; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL ; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32r2 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL ; RUN: llc -march=mipsel --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32r6 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL ; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips4 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL ; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL ; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64r2 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL ; RUN: llc -march=mips64el --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips64r6 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS64-ANY -check-prefix=HAS-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EL ; Keep one big-endian check so that we don't reduce testing, but don't add more ; since endianness doesn't affect the body of the atomic operations. ; RUN: llc -march=mips --disable-machine-licm -mcpu=mips32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=MIPS32-ANY -check-prefix=NO-SEB-SEH -check-prefix=CHECK-EB @x = common global i32 0, align 4 define i32 @AtomicLoadAdd32(i32 signext %incr) nounwind { entry: %0 = atomicrmw add i32* @x, i32 %incr monotonic ret i32 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicLoadAdd32: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(x) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(x)( ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]]) ; ALL: addu $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R1]], $4 ; ALL: sc $[[R2]], 0($[[R0]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]] } define i32 @AtomicLoadNand32(i32 signext %incr) nounwind { entry: %0 = atomicrmw nand i32* @x, i32 %incr monotonic ret i32 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicLoadNand32: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(x) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(x)( ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]]) ; ALL: and $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R1]], $4 ; ALL: nor $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R3]] ; ALL: sc $[[R2]], 0($[[R0]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]] } define i32 @AtomicSwap32(i32 signext %newval) nounwind { entry: %newval.addr = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 %newval, i32* %newval.addr, align 4 %tmp = load i32* %newval.addr, align 4 %0 = atomicrmw xchg i32* @x, i32 %tmp monotonic ret i32 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicSwap32: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(x) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(x) ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll ${{[0-9]+}}, 0($[[R0]]) ; ALL: sc $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]] } define i32 @AtomicCmpSwap32(i32 signext %oldval, i32 signext %newval) nounwind { entry: %newval.addr = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 %newval, i32* %newval.addr, align 4 %tmp = load i32* %newval.addr, align 4 %0 = cmpxchg i32* @x, i32 %oldval, i32 %tmp monotonic monotonic %1 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %0, 0 ret i32 %1 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicCmpSwap32: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(x) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(x)( ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $2, 0($[[R0]]) ; ALL: bne $2, $4, $[[BB1:[A-Z_0-9]+]] ; ALL: sc $[[R2:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R0]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]] ; ALL: $[[BB1]]: } @y = common global i8 0, align 1 define signext i8 @AtomicLoadAdd8(i8 signext %incr) nounwind { entry: %0 = atomicrmw add i8* @y, i8 %incr monotonic ret i8 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicLoadAdd8: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(y) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(y)( ; ALL: addiu $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $zero, -4 ; ALL: and $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], $[[R1]] ; ALL: andi $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: xori $[[R4:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R4]], 3 ; CHECK-EL: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; ALL: ori $[[R6:[0-9]+]], $zero, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R7:[0-9]+]], $[[R6]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: nor $[[R8:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R7]] ; ALL: sllv $[[R9:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[R5]] ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R10:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: addu $[[R11:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R9]] ; ALL: and $[[R12:[0-9]+]], $[[R11]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]] ; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R12]] ; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]] ; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]] ; NO-SEB-SEH: sll $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R16]], 24 ; NO-SEB-SEH: sra $2, $[[R17]], 24 ; HAS-SEB-SEH: seb $2, $[[R16]] } define signext i8 @AtomicLoadSub8(i8 signext %incr) nounwind { entry: %0 = atomicrmw sub i8* @y, i8 %incr monotonic ret i8 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicLoadSub8: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(y) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(y)( ; ALL: addiu $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $zero, -4 ; ALL: and $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], $[[R1]] ; ALL: andi $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], 3 ; CHECK-EL: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: xori $[[R4:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R4]], 3 ; ALL: ori $[[R6:[0-9]+]], $zero, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R7:[0-9]+]], $[[R6]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: nor $[[R8:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R7]] ; ALL: sllv $[[R9:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[R5]] ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R10:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: subu $[[R11:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R9]] ; ALL: and $[[R12:[0-9]+]], $[[R11]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]] ; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R12]] ; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]] ; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]] ; NO-SEB-SEH: sll $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R16]], 24 ; NO-SEB-SEH: sra $2, $[[R17]], 24 ; HAS-SEB-SEH:seb $2, $[[R16]] } define signext i8 @AtomicLoadNand8(i8 signext %incr) nounwind { entry: %0 = atomicrmw nand i8* @y, i8 %incr monotonic ret i8 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicLoadNand8: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(y) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(y)( ; ALL: addiu $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $zero, -4 ; ALL: and $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], $[[R1]] ; ALL: andi $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], 3 ; CHECK-EL: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: xori $[[R4:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R4]], 3 ; ALL: ori $[[R6:[0-9]+]], $zero, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R7:[0-9]+]], $[[R6]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: nor $[[R8:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R7]] ; ALL: sllv $[[R9:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[R5]] ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R10:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: and $[[R18:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R9]] ; ALL: nor $[[R11:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R18]] ; ALL: and $[[R12:[0-9]+]], $[[R11]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]] ; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R12]] ; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]] ; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]] ; NO-SEB-SEH: sll $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R16]], 24 ; NO-SEB-SEH: sra $2, $[[R17]], 24 ; HAS-SEB-SEH: seb $2, $[[R16]] } define signext i8 @AtomicSwap8(i8 signext %newval) nounwind { entry: %0 = atomicrmw xchg i8* @y, i8 %newval monotonic ret i8 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicSwap8: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(y) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(y)( ; ALL: addiu $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $zero, -4 ; ALL: and $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], $[[R1]] ; ALL: andi $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], 3 ; CHECK-EL: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: xori $[[R4:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R4]], 3 ; ALL: ori $[[R6:[0-9]+]], $zero, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R7:[0-9]+]], $[[R6]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: nor $[[R8:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R7]] ; ALL: sllv $[[R9:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[R5]] ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R10:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: and $[[R18:[0-9]+]], $[[R9]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]] ; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R18]] ; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]] ; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]] ; NO-SEB-SEH: sll $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R16]], 24 ; NO-SEB-SEH: sra $2, $[[R17]], 24 ; HAS-SEB-SEH: seb $2, $[[R16]] } define signext i8 @AtomicCmpSwap8(i8 signext %oldval, i8 signext %newval) nounwind { entry: %pair0 = cmpxchg i8* @y, i8 %oldval, i8 %newval monotonic monotonic %0 = extractvalue { i8, i1 } %pair0, 0 ret i8 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicCmpSwap8: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(y) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(y)( ; ALL: addiu $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $zero, -4 ; ALL: and $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], $[[R1]] ; ALL: andi $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], 3 ; CHECK-EL: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: xori $[[R4:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R4]], 3 ; ALL: ori $[[R6:[0-9]+]], $zero, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R7:[0-9]+]], $[[R6]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: nor $[[R8:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R7]] ; ALL: andi $[[R9:[0-9]+]], $4, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R10:[0-9]+]], $[[R9]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: andi $[[R11:[0-9]+]], $5, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R12:[0-9]+]], $[[R11]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R13:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: and $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: bne $[[R14]], $[[R10]], $[[BB1:[A-Z_0-9]+]] ; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R8]] ; ALL: or $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R12]] ; ALL: sc $[[R16]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R16]], $[[BB0]] ; ALL: $[[BB1]]: ; ALL: srlv $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R14]], $[[R5]] ; NO-SEB-SEH: sll $[[R18:[0-9]+]], $[[R17]], 24 ; NO-SEB-SEH: sra $2, $[[R18]], 24 ; HAS-SEB-SEH: seb $2, $[[R17]] } define i1 @AtomicCmpSwapRes8(i8* %ptr, i8 signext %oldval, i8 signext %newval) nounwind { entry: %0 = cmpxchg i8* %ptr, i8 %oldval, i8 %newval monotonic monotonic %1 = extractvalue { i8, i1 } %0, 1 ret i1 %1 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicCmpSwapRes8 ; ALL: addiu $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $zero, -4 ; ALL: and $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[R1]] ; ALL: andi $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $4, 3 ; CHECK-EL: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: xori $[[R4:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R4]], 3 ; ALL: ori $[[R6:[0-9]+]], $zero, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R7:[0-9]+]], $[[R6]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: nor $[[R8:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R7]] ; ALL: andi $[[R9:[0-9]+]], $5, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R10:[0-9]+]], $[[R9]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: andi $[[R11:[0-9]+]], $6, 255 ; ALL: sllv $[[R12:[0-9]+]], $[[R11]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R13:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: and $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: bne $[[R14]], $[[R10]], $[[BB1:[A-Z_0-9]+]] ; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R8]] ; ALL: or $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R12]] ; ALL: sc $[[R16]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R16]], $[[BB0]] ; ALL: $[[BB1]]: ; ALL: srlv $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R14]], $[[R5]] ; NO-SEB-SEH: sll $[[R18:[0-9]+]], $[[R17]], 24 ; NO-SEB-SEH: sra $[[R19:[0-9]+]], $[[R18]], 24 ; HAS-SEB-SEH: seb $[[R19:[0-9]+]], $[[R17]] ; ALL: xor $[[R20:[0-9]+]], $[[R19]], $5 ; ALL: sltiu $2, $[[R20]], 1 } ; Check one i16 so that we cover the seh sign extend @z = common global i16 0, align 1 define signext i16 @AtomicLoadAdd16(i16 signext %incr) nounwind { entry: %0 = atomicrmw add i16* @z, i16 %incr monotonic ret i16 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicLoadAdd16: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(z) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(z)( ; ALL: addiu $[[R1:[0-9]+]], $zero, -4 ; ALL: and $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], $[[R1]] ; ALL: andi $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], 3 ; CHECK-EB: xori $[[R4:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 2 ; CHECK-EB: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R4]], 3 ; CHECK-EL: sll $[[R5:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], 3 ; ALL: ori $[[R6:[0-9]+]], $zero, 65535 ; ALL: sllv $[[R7:[0-9]+]], $[[R6]], $[[R5]] ; ALL: nor $[[R8:[0-9]+]], $zero, $[[R7]] ; ALL: sllv $[[R9:[0-9]+]], $4, $[[R5]] ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R10:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: addu $[[R11:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R9]] ; ALL: and $[[R12:[0-9]+]], $[[R11]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: and $[[R13:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R8]] ; ALL: or $[[R14:[0-9]+]], $[[R13]], $[[R12]] ; ALL: sc $[[R14]], 0($[[R2]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R14]], $[[BB0]] ; ALL: and $[[R15:[0-9]+]], $[[R10]], $[[R7]] ; ALL: srlv $[[R16:[0-9]+]], $[[R15]], $[[R5]] ; NO-SEB-SEH: sll $[[R17:[0-9]+]], $[[R16]], 16 ; NO-SEB-SEH: sra $2, $[[R17]], 16 ; MIPS32R2: seh $2, $[[R16]] } @countsint = common global i32 0, align 4 define i32 @CheckSync(i32 signext %v) nounwind noinline { entry: %0 = atomicrmw add i32* @countsint, i32 %v seq_cst ret i32 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: CheckSync: ; ALL: sync ; ALL: ll ; ALL: sc ; ALL: beq ; ALL: sync } ; make sure that this assertion in ; TwoAddressInstructionPass::TryInstructionTransform does not fail: ; ; line 1203: assert(TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(regB) && ; ; it failed when MipsDAGToDAGISel::ReplaceUsesWithZeroReg replaced an ; operand of an atomic instruction with register $zero. @a = external global i32 define i32 @zeroreg() nounwind { entry: %pair0 = cmpxchg i32* @a, i32 1, i32 0 seq_cst seq_cst %0 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %pair0, 0 %1 = icmp eq i32 %0, 1 %conv = zext i1 %1 to i32 ret i32 %conv } ; Check that MIPS32R6 has the correct offset range. ; FIXME: At the moment, we don't seem to do addr+offset for any atomic load/store. define i32 @AtomicLoadAdd32_OffGt9Bit(i32 signext %incr) nounwind { entry: %0 = atomicrmw add i32* getelementptr(i32* @x, i32 256), i32 %incr monotonic ret i32 %0 ; ALL-LABEL: AtomicLoadAdd32_OffGt9Bit: ; MIPS32-ANY: lw $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got(x) ; MIPS64-ANY: ld $[[R0:[0-9]+]], %got_disp(x)( ; ALL: addiu $[[PTR:[0-9]+]], $[[R0]], 1024 ; ALL: $[[BB0:[A-Z_0-9]+]]: ; ALL: ll $[[R1:[0-9]+]], 0($[[PTR]]) ; ALL: addu $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $[[R1]], $4 ; ALL: sc $[[R2]], 0($[[PTR]]) ; ALL: beqz $[[R2]], $[[BB0]] }