; Test 32-bit atomic additions. ; ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s ; Check addition of a variable. define i32 @f1(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src, i32 %b) { ; CHECK: f1: ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: [[LABEL:\.[^:]*]]: ; CHECK: lr %r0, %r2 ; CHECK: ar %r0, %r4 ; CHECK: cs %r2, %r0, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: jlh [[LABEL]] ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 %b seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check addition of 1, which can use AHI. define i32 @f2(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src) { ; CHECK: f2: ; CHECK: l %r2, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: [[LABEL:\.[^:]*]]: ; CHECK: lr %r0, %r2 ; CHECK: ahi %r0, 1 ; CHECK: cs %r2, %r0, 0(%r3) ; CHECK: jlh [[LABEL]] ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 1 seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the high end of the AHI range. define i32 @f3(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src) { ; CHECK: f3: ; CHECK: ahi %r0, 32767 ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 32767 seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the next value up, which must use AFI. define i32 @f4(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src) { ; CHECK: f4: ; CHECK: afi %r0, 32768 ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 32768 seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the high end of the AFI range. define i32 @f5(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src) { ; CHECK: f5: ; CHECK: afi %r0, 2147483647 ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 2147483647 seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the next value up, which gets treated as a negative operand. define i32 @f6(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src) { ; CHECK: f6: ; CHECK: afi %r0, -2147483648 ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 2147483648 seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check addition of -1, which can use AHI. define i32 @f7(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src) { ; CHECK: f7: ; CHECK: ahi %r0, -1 ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 -1 seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the low end of the AHI range. define i32 @f8(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src) { ; CHECK: f8: ; CHECK: ahi %r0, -32768 ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 -32768 seq_cst ret i32 %res } ; Check the next value down, which must use AFI instead. define i32 @f9(i32 %dummy, i32 *%src) { ; CHECK: f9: ; CHECK: afi %r0, -32769 ; CHECK: br %r14 %res = atomicrmw add i32 *%src, i32 -32769 seq_cst ret i32 %res }