; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs < %s -mtriple=aarch64-none-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s declare void @bar(i32) define void @test_float(float %a, float %b) { ; CHECK: test_float: %tst1 = fcmp oeq float %a, %b br i1 %tst1, label %end, label %t2 ; CHECK: fcmp {{s[0-9]+}}, {{s[0-9]+}} ; CHECK: b.eq .L t2: %tst2 = fcmp une float %b, 0.0 br i1 %tst2, label %t3, label %end ; CHECK: fcmp {{s[0-9]+}}, #0.0 ; CHECK: b.eq .L t3: ; This test can't be implemented with just one A64 conditional ; branch. LLVM converts "ordered and not equal" to "unordered or ; equal" before instruction selection, which is what we currently ; test. Obviously, other sequences are valid. %tst3 = fcmp one float %a, %b br i1 %tst3, label %t4, label %end ; CHECK: fcmp {{s[0-9]+}}, {{s[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: b.eq .[[T4:LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]] ; CHECK-NEXT: b.vs .[[T4]] t4: %tst4 = fcmp uge float %a, -0.0 br i1 %tst4, label %t5, label %end ; CHECK-NOT: fcmp {{s[0-9]+}}, #0.0 ; CHECK: b.mi .LBB t5: call void @bar(i32 0) ret void end: ret void } define void @test_double(double %a, double %b) { ; CHECK: test_double: %tst1 = fcmp oeq double %a, %b br i1 %tst1, label %end, label %t2 ; CHECK: fcmp {{d[0-9]+}}, {{d[0-9]+}} ; CHECK: b.eq .L t2: %tst2 = fcmp une double %b, 0.0 br i1 %tst2, label %t3, label %end ; CHECK: fcmp {{d[0-9]+}}, #0.0 ; CHECK: b.eq .L t3: ; This test can't be implemented with just one A64 conditional ; branch. LLVM converts "ordered and not equal" to "unordered or ; equal" before instruction selection, which is what we currently ; test. Obviously, other sequences are valid. %tst3 = fcmp one double %a, %b br i1 %tst3, label %t4, label %end ; CHECK: fcmp {{d[0-9]+}}, {{d[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-NEXT: b.eq .[[T4:LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]] ; CHECK-NEXT: b.vs .[[T4]] t4: %tst4 = fcmp uge double %a, -0.0 br i1 %tst4, label %t5, label %end ; CHECK-NOT: fcmp {{d[0-9]+}}, #0.0 ; CHECK: b.mi .LBB t5: call void @bar(i32 0) ret void end: ret void }