; Make sure this testcase codegens to the ctpop instruction ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=alpha -mcpu=ev67 | grep -i ctpop ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=alpha -mattr=+CIX | \ ; RUN: grep -i ctpop ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=alpha -mcpu=ev6 | \ ; RUN: not grep -i ctpop ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=alpha -mcpu=ev56 | \ ; RUN: not grep -i ctpop ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=alpha -mattr=-CIX | \ ; RUN: not grep -i ctpop declare i64 @llvm.ctpop.i64(i64) define i64 @bar(i64 %x) { entry: %tmp.1 = call i64 @llvm.ctpop.i64( i64 %x ) ; [#uses=1] ret i64 %tmp.1 }