; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv7-apple-darwin -mcpu=cortex-a8 target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:32-f32:32:32-f64:32:32-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:32-n32" target triple = "thumbv7-apple-darwin10" ; This function would crash LiveIntervalAnalysis by creating a chain of 4 INSERT_SUBREGs of the same register. define arm_apcscc void @NEON_vst4q_u32(i32* nocapture %sp0, i32* nocapture %sp1, i32* nocapture %sp2, i32* nocapture %sp3, i32* %dp) nounwind { entry: %0 = bitcast i32* %sp0 to <4 x i32>* ; <<4 x i32>*> [#uses=1] %1 = load <4 x i32>* %0, align 16 ; <<4 x i32>> [#uses=1] %2 = bitcast i32* %sp1 to <4 x i32>* ; <<4 x i32>*> [#uses=1] %3 = load <4 x i32>* %2, align 16 ; <<4 x i32>> [#uses=1] %4 = bitcast i32* %sp2 to <4 x i32>* ; <<4 x i32>*> [#uses=1] %5 = load <4 x i32>* %4, align 16 ; <<4 x i32>> [#uses=1] %6 = bitcast i32* %sp3 to <4 x i32>* ; <<4 x i32>*> [#uses=1] %7 = load <4 x i32>* %6, align 16 ; <<4 x i32>> [#uses=1] %8 = bitcast i32* %dp to i8* ; [#uses=1] tail call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst4.v4i32(i8* %8, <4 x i32> %1, <4 x i32> %3, <4 x i32> %5, <4 x i32> %7) ret void } declare void @llvm.arm.neon.vst4.v4i32(i8*, <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>) nounwind @sbuf = common global [16 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 16 ; <[16 x i32]*> [#uses=5] @dbuf = common global [16 x i32] zeroinitializer ; <[16 x i32]*> [#uses=2] ; This function creates 4 chained INSERT_SUBREGS and then invokes the register scavenger. ; The first INSERT_SUBREG needs an use operand for that to work. define arm_apcscc i32 @main() nounwind { bb.nph: br label %bb bb: ; preds = %bb, %bb.nph %0 = phi i32 [ 0, %bb.nph ], [ %1, %bb ] ; [#uses=4] %scevgep = getelementptr [16 x i32]* @sbuf, i32 0, i32 %0 ; [#uses=1] %scevgep5 = getelementptr [16 x i32]* @dbuf, i32 0, i32 %0 ; [#uses=1] store i32 %0, i32* %scevgep, align 4 store i32 -1, i32* %scevgep5, align 4 %1 = add nsw i32 %0, 1 ; [#uses=2] %exitcond = icmp eq i32 %1, 16 ; [#uses=1] br i1 %exitcond, label %bb2, label %bb bb2: ; preds = %bb %2 = load <4 x i32>* bitcast ([16 x i32]* @sbuf to <4 x i32>*), align 16 ; <<4 x i32>> [#uses=1] %3 = load <4 x i32>* bitcast (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([16 x i32]* @sbuf, i32 0, i32 4) to <4 x i32>*), align 16 ; <<4 x i32>> [#uses=1] %4 = load <4 x i32>* bitcast (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([16 x i32]* @sbuf, i32 0, i32 8) to <4 x i32>*), align 16 ; <<4 x i32>> [#uses=1] %5 = load <4 x i32>* bitcast (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([16 x i32]* @sbuf, i32 0, i32 12) to <4 x i32>*), align 16 ; <<4 x i32>> [#uses=1] tail call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst4.v4i32(i8* bitcast ([16 x i32]* @dbuf to i8*), <4 x i32> %2, <4 x i32> %3, <4 x i32> %4, <4 x i32> %5) nounwind ret i32 0 }