; Check that modelling of CC/CCRegs does not stop MachineCSE from ; removing a compare. MachineCSE will not extend a live range of an ; allocatable or reserved phys reg. ; ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s declare void @bar(i8) ; Check the low end of the CH range. define void @f1(i32 %lhs) { ; CHECK-LABEL: BB#1: ; CHECK-NOT: cijlh %r0, 1, .LBB0_3 entry: %and188 = and i32 %lhs, 255 %cmp189 = icmp ult i32 %and188, 2 br i1 %cmp189, label %if.then.191, label %if.else.201 if.then.191: %cmp194 = icmp eq i32 %and188, 1 br i1 %cmp194, label %if.then.196, label %if.else.198 if.then.196: call void @bar(i8 1); br label %if.else.201 if.else.198: call void @bar(i8 0); br label %if.else.201 if.else.201: ret void }