/** * Lighting Director * * Source: https://github.com/tslagle13/SmartThings/blob/master/Director-Series-Apps/Lighting-Director/Lighting%20Director.groovy * * Current Version: 2.9.4 * * * Changelog: * Version - 1.3 * Version - 1.30.1 Modification by Michael Struck - Fixed syntax of help text and titles of scenarios, along with a new icon * Version - 1.40.0 Modification by Michael Struck - Code optimization and added door contact sensor capability * Version - 1.41.0 Modification by Michael Struck - Code optimization and added time restrictions to each scenario * Version - 2.0 Tim Slagle - Moved to only have 4 slots. Code was to heavy and needed to be trimmed. * Version - 2.1 Tim Slagle - Moved time interval inputs inline with STs design. * Version - 2.2 Michael Struck - Added the ability to activate switches via the status locks and fixed some syntax issues * Version - 2.5 Michael Struck - Changed the way the app unschedules re-triggered events * Version - 2.5.1 Tim Slagle - Fixed Time Logic * Version - 2.6 Michael Struck - Added the additional restriction of running triggers once per day and misc cleanup of code * Version - 2.7 Michael Struck - Added feature that turns off triggering if the physical switch is pressed. * Version - 2.81 Michael Struck - Fixed an issue with dimmers not stopping light action * Version - 2.9 Michael Struck - Fixed issue where button presses outside of the time restrictions prevent the triggers from firing and code optimization * Version - 2.9.1 Tim Slagle - Further enhanced time interval logic. * Version - 2.9.2 Brandon Gordon - Added support for acceleration sensors. * Version - 2.9.3 Brandon Gordon - Added mode change subscriptions. * Version - 2.9.4 Michael Struck - Code Optimization when triggers are tripped * * Source code can be found here: https://github.com/tslagle13/SmartThings/blob/master/smartapps/tslagle13/vacation-lighting-director.groovy * * Copyright 2015 Tim Slagle and Michael Struck * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ definition( name: "Lighting Director", namespace: "tslagle13", author: "Tim Slagle & Michael Struck", description: "Control up to 4 sets (scenarios) of lights based on motion, door contacts and illuminance levels.", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThings/master/Other-SmartApps/Lighting-Director/LightingDirector.png", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThings/master/Other-SmartApps/Lighting-Director/LightingDirector@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThings/master/Other-SmartApps/Lighting-Director/LightingDirector@2x.png") preferences { page(name: "timeIntervalInputA", title: "Only during a certain time", refreshAfterSelection:true) { section { input "A_timeStart", "time", title: "Starting", required: false, refreshAfterSelection:true input "A_timeEnd", "time", title: "Ending", required: false, refreshAfterSelection:true } } page name:"pageSetup" page name:"pageSetupScenarioA" } // Show setup page def pageSetup() { def pageProperties = [ name: "pageSetup", nextPage: null, install: true, uninstall: true ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Setup Menu") { href "pageSetupScenarioA", title: getTitle(settings.ScenarioNameA), description: getDesc(settings.ScenarioNameA), state: greyOut(settings.ScenarioNameA) } section([title:"Options", mobileOnly:true]) { label title:"Assign a name", required:false } } } // Show "pageSetupScenarioA" page def pageSetupScenarioA() { //input name: "A_switches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Control the following switches...", multiple: true, required: false def inputLightsA = [ name: "A_switches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Control the following switches...", multiple: true, required: false ] //input name: "A_dimmers", type: "capability.switchLevel", title: "Dim the following...", multiple: true, required: false def inputDimmersA = [ name: "A_dimmers", type: "capability.switchLevel", title: "Dim the following...", multiple: true, required: false ] //input name: "A_motion", type: "capability.motionSensor", title: "Using these motion sensors...", multiple: true, required: false def inputMotionA = [ name: "A_motion", type: "capability.motionSensor", title: "Using these motion sensors...", multiple: true, required: false ] //input name: "A_acceleration", type: "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Or using these acceleration sensors...", multiple: true, required: false def inputAccelerationA = [ name: "A_acceleration", type: "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Or using these acceleration sensors...", multiple: true, required: false ] //input name: "A_contact", type: "capability.contactSensor", title: "Or using these contact sensors...", multiple: true, required: false def inputContactA = [ name: "A_contact", type: "capability.contactSensor", title: "Or using these contact sensors...", multiple: true, required: false ] //input name: "A_triggerOnce", type: "bool", title: "Trigger only once per day...", defaultValue: false def inputTriggerOnceA = [ name: "A_triggerOnce", type: "bool", title: "Trigger only once per day...", defaultValue:false ] //input name: "A_switchDisable", type: "bool", title: "Stop triggering if physical switches/dimmers are turned off...", defaultValue: false def inputSwitchDisableA = [ name: "A_switchDisable", type: "bool", title: "Stop triggering if physical switches/dimmers are turned off...", defaultValue:false ] //input name: "A_lock", type: "capability.lock", title: "Or using these locks....", multiple: true, required: false def inputLockA = [ name: "A_lock", type: "capability.lock", title: "Or using these locks...", multiple: true, required: false ] //input name: "A_mode", type: "mode", title: "Only during the following modes...", multiple: true, required: false def inputModeA = [ name: "A_mode", type: "mode", title: "Only during the following modes...", multiple: true, required: false ] //input name: "A_day", type: "enum", options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"], title: "Only on certain days of the week...", multiple: true, required: false def inputDayA = [ name: "A_day", type: "enum", options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"], title: "Only on certain days of the week...", multiple: true, required: false ] //input name: "A_level", type: "enum", options: [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100], title: "Set dimmers to this level", multiple: false, required: false def inputLevelA = [ name: "A_level", type: "enum", options: [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100], title: "Set dimmers to this level", multiple: false, required: false ] //input name: "A_turnOnLux", type: "number", title: "Only run this scenario if lux is below...", multiple: false, required: false def inputTurnOnLuxA = [ name: "A_turnOnLux", type: "number", title: "Only run this scenario if lux is below...", multiple: false, required: false ] //input name: "A_luxSensors", type: "capability.illuminanceMeasurement", title: "On these lux sensors", multiple: false, required: false def inputLuxSensorsA = [ name: "A_luxSensors", type: "capability.illuminanceMeasurement", title: "On these lux sensors", multiple: false, required: false ] //input name: "A_turnOff", type: "number", title: "Turn off this scenario after motion stops or doors close/lock (minutes)...", multiple: false, required: false def inputTurnOffA = [ name: "A_turnOff", type: "number", title: "Turn off this scenario after motion stops or doors close/lock (minutes)...", multiple: false, required: false ] //input name: "ScenarioNameA", type: "text", title: "Scenario Name", multiple: false, required: false def inputScenarioNameA = [ name: "ScenarioNameA", type: "text", title: "Scenario Name", multiple: false, required: false ] def pageProperties = [ name: "pageSetupScenarioA", ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("Name your scenario") { input inputScenarioNameA } section("Devices included in the scenario") { input inputMotionA input inputAccelerationA input inputContactA input inputLockA input inputLightsA input inputDimmersA } section("Scenario settings") { input inputLevelA input inputTurnOnLuxA input inputLuxSensorsA input inputTurnOffA } section("Scenario restrictions") { input inputTriggerOnceA input inputSwitchDisableA href "timeIntervalInputA", title: "Only during a certain time...", description: getTimeLabel(A_timeStart, A_timeEnd), state: greyedOutTime(A_timeStart, A_timeEnd), refreshAfterSelection:true input inputDayA input inputModeA } section("Help") { paragraph helpText() } } } def installed() { initialize() } def updated() { unschedule() unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { midNightReset() if(A_motion) { subscribe(A_motion, "motion", onEventA) } if(A_acceleration) { subscribe(A_acceleration, "acceleration", onEventA) } if(A_contact) { subscribe(A_contact, "contact", onEventA) } if(A_lock) { subscribe(A_lock, "lock", onEventA) } if(A_switchDisable) { subscribe(A_switches, "switch.off", onPressA) subscribe(A_dimmers, "switch.off", onPressA) } } def onEventA(evt) { if ((!A_triggerOnce || (A_triggerOnce && !state.A_triggered)) && (!A_switchDisable || (A_switchDisable && !state.A_triggered))) { //Checks to make sure this scenario should be triggered more then once in a day if ((!A_mode || A_mode.contains(location.mode)) && getTimeOk (A_timeStart, A_timeEnd) && getDayOk(A_day)) { //checks to make sure we are not opperating outside of set restrictions. if ((!A_luxSensors) || (A_luxSensors.latestValue("illuminance") <= A_turnOnLux)){ //checks to make sure illimunance is either not cared about or if the value is within the restrictions def A_levelOn = A_level as Integer //Check states of each device to see if they are to be ignored or if they meet the requirments of the app to produce an action. if (getInputOk(A_motion, A_contact, A_lock, A_acceleration)) { log.debug("Motion, Door Open or Unlock Detected Running '${ScenarioNameA}'") settings.A_dimmers?.setLevel(A_levelOn) settings.A_switches?.on() if (A_triggerOnce){ state.A_triggered = true if (!A_turnOff) { runOnce (getMidnight(), midNightReset) } } if (state.A_timerStart){ unschedule(delayTurnOffA) state.A_timerStart = false } } //if none of the above paramenters meet the expectation of the app then turn off else { if (settings.A_turnOff) { runIn(A_turnOff * 60, "delayTurnOffA") state.A_timerStart = true } else { settings.A_switches?.off() settings.A_dimmers?.setLevel(0) if (state.A_triggered) { runOnce (getMidnight(), midNightReset) } } } } } else{ log.debug("Motion, Contact or Unlock detected outside of mode or time/day restriction. Not running scenario.") } } } def delayTurnOffA(){ settings.A_switches?.off() settings.A_dimmers?.setLevel(0) state.A_timerStart = false if (state.A_triggered) { runOnce (getMidnight(), midNightReset) } } //when physical switch is actuated disable the scenario def onPressA(evt) { if ((!A_mode || A_mode.contains(location.mode)) && getTimeOk (A_timeStart, A_timeEnd) && getDayOk(A_day)) { //checks to make sure we are not opperating outside of set restrictions. if ((!A_luxSensors) || (A_luxSensors.latestValue("illuminance") <= A_turnOnLux)){ if ((!A_triggerOnce || (A_triggerOnce && !state.A_triggered)) && (!A_switchDisable || (A_switchDisable && !state.A_triggered))) { if (evt.physical){ state.A_triggered = true unschedule(delayTurnOffA) runOnce (getMidnight(), midNightReset) log.debug "Physical switch in '${ScenarioNameA}' pressed. Triggers for this scenario disabled." } } }}} //Common Methods //resets once a day trigger at midnight so trigger can be ran again the next day. def midNightReset() { state.A_triggered = false state.B_triggered = false state.C_triggered = false state.D_triggered = false } private def helpText() { def text = "Select motion sensors, acceleration sensors, contact sensors or locks to control a set of lights. " + "Each scenario can control dimmers and switches but can also be " + "restricted to modes or between certain times and turned off after " + "motion stops, doors close or lock. Scenarios can also be limited to " + "running once or to stop running if the physical switches are turned off." text } //should scenario be marked complete or not def greyOut(scenario){ def result = "" if (scenario) { result = "complete" } result } //should i mark the time restriction green or grey def greyedOutTime(start, end){ def result = "" if (start || end) { result = "complete" } result } def getTitle(scenario) { def title = "Empty" if (scenario) { title = scenario } title } //recursively applies label to each scenario depending on if the scenario has deatils inside it or not def getDesc(scenario) { def desc = "Tap to create a scenario" if (scenario) { desc = "Tap to edit scenario" } desc } def getMidnight() { def midnightToday = timeToday("2000-01-01T23:59:59.999-0000", location.timeZone) midnightToday } //used to recursively check device states when methods are triggered private getInputOk(motion, contact, lock, acceleration) { def motionDetected = false def accelerationDetected = false def contactDetected = false def unlockDetected = false def result = false if (motion) { if (motion.latestValue("motion").contains("active")) { motionDetected = true } } if (acceleration) { if (acceleration.latestValue("acceleration").contains("active")) { accelerationDetected = true } } if (contact) { if (contact.latestValue("contact").contains("open")) { contactDetected = true } } if (lock) { if (lock.latestValue("lock").contains("unlocked")) { unlockDetected = true } } result = motionDetected || contactDetected || unlockDetected || accelerationDetected result } private getTimeOk(starting, ending) { def result = true if (starting && ending) { def currTime = now() def start = timeToday(starting).time def stop = timeToday(ending).time result = start < stop ? currTime >= start && currTime <= stop : currTime <= stop || currTime >= start } else if (starting){ result = currTime >= start } else if (ending){ result = currTime <= stop } log.trace "timeOk = $result" result } def getTimeLabel(start, end){ def timeLabel = "Tap to set" if(start && end){ timeLabel = "Between" + " " + hhmm(start) + " " + "and" + " " + hhmm(end) } else if (start) { timeLabel = "Start at" + " " + hhmm(start) } else if(end){ timeLabel = "End at" + hhmm(end) } timeLabel } private hhmm(time, fmt = "h:mm a") { def t = timeToday(time, location.timeZone) def f = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(fmt) f.setTimeZone(location.timeZone ?: timeZone(time)) f.format(t) } private getDayOk(dayList) { def result = true if (dayList) { def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEEE") if (location.timeZone) { df.setTimeZone(location.timeZone) } else { df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York")) } def day = df.format(new Date()) result = dayList.contains(day) } result }