# RUN: llc -march=x86-64 -start-after branch-folder -stop-after branch-folder -o /dev/null %s | FileCheck %s # This test ensures that the MIR parser parses immediate machine operands. --- | define i32 @foo() { entry: ret i32 42 } define i32 @bar() { entry: ret i32 -11 } ... --- # CHECK: name: foo name: foo body: - id: 0 name: entry instructions: # CHECK: - '%eax = MOV32ri 42' # CHECK-NEXT: - 'RETQ %eax' - '%eax = MOV32ri 42' - 'RETQ %eax' ... --- # CHECK: name: bar name: bar body: - id: 0 name: entry instructions: # CHECK: - '%eax = MOV32ri -11' # CHECK-NEXT: - 'RETQ %eax' - '%eax = MOV32ri -11' - 'RETQ %eax' ...