# Script to plot time series graphs for network traffic analysis # # by Rahmadi Trimananda (rahmadi.trimananda@uci.edu) # Programming Language Research Group @ University of California, Irvine # Winter 2018 # ************ # # BASIC SETUP # # ************ # set terminal pngcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,10' set autoscale set key unset log unset label set xtics 50 set xtics rotate by 60 right set ytics auto set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)" set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)" set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" set xrange [:] set yrange [0:] # ***************** # # PER DEVICE SETUP # # ***************** # # WeMo switch local # wlan1 / eth0 set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_local_incoming.png' set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1/eth0)" plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1", "./result/wemo_switch_eth_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-outgoing", "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-incoming" set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_local_outgoing.png' set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1/eth0)" plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1", "./result/wemo_switch_eth_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-outgoing", "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-incoming" # WeMo switch remote # wlan1 set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_remote_incoming.png' set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Remote Traffic (wlan1/eth0)" plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1", "./result/wemo_switch_eth_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0" set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_remote_outgoing.png' set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Remote Traffic (wlan1/eth0)" plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1", "./result/wemo_switch_eth_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0"