; Positive test for inline register constraints ; ; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck %s define i32 @main() nounwind { entry: ; r with char ;CHECK: #APP ;CHECK: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},23 ;CHECK: #NO_APP tail call i8 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,$2", "=r,r,n"(i8 27, i8 23) nounwind ; r with short ;CHECK: #APP ;CHECK: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},13 ;CHECK: #NO_APP tail call i16 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,$2", "=r,r,n"(i16 17, i16 13) nounwind ; r with int ;CHECK: #APP ;CHECK: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},3 ;CHECK: #NO_APP tail call i32 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,$2", "=r,r,n"(i32 7, i32 3) nounwind ret i32 0 }