; Test 32-bit ordered comparisons that are really between a memory byte ; and a constant. ; ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s ; Check unsigned comparison near the low end of the CLI range, using zero ; extension. define double @f1(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f1: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: jh ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = zext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp ugt i32 %ext, 1 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check unsigned comparison near the low end of the CLI range, using sign ; extension. define double @f2(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f2: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: jh ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp ugt i32 %ext, 1 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check unsigned comparison near the high end of the CLI range, using zero ; extension. define double @f3(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f3: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 254 ; CHECK-NEXT: jl ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = zext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp ult i32 %ext, 254 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check unsigned comparison near the high end of the CLI range, using sign ; extension. define double @f4(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f4: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 254 ; CHECK-NEXT: jl ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp ult i32 %ext, -2 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check unsigned comparison above the high end of the CLI range, using zero ; extension. The condition is always true. define double @f5(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f5: ; CHECK-NOT: cli ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = zext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp ult i32 %ext, 256 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; When using unsigned comparison with sign extension, equality with values ; in the range [128, MAX-129] is impossible, and ordered comparisons with ; those values are effectively sign tests. Since such comparisons are ; unlikely to occur in practice, we don't bother optimizing the second case, ; and simply ignore CLI for this range. First check the low end of the range. define double @f6(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f6: ; CHECK-NOT: cli ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp ult i32 %ext, 128 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; ...and then the high end. define double @f7(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f7: ; CHECK-NOT: cli ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp ult i32 %ext, -129 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check signed comparison near the low end of the CLI range, using zero ; extension. This is equivalent to unsigned comparison. define double @f8(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f8: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: jh ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = zext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp sgt i32 %ext, 1 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check signed comparison near the low end of the CLI range, using sign ; extension. This cannot use CLI. define double @f9(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f9: ; CHECK-NOT: cli ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp sgt i32 %ext, 1 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check signed comparison near the high end of the CLI range, using zero ; extension. This is equivalent to unsigned comparison. define double @f10(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f10: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 254 ; CHECK-NEXT: jl ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = zext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp slt i32 %ext, 254 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check signed comparison near the high end of the CLI range, using sign ; extension. This cannot use CLI. define double @f11(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f11: ; CHECK-NOT: cli ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp slt i32 %ext, -2 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check signed comparison above the high end of the CLI range, using zero ; extension. The condition is always true. define double @f12(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f12: ; CHECK-NOT: cli ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = zext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp slt i32 %ext, 256 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check tests for nonnegative values. define double @f13(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f13: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 128 ; CHECK-NEXT: jl ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp sge i32 %ext, 0 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; ...and another form define double @f14(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f14: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 128 ; CHECK-NEXT: jl ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp sgt i32 %ext, -1 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; Check tests for negative values. define double @f15(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f15: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 127 ; CHECK-NEXT: jh ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp slt i32 %ext, 0 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res } ; ...and another form define double @f16(double %a, double %b, i8 *%ptr) { ; CHECK: f16: ; CHECK: cli 0(%r2), 127 ; CHECK-NEXT: jh ; CHECK: br %r14 %val = load i8 *%ptr %ext = sext i8 %val to i32 %cond = icmp sle i32 %ext, -1 %res = select i1 %cond, double %a, double %b ret double %res }