; RUN: llc -march=sparc < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=V8 ; RUN: llc -march=sparc -O0 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=V8-UNOPT ; RUN: llc -march=sparc -mattr=v9 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=V9 ; RUN: llc -mtriple=sparc64-unknown-linux < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=SPARC64 ; V8-LABEL: test_neg: ; V8: call get_double ; V8: fnegs %f0, %f0 ; V8-UNOPT-LABEL: test_neg: ; V8-UNOPT: fnegs ; V8-UNOPT: ! implicit-def ; V8-UNOPT: fmovs {{.+}}, %f0 ; V8-UNOPT: fmovs {{.+}}, %f1 ; V9-LABEL: test_neg: ; V9: fnegd %f0, %f0 ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_neg: ; SPARC64: fnegd %f0, %f0 define double @test_neg() { entry: %0 = tail call double @get_double() %1 = fsub double -0.000000e+00, %0 ret double %1 } ; V8-LABEL: test_abs: ; V8: fabss %f0, %f0 ; V8-UNOPT-LABEL: test_abs: ; V8-UNOPT: fabss ; V8-UNOPT: ! implicit-def ; V8-UNOPT: fmovs {{.+}}, %f0 ; V8-UNOPT: fmovs {{.+}}, %f1 ; V9-LABEL: test_abs: ; V9: fabsd %f0, %f0 ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_abs: ; SPARC64: fabsd %f0, %f0 define double @test_abs() { entry: %0 = tail call double @get_double() %1 = tail call double @llvm.fabs.f64(double %0) ret double %1 } declare double @get_double() declare double @llvm.fabs.f64(double) nounwind readonly ; V8-LABEL: test_v9_floatreg: ; V8: fsubd {{.+}}, {{.+}}, {{.+}} ; V8: faddd {{.+}}, {{.+}}, [[R:%f(((1|2)?(0|2|4|6|8))|30)]] ; V8: std [[R]], [%{{.+}}] ; V8: ldd [%{{.+}}], %f0 ; V9-LABEL: test_v9_floatreg: ; V9: fsubd {{.+}}, {{.+}}, {{.+}} ; V9: faddd {{.+}}, {{.+}}, [[R:%f((3(2|4|6|8))|((4|5)(0|2|4|6|8))|(60|62))]] ; V9: fmovd [[R]], %f0 ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_v9_floatreg: ; SPARC64: fsubd {{.+}}, {{.+}}, {{.+}} ; SPARC64: faddd {{.+}}, {{.+}}, [[R:%f((3(2|4|6|8))|((4|5)(0|2|4|6|8))|(60|62))]] ; SPARC64: fmovd [[R]], %f0 define double @test_v9_floatreg() { entry: %0 = tail call double @get_double() %1 = tail call double @get_double() %2 = fsub double %0, %1 tail call void asm sideeffect "", "~{f0},~{f2},~{f3},~{f4},~{f5},~{f6},~{f7},~{f8},~{f9},~{f10},~{f11},~{f12},~{f13},~{f14},~{f15},~{f16},~{f17},~{f18},~{f19},~{f20},~{f21},~{f22},~{f23},~{f24},~{f25},~{f26},~{f27},~{f28},~{f29},~{f30},~{f31}"() %3 = fadd double %2, %2 ret double %3 } ; V8-LABEL: test_xtos_stox ; V8: call __floatdisf ; V8: call __fixsfdi ; V9-LABEL: test_xtos_stox ; V9: call __floatdisf ; V9: call __fixsfdi ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_xtos_stox ; SPARC64: fxtos ; SPARC64: fstox define void @test_xtos_stox(i64 %a, i64* %ptr0, float* %ptr1) { entry: %0 = sitofp i64 %a to float store float %0, float* %ptr1, align 8 %1 = fptosi float %0 to i64 store i64 %1, i64* %ptr0, align 8 ret void } ; V8-LABEL: test_itos_stoi ; V8: fitos ; V8: fstoi ; V9-LABEL: test_itos_stoi ; V9: fitos ; V9: fstoi ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_itos_stoi ; SPARC64: fitos ; SPARC64: fstoi define void @test_itos_stoi(i32 %a, i32* %ptr0, float* %ptr1) { entry: %0 = sitofp i32 %a to float store float %0, float* %ptr1, align 8 %1 = fptosi float %0 to i32 store i32 %1, i32* %ptr0, align 8 ret void } ; V8-LABEL: test_xtod_dtox ; V8: call __floatdidf ; V8: call __fixdfdi ; V9-LABEL: test_xtod_dtox ; V9: call __floatdidf ; V9: call __fixdfdi ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_xtod_dtox ; SPARC64: fxtod ; SPARC64: fdtox define void @test_xtod_dtox(i64 %a, i64* %ptr0, double* %ptr1) { entry: %0 = sitofp i64 %a to double store double %0, double* %ptr1, align 8 %1 = fptosi double %0 to i64 store i64 %1, i64* %ptr0, align 8 ret void } ; V8-LABEL: test_itod_dtoi ; V8: fitod ; V8: fdtoi ; V9-LABEL: test_itod_dtoi ; V9: fitod ; V9: fdtoi ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_itod_dtoi ; SPARC64: fitod ; SPARC64: fdtoi define void @test_itod_dtoi(i32 %a, double %b, i32* %ptr0, double* %ptr1) { entry: %0 = sitofp i32 %a to double store double %0, double* %ptr1, align 8 %1 = fptosi double %b to i32 store i32 %1, i32* %ptr0, align 8 ret void } ; V8-LABEL: test_uxtos_stoux ; V8: call __floatundisf ; V8: call __fixunssfdi ; V9-LABEL: test_uxtos_stoux ; V9: call __floatundisf ; V9: call __fixunssfdi ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_uxtos_stoux ; SPARC64-NOT: call __floatundisf ; SPARC64-NOT: call __fixunssfdi define void @test_uxtos_stoux(i64 %a, i64* %ptr0, float* %ptr1) { entry: %0 = uitofp i64 %a to float store float %0, float* %ptr1, align 8 %1 = fptoui float %0 to i64 store i64 %1, i64* %ptr0, align 8 ret void } ; V8-LABEL: test_utos_stou ; V8: fdtos ; V8: fstoi ; V9-LABEL: test_utos_stou ; V9: fdtos ; V9: fstoi ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_utos_stou ; SPARC64: fdtos ; SPARC64: fstoi define void @test_utos_stou(i32 %a, i32* %ptr0, float* %ptr1) { entry: %0 = uitofp i32 %a to float store float %0, float* %ptr1, align 8 %1 = fptoui float %0 to i32 store i32 %1, i32* %ptr0, align 8 ret void } ; V8-LABEL: test_uxtod_dtoux ; V8: call __floatundidf ; V8: call __fixunsdfdi ; V9-LABEL: test_uxtod_dtoux ; V9: call __floatundidf ; V9: call __fixunsdfdi ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_uxtod_dtoux ; SPARC64-NOT: call __floatundidf ; SPARC64-NOT: call __floatunsdfdi define void @test_uxtod_dtoux(i64 %a, i64* %ptr0, double* %ptr1) { entry: %0 = uitofp i64 %a to double store double %0, double* %ptr1, align 8 %1 = fptoui double %0 to i64 store i64 %1, i64* %ptr0, align 8 ret void } ; V8-LABEL: test_utod_dtou ; V8-NOT: fitod ; V8: fdtoi ; V9-LABEL: test_utod_dtou ; V9-NOT: fitod ; V9: fdtoi ; SPARC64-LABEL: test_utod_dtou ; SPARC64-NOT: fitod ; SPARC64: fdtoi define void @test_utod_dtou(i32 %a, double %b, i32* %ptr0, double* %ptr1) { entry: %0 = uitofp i32 %a to double store double %0, double* %ptr1, align 8 %1 = fptoui double %b to i32 store i32 %1, i32* %ptr0, align 8 ret void }