; Positive test for inline register constraints ; ; RUN: llc -march=mipsel < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LITTLE ; RUN: llc -march=mips < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=BIG %union.u_tag = type { i64 } %struct.anon = type { i32, i32 } @uval = common global %union.u_tag zeroinitializer, align 8 define i32 @main() nounwind { entry: ; X with -3 ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},0xfffffffffffffffd ;LITTLE: #NO_APP tail call i32 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,${2:X}", "=r,r,I"(i32 7, i32 -3) nounwind ; x with -3 ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},0xfffd ;LITTLE: #NO_APP tail call i32 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,${2:x}", "=r,r,I"(i32 7, i32 -3) nounwind ; d with -3 ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},-3 ;LITTLE: #NO_APP tail call i32 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,${2:d}", "=r,r,I"(i32 7, i32 -3) nounwind ; m with -3 ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},-4 ;LITTLE: #NO_APP tail call i32 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,${2:m}", "=r,r,I"(i32 7, i32 -3) nounwind ; z with -3 ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},-3 ;LITTLE: #NO_APP tail call i32 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,${2:z}", "=r,r,I"(i32 7, i32 -3) nounwind ; z with 0 ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},$0 ;LITTLE: #NO_APP tail call i32 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,${2:z}", "=r,r,I"(i32 7, i32 0) nounwind ; a long long in 32 bit mode (use to assert) ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: addi ${{[0-9]+}},${{[0-9]+}},3 ;LITTLE: #NO_APP tail call i64 asm sideeffect "addi $0,$1,$2 \0A\09", "=r,r,X"(i64 1229801703532086340, i64 3) nounwind ; D, in little endian the source reg will be 4 bytes into the long long ;LITTLE: lw ${{[0-9]+}}, %got(uval)(${{[0-9,a-z]+}}) ;LITTLE: lw $[[SECOND:[0-9]+]], 4(${{[0-9]+}}) ;LITTLE-NEXT: lw $[[FIRST:[0-9]+]], 0(${{[0-9]+}}) ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: or ${{[0-9]+}},$[[FIRST]],${{[0-9]+}} ;LITTLE: #NO_APP ; D, in big endian the source reg will also be 4 bytes into the long long ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: lw ${{[0-9]+}}, %got(uval)(${{[0-9,a-z]+}}) ;BIG: lw $[[SECOND:[0-9]+]], 4(${{[0-9]+}}) ;BIG-NEXT: lw $[[FIRST:[0-9]+]], 0(${{[0-9]+}}) ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: or ${{[0-9]+}},$[[SECOND]],${{[0-9]+}} ;BIG: #NO_APP %7 = load i64* getelementptr inbounds (%union.u_tag* @uval, i32 0, i32 0), align 8 %trunc1 = trunc i64 %7 to i32 tail call i32 asm sideeffect "or $0,${1:D},$2", "=r,r,r"(i64 %7, i32 %trunc1) nounwind ; L, in little endian the source reg will be 4 bytes into the long long ;LITTLE: #APP ;LITTLE: or ${{[0-9]+}},$[[SECOND]],${{[0-9]+}} ;LITTLE: #NO_APP ; L, in big endian the source reg will be 0 bytes into the long long ;BIG: #APP ;BIG: or ${{[0-9]+}},$[[FIRST]],${{[0-9]+}} ;BIG: #NO_APP tail call i32 asm sideeffect "or $0,${1:L},$2", "=r,r,r"(i64 %7, i32 %trunc1) nounwind ret i32 0 }