; RUN: llvm-as -o - %s | llc -march=cellspu > %t1.s ; RUN: grep shufb %t1.s | count 9 ; RUN: grep {ilhu.*1799} %t1.s | count 1 ; RUN: grep {ilhu.*771} %t1.s | count 3 ; RUN: grep {ilhu.*1543} %t1.s | count 1 ; RUN: grep {ilhu.*1029} %t1.s | count 1 ; RUN: grep {ilhu.*515} %t1.s | count 1 ; RUN: grep {iohl.*1799} %t1.s | count 1 ; RUN: grep {iohl.*771} %t1.s | count 3 ; RUN: grep {iohl.*1543} %t1.s | count 2 ; RUN: grep {iohl.*515} %t1.s | count 1 ; RUN: grep xsbh %t1.s | count 6 ; RUN: grep sfh %t1.s | count 5 ; ModuleID = 'trunc.bc' target datalayout = "E-p:32:32:128-i1:8:128-i8:8:128-i16:16:128-i32:32:128-i64:32:128-f32:32:128-f64:64:128-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:128-s0:128:128" target triple = "spu" ; codegen for i128 arguments is not implemented yet on CellSPU ; once this changes uncomment the functions below ; and update the expected results accordingly ;define i8 @trunc_i128_i8(i128 %u) nounwind readnone { ;entry: ; %0 = trunc i128 %u to i8 ; ret i8 %0 ;} ;define i16 @trunc_i128_i16(i128 %u) nounwind readnone { ;entry: ; %0 = trunc i128 %u to i16 ; ret i16 %0 ;} ;define i32 @trunc_i128_i32(i128 %u) nounwind readnone { ;entry: ; %0 = trunc i128 %u to i32 ; ret i32 %0 ;} ;define i64 @trunc_i128_i64(i128 %u) nounwind readnone { ;entry: ; %0 = trunc i128 %u to i64 ; ret i64 %0 ;} define i8 @trunc_i64_i8(i64 %u, i8 %v) nounwind readnone { entry: %0 = trunc i64 %u to i8 %1 = sub i8 %0, %v ret i8 %1 } define i16 @trunc_i64_i16(i64 %u, i16 %v) nounwind readnone { entry: %0 = trunc i64 %u to i16 %1 = sub i16 %0, %v ret i16 %1 } define i32 @trunc_i64_i32(i64 %u, i32 %v) nounwind readnone { entry: %0 = trunc i64 %u to i32 %1 = sub i32 %0, %v ret i32 %1 } define i8 @trunc_i32_i8(i32 %u, i8 %v) nounwind readnone { entry: %0 = trunc i32 %u to i8 %1 = sub i8 %0, %v ret i8 %1 } define i16 @trunc_i32_i16(i32 %u, i16 %v) nounwind readnone { entry: %0 = trunc i32 %u to i16 %1 = sub i16 %0, %v ret i16 %1 } define i8 @trunc_i16_i8(i16 %u, i8 %v) nounwind readnone { entry: %0 = trunc i16 %u to i8 %1 = sub i8 %0, %v ret i8 %1 }