMotionStatus" ] } path("/outlets/:id") { action: [ GET: "getOutletStatus" ] } path("/outlets/turnon/:id") { action: [ GET: "turnOnOutlet" ] } path("/outlets/turnoff/:id") { action: [ GET: "turnOffOutlet" ] } path("/switches/turnon/:id") { action: [ GET: "turnOnSwitch" ] } path("/switches/turnoff/:id") { action: [ GET: "turnOffSwitch" ] } path("/switches/:id") { action: [ GET: "getSwitchStatus" ] } } def installed() { log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}" unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { } private device(it, type) { it ? [id: it.id, label: it.label, type: type] : null } //API Methods def getAllDevices() { def locks_list = locks.collect{device(it,"Lock")} /*def thermo_list = thermostats.collect{device(it,"Thermostat")}*/ def colors_list = colors.collect{device(it,"Color")} def kelvin_list = kelvin.collect{device(it,"Kelvin")} def contact_list = contact.collect{device(it,"Contact Sensor")} def smokes_list = smoke_alarms.collect{device(it,"Smoke Alarm")} def shades_list = shades.collect{device(it,"Window Shade")} def garage_list = garage.collect{device(it,"Garage Door")} def water_sensors_list = water_sensors.collect{device(it,"Water Sensor")} def presences_list = presence_sensors.collect{device(it,"Presence")} def motions_list = motions.collect{device(it,"Motion")} def outlets_list = outlets.collect{device(it,"Outlet")} def switches_list = switches.collect{device(it,"Switch")} def switchlevels_list = switchlevels.collect{device(it,"Switch Level")} def temp_list = temperature_sensors.collect{device(it,"Temperature")} def meters_list = meters.collect{device(it,"Power Meters")} def battery_list = batteries.collect{device(it,"Batteries")} return outlets_list + kelvin_list + colors_list + switchlevels_list + smokes_list + contact_list + water_sensors_list + shades_list + garage_list + locks_list + presences_list + motions_list + switches_list + temp_list + meters_list + battery_list } //light def turnOnLight() { def device = switches.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.on(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def turnOffLight() { def device = switches.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.off(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def getLightStatus() { def device = switches.find{ it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { return [Status: device.currentValue('switch'), Dim: getLevelStatus(params.id), Color: getColorStatus(params.id), Kelvin: getKelvinStatus(params.id)] } } //color control def setColor() { def device = colors.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def map = [hue:params.hue.toInteger(), saturation:params.sat.toInteger()] device.setColor(map); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def getColorStatus(id) { def device = colors.find { it.id == id } if (!device) { return [Color: "none"] } else { return [hue: device.currentValue('hue'), saturation: device.currentValue('saturation')] } } //kelvin control def setKelvin() { def device = kelvin.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.setColorTemperature(params.kelvin.toInteger()); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def getKelvinStatus(id) { def device = kelvin.find { it.id == id } if (!device) { return [kelvin: "none"] } else { return [kelvin: device.currentValue('colorTemperature')] } } //switch level def getLevelStatus(id) { def device = switchlevels.find { it.id == id } if (!device) { [Level: "No dimmer"] } else { return [Level: device.currentValue('level')] } } def setLevelStatus() { def device = switchlevels.find { it.id == params.id } def level = params.dim if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.setLevel(level.toInteger()) return [result_action: "200", Level: device.currentValue('level')] } } //contact sensors def getContactStatus() { def device = contact.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def args = getTempSensorsStatus(device.id) return [Device_state: device.currentValue('contact')] + args } } //smoke detectors def getSmokeStatus() { def device = smoke_alarms.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def bat = getBatteryStatus(device.id) return [Device_state: device.currentValue('smoke')] + bat } } //garage def getGarageStatus() { def device = garage.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { return [Device_state: device.currentValue('door')] } } def openGarage() { def device = garage.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.open(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def closeGarage() { def device = garage.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.close(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } //shades def getShadeStatus() { def device = shades.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { return [Device_state: device.currentValue('windowShade')] } } def openShade() { def device = shades.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.open(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def presetShade() { def device = shades.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.presetPosition(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def closeShade() { def device = shades.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.close(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } //water sensor def getWaterSensorStatus() { def device = water_sensors.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def bat = getBatteryStatus(device.id) return [Device_state: device.currentValue('water')] + bat } } //batteries def getBatteryStatus() { def device = batteries.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { return [Device_state: device.latestValue("battery")] } } def getBatteryStatus(id) { def device = batteries.find { it.id == id } if (!device) { return [] } else { return [battery_state: device.latestValue("battery")] } } //LOCKS def getDoorLockStatus() { def device = locks.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def bat = getBatteryStatus(device.id) return [Device_state: device.currentValue('lock')] + bat } } def lockDoorLock() { def device = locks.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.lock(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def unlockDoorLock() { def device = locks.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.unlock(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } //PRESENCE def getPresenceStatus() { def device = presence_sensors.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def bat = getBatteryStatus(device.id) return [Device_state: device.currentValue('presence')] + bat } } //MOTION def getMotionStatus() { def device = motions.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def args = getTempSensorsStatus(device.id) return [Device_state: device.currentValue('motion')] + args } } //OUTLET def getOutletStatus() { def device = outlets.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { device = switches.find { it.id == params.id } if(!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } } def watt = getMeterStatus(device.id) return [Device_state: device.currentValue('switch')] + watt } def getMeterStatus() { def device = meters.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { return [Device_id: device.id, Device_type: device.type, Current_watt: device.currentValue("power")] } } def getMeterStatus(id) { def device = meters.find { it.id == id } if (!device) { return [] } else { return [Current_watt: device.currentValue("power")] } } def turnOnOutlet() { def device = outlets.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { device = switches.find { it.id == params.id } if(!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } } device.on(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } def turnOffOutlet() { def device = outlets.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { device = switches.find { it.id == params.id } if(!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } } device.off(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } //SWITCH def getSwitchStatus() { def device = switches.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { return [Device_state: device.currentValue('switch'), Dim: getLevelStatus(params.id)] } } def turnOnSwitch() { def device = switches.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.on(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } def turnOffSwitch() { def device = switches.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { device.off(); return [Device_id: params.id, result_action: "200"] } } //TEMPERATURE def getTempSensorsStatus() { def device = temperature_sensors.find { it.id == params.id } if (!device) { httpError(404, "Device not found") } else { def bat = getBatteryStatus(device.id) def scale = [Scale: location.temperatureScale] return [Device_state: device.currentValue('temperature')] + scale + bat } } def getTempSensorsStatus(id) { def device = temperature_sensors.find { it.id == id } if (!device) { return [] } else { def bat = getBatteryStatus(device.id) return [temperature: device.currentValue('temperature')] + bat } }