; Make sure this testcase codegens to the fabs instruction, not a call to fabsf ; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86 -mattr=-sse2,-sse3,-sse | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86 -mattr=-sse,-sse2,-sse3 -enable-unsafe-fp-math -enable-no-nans-fp-math | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=UNSAFE ; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86-64 -O0 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NOOPT declare float @fabsf(float) declare x86_fp80 @fabsl(x86_fp80) ; CHECK: test1: ; UNSAFE: test1: ; NOOPT: test1: define float @test1(float %X) { %Y = call float @fabsf(float %X) readnone ret float %Y } ; CHECK: {{^[ \t]+fabs$}} ; UNSAFE: {{^[ \t]+fabs$}} ; CHECK-NOT: fabs ; UNSAFE-NOT: fabs ; NOOPT-NOT: fabsf ; CHECK: test2: ; UNSAFE: test2: ; NOOPT: test2: define double @test2(double %X) { %Y = fcmp oge double %X, -0.0 %Z = fsub double -0.0, %X %Q = select i1 %Y, double %X, double %Z ret double %Q } ; fabs is not used here. ; CHECK-NOT: fabs ; NOOPT-NOT: fabs ; UNSAFE: {{^[ \t]+fabs$}} ; UNSAFE-NOT: fabs ; CHECK: test3: ; UNSAFE: test3: ; NOOPT: test3: define x86_fp80 @test3(x86_fp80 %X) { %Y = call x86_fp80 @fabsl(x86_fp80 %X) readnone ret x86_fp80 %Y } ; CHECK: {{^[ \t]+fabs$}} ; UNSAFE: {{^[ \t]+fabs$}} ; NOOPT: {{^[ \t]+fabs$}} ; CHECK-NOT: fabs ; UNSAFE-NOT: fabs ; NOOPT-NOT: fabs