; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=arm-apple-darwin | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv6-apple-darwin | FileCheck -check-prefix=T2 %s %struct.Foo = type { i8* } define %struct.Foo* @_ZN3Foo7collectEj(%struct.Foo* %this, i32 %acc) nounwind readonly align 2 { entry: %scevgep = getelementptr %struct.Foo* %this, i32 1 br label %tailrecurse tailrecurse: ; preds = %sw.bb, %entry %lsr.iv2 = phi %struct.Foo* [ %scevgep3, %sw.bb ], [ %scevgep, %entry ] %lsr.iv = phi i32 [ %lsr.iv.next, %sw.bb ], [ 1, %entry ] %acc.tr = phi i32 [ %or, %sw.bb ], [ %acc, %entry ] %lsr.iv24 = bitcast %struct.Foo* %lsr.iv2 to i8** %scevgep5 = getelementptr i8** %lsr.iv24, i32 -1 %tmp2 = load i8** %scevgep5 %0 = ptrtoint i8* %tmp2 to i32 ; CHECK: ands r12, r12, #3 ; CHECK-NEXT: beq LBB0_2 ; T2: movs r5, #3 ; T2-NEXT: mov r6, r4 ; T2-NEXT: ands r6, r5 ; T2-NEXT: tst r4, r5 ; T2-NEXT: beq LBB0_3 %and = and i32 %0, 3 %tst = icmp eq i32 %and, 0 br i1 %tst, label %sw.bb, label %tailrecurse.switch tailrecurse.switch: ; preds = %tailrecurse switch i32 %and, label %sw.epilog [ i32 1, label %sw.bb i32 3, label %sw.bb6 i32 2, label %sw.bb8 ] sw.bb: ; preds = %tailrecurse.switch, %tailrecurse %shl = shl i32 %acc.tr, 1 %or = or i32 %and, %shl %lsr.iv.next = add i32 %lsr.iv, 1 %scevgep3 = getelementptr %struct.Foo* %lsr.iv2, i32 1 br label %tailrecurse sw.bb6: ; preds = %tailrecurse.switch ret %struct.Foo* %lsr.iv2 sw.bb8: ; preds = %tailrecurse.switch %tmp1 = add i32 %acc.tr, %lsr.iv %add.ptr11 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Foo* %this, i32 %tmp1 ret %struct.Foo* %add.ptr11 sw.epilog: ; preds = %tailrecurse.switch ret %struct.Foo* undef }