; RUN: llc < %s -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=aarch64-none-linux-gnu -mattr=+neon | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc < %s -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=arm64-none-linux-gnu -mattr=+neon | FileCheck %s define <8 x i16> @test_sshll_v8i8(<8 x i8> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll_v8i8: ; CHECK: sshll {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.8b, #3 %1 = sext <8 x i8> %a to <8 x i16> %tmp = shl <8 x i16> %1, ret <8 x i16> %tmp } define <4 x i32> @test_sshll_v4i16(<4 x i16> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll_v4i16: ; CHECK: sshll {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, {{v[0-9]+}}.4h, #9 %1 = sext <4 x i16> %a to <4 x i32> %tmp = shl <4 x i32> %1, ret <4 x i32> %tmp } define <2 x i64> @test_sshll_v2i32(<2 x i32> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll_v2i32: ; CHECK: sshll {{v[0-9]+}}.2d, {{v[0-9]+}}.2s, #19 %1 = sext <2 x i32> %a to <2 x i64> %tmp = shl <2 x i64> %1, ret <2 x i64> %tmp } define <8 x i16> @test_ushll_v8i8(<8 x i8> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll_v8i8: ; CHECK: ushll {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.8b, #3 %1 = zext <8 x i8> %a to <8 x i16> %tmp = shl <8 x i16> %1, ret <8 x i16> %tmp } define <4 x i32> @test_ushll_v4i16(<4 x i16> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll_v4i16: ; CHECK: ushll {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, {{v[0-9]+}}.4h, #9 %1 = zext <4 x i16> %a to <4 x i32> %tmp = shl <4 x i32> %1, ret <4 x i32> %tmp } define <2 x i64> @test_ushll_v2i32(<2 x i32> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll_v2i32: ; CHECK: ushll {{v[0-9]+}}.2d, {{v[0-9]+}}.2s, #19 %1 = zext <2 x i32> %a to <2 x i64> %tmp = shl <2 x i64> %1, ret <2 x i64> %tmp } define <8 x i16> @test_sshll2_v16i8(<16 x i8> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll2_v16i8: ; CHECK: sshll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.16b, #3 %1 = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> undef, <8 x i32> %2 = sext <8 x i8> %1 to <8 x i16> %tmp = shl <8 x i16> %2, ret <8 x i16> %tmp } define <4 x i32> @test_sshll2_v8i16(<8 x i16> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll2_v8i16: ; CHECK: sshll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, #9 %1 = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> undef, <4 x i32> %2 = sext <4 x i16> %1 to <4 x i32> %tmp = shl <4 x i32> %2, ret <4 x i32> %tmp } define <2 x i64> @test_sshll2_v4i32(<4 x i32> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll2_v4i32: ; CHECK: sshll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.2d, {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, #19 %1 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> undef, <2 x i32> %2 = sext <2 x i32> %1 to <2 x i64> %tmp = shl <2 x i64> %2, ret <2 x i64> %tmp } define <8 x i16> @test_ushll2_v16i8(<16 x i8> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll2_v16i8: ; CHECK: ushll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.16b, #3 %1 = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> undef, <8 x i32> %2 = zext <8 x i8> %1 to <8 x i16> %tmp = shl <8 x i16> %2, ret <8 x i16> %tmp } define <4 x i32> @test_ushll2_v8i16(<8 x i16> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll2_v8i16: ; CHECK: ushll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, #9 %1 = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> undef, <4 x i32> %2 = zext <4 x i16> %1 to <4 x i32> %tmp = shl <4 x i32> %2, ret <4 x i32> %tmp } define <2 x i64> @test_ushll2_v4i32(<4 x i32> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll2_v4i32: ; CHECK: ushll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.2d, {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, #19 %1 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> undef, <2 x i32> %2 = zext <2 x i32> %1 to <2 x i64> %tmp = shl <2 x i64> %2, ret <2 x i64> %tmp } define <8 x i16> @test_sshll_shl0_v8i8(<8 x i8> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll_shl0_v8i8: ; CHECK: sshll {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.8b, #0 %tmp = sext <8 x i8> %a to <8 x i16> ret <8 x i16> %tmp } define <4 x i32> @test_sshll_shl0_v4i16(<4 x i16> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll_shl0_v4i16: ; CHECK: sshll {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, {{v[0-9]+}}.4h, #0 %tmp = sext <4 x i16> %a to <4 x i32> ret <4 x i32> %tmp } define <2 x i64> @test_sshll_shl0_v2i32(<2 x i32> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll_shl0_v2i32: ; CHECK: sshll {{v[0-9]+}}.2d, {{v[0-9]+}}.2s, #0 %tmp = sext <2 x i32> %a to <2 x i64> ret <2 x i64> %tmp } define <8 x i16> @test_ushll_shl0_v8i8(<8 x i8> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll_shl0_v8i8: ; CHECK: ushll {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.8b, #0 %tmp = zext <8 x i8> %a to <8 x i16> ret <8 x i16> %tmp } define <4 x i32> @test_ushll_shl0_v4i16(<4 x i16> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll_shl0_v4i16: ; CHECK: ushll {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, {{v[0-9]+}}.4h, #0 %tmp = zext <4 x i16> %a to <4 x i32> ret <4 x i32> %tmp } define <2 x i64> @test_ushll_shl0_v2i32(<2 x i32> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll_shl0_v2i32: ; CHECK: ushll {{v[0-9]+}}.2d, {{v[0-9]+}}.2s, #0 %tmp = zext <2 x i32> %a to <2 x i64> ret <2 x i64> %tmp } define <8 x i16> @test_sshll2_shl0_v16i8(<16 x i8> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll2_shl0_v16i8: ; CHECK: sshll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.16b, #0 %1 = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> undef, <8 x i32> %tmp = sext <8 x i8> %1 to <8 x i16> ret <8 x i16> %tmp } define <4 x i32> @test_sshll2_shl0_v8i16(<8 x i16> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll2_shl0_v8i16: ; CHECK: sshll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, #0 %1 = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> undef, <4 x i32> %tmp = sext <4 x i16> %1 to <4 x i32> ret <4 x i32> %tmp } define <2 x i64> @test_sshll2_shl0_v4i32(<4 x i32> %a) { ; CHECK: test_sshll2_shl0_v4i32: ; CHECK: sshll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.2d, {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, #0 %1 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> undef, <2 x i32> %tmp = sext <2 x i32> %1 to <2 x i64> ret <2 x i64> %tmp } define <8 x i16> @test_ushll2_shl0_v16i8(<16 x i8> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll2_shl0_v16i8: ; CHECK: ushll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.16b, #0 %1 = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> undef, <8 x i32> %tmp = zext <8 x i8> %1 to <8 x i16> ret <8 x i16> %tmp } define <4 x i32> @test_ushll2_shl0_v8i16(<8 x i16> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll2_shl0_v8i16: ; CHECK: ushll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, #0 %1 = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> undef, <4 x i32> %tmp = zext <4 x i16> %1 to <4 x i32> ret <4 x i32> %tmp } define <2 x i64> @test_ushll2_shl0_v4i32(<4 x i32> %a) { ; CHECK: test_ushll2_shl0_v4i32: ; CHECK: ushll2 {{v[0-9]+}}.2d, {{v[0-9]+}}.4s, #0 %1 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> undef, <2 x i32> %tmp = zext <2 x i32> %1 to <2 x i64> ret <2 x i64> %tmp } define <8 x i16> @test_ushll_cmp(<8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %b) #0 { ; CHECK: test_ushll_cmp: ; CHECK: cmeq {{v[0-9]+}}.8b, {{v[0-9]+}}.8b, {{v[0-9]+}}.8b ; CHECK-NEXT: ushll {{v[0-9]+}}.8h, {{v[0-9]+}}.8b, #0 %cmp.i = icmp eq <8 x i8> %a, %b %vcgtz.i.i = sext <8 x i1> %cmp.i to <8 x i8> %vmovl.i.i.i = zext <8 x i8> %vcgtz.i.i to <8 x i16> ret <8 x i16> %vmovl.i.i.i }