; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv8 -arm-atomic-cfg-tidy=0 | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv7 -arm-atomic-cfg-tidy=0 -arm-restrict-it | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv8 -arm-atomic-cfg-tidy=0 -relocation-model=pic | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-PIC ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv7 -arm-atomic-cfg-tidy=0 -arm-restrict-it -relocation-model=pic | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-PIC %struct.FF = type { i32 (i32*)*, i32 (i32*, i32*, i32, i32, i32, i32)*, i32 (i32, i32, i8*)*, void ()*, i32 (i32, i8*, i32*)*, i32 ()* } %struct.BD = type { %struct.BD*, i32, i32, i32, i32, i64, i32 (%struct.BD*, i8*, i64, i32)*, i32 (%struct.BD*, i8*, i32, i32)*, i32 (%struct.BD*, i8*, i64, i32)*, i32 (%struct.BD*, i8*, i32, i32)*, i32 (%struct.BD*, i64, i32)*, [16 x i8], i64, i64 } @FuncPtr = external hidden unnamed_addr global %struct.FF* @.str1 = external hidden unnamed_addr constant [6 x i8], align 4 @G = external unnamed_addr global i32 @.str2 = external hidden unnamed_addr constant [58 x i8], align 4 @.str3 = external hidden unnamed_addr constant [58 x i8], align 4 define i32 @test() nounwind optsize ssp { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test: ; CHECK: push ; CHECK-NOT: push %block_size = alloca i32, align 4 %block_count = alloca i32, align 4 %index_cache = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 0, i32* %index_cache, align 4 %tmp = load i32, i32* @G, align 4 %tmp1 = call i32 @bar(i32 0, i32 0, i32 %tmp) nounwind switch i32 %tmp1, label %bb8 [ i32 0, label %bb i32 536870913, label %bb4 i32 536870914, label %bb6 ] bb: %tmp2 = load i32, i32* @G, align 4 %tmp4 = icmp eq i32 %tmp2, 0 br i1 %tmp4, label %bb1, label %bb8 bb1: ; CHECK: %bb6 ; CHECK: it eq ; CHECK-NEXT: ldreq ; CHECK-NEXT: it eq ; CHECK-NEXT: cmpeq ; CHECK: %bb1 %tmp5 = load i32, i32* %block_size, align 4 %tmp6 = load i32, i32* %block_count, align 4 %tmp7 = call %struct.FF* @Get() nounwind store %struct.FF* %tmp7, %struct.FF** @FuncPtr, align 4 %tmp10 = zext i32 %tmp6 to i64 %tmp11 = zext i32 %tmp5 to i64 %tmp12 = mul nsw i64 %tmp10, %tmp11 %tmp13 = call i32 @foo(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i64 %tmp12, i32 %tmp5) nounwind br label %bb8 bb4: ; CHECK-PIC: cmp ; CHECK-PIC: cmp ; CHECK-PIC-NEXT: bne ; CHECK-PIC-NEXT: %bb4 ; CHECK-PIC-NEXT: movs ; CHECK-PIC-NEXT: add ; CHECK-PIC-NEXT: pop ret i32 0 bb6: ret i32 1 bb8: ret i32 -1 } declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) declare %struct.FF* @Get() declare i32 @foo(i8*, i64, i32) declare i32 @bar(i32, i32, i32)