; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin -mcpu=corei7-avx -mattr=+avx | FileCheck %s ; CHECK: _A ; CHECK: vperm2f128 $1 define <8 x float> @A(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { entry: %shuffle = shufflevector <8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b, <8 x i32> ret <8 x float> %shuffle } ; CHECK: _B ; CHECK: vblendps $240 define <8 x float> @B(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { entry: %shuffle = shufflevector <8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b, <8 x i32> ret <8 x float> %shuffle } ; CHECK: _C ; CHECK: vperm2f128 $0 define <8 x float> @C(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { entry: %shuffle = shufflevector <8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b, <8 x i32> ret <8 x float> %shuffle } ; CHECK: _D ; CHECK: vperm2f128 $17 define <8 x float> @D(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { entry: %shuffle = shufflevector <8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b, <8 x i32> ret <8 x float> %shuffle } ; CHECK: _E ; CHECK: vperm2f128 $17 define <32 x i8> @E(<32 x i8> %a, <32 x i8> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { entry: %shuffle = shufflevector <32 x i8> %a, <32 x i8> %b, <32 x i32> ret <32 x i8> %shuffle } ; CHECK: _E2 ; CHECK: vperm2f128 $3 define <4 x i64> @E2(<4 x i64> %a, <4 x i64> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { entry: %shuffle = shufflevector <4 x i64> %a, <4 x i64> %b, <4 x i32> ret <4 x i64> %shuffle } ;;;; Cases with undef indicies mixed in the mask ; CHECK: _F ; CHECK: vperm2f128 $33 define <8 x float> @F(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { entry: %shuffle = shufflevector <8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b, <8 x i32> ret <8 x float> %shuffle } ;;;; Cases we must not select vperm2f128 ; CHECK: _G ; CHECK-NOT: vperm2f128 define <8 x float> @G(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) nounwind uwtable readnone ssp { entry: %shuffle = shufflevector <8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b, <8 x i32> ret <8 x float> %shuffle }