; REQUIRES: asserts ; ; FIXME: The following line is a hack to remove any stray files which might have ; been left dangling around by this test. It can be removed once the various ; bots have cycled past this commit. ; ; RUN: rm -f misched-copy.s %S/misched-copy.s ; ; ; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86 -mcpu=core2 -pre-RA-sched=source -enable-misched -verify-misched -debug-only=misched -o - 2>&1 > /dev/null | FileCheck %s ; ; Test scheduling of copy instructions. ; ; Argument copies should be hoisted to the top of the block. ; Return copies should be sunk to the end. ; MUL_HiLo PhysReg use copies should be just above the mul. ; MUL_HiLo PhysReg def copies should be just below the mul. ; ; CHECK: *** Final schedule for BB#1 *** ; CHECK-NEXT: %EAX = COPY ; CHECK: MUL32r %vreg{{[0-9]+}}, %EAX, %EDX, %EFLAGS, %EAX; ; CHECK-NEXT: COPY %E{{[AD]}}X; ; CHECK-NEXT: COPY %E{{[AD]}}X; ; CHECK: DIVSSrm define i64 @mulhoist(i32 %a, i32 %b) #0 { entry: br label %body body: %convb = sitofp i32 %b to float ; Generates an iMUL64r to legalize types. %aa = zext i32 %a to i64 %mul = mul i64 %aa, 74383 ; Do some dependent long latency stuff. %trunc = trunc i64 %mul to i32 %convm = sitofp i32 %trunc to float %divm = fdiv float %convm, 0.75 ;%addmb = fadd float %divm, %convb ;%divmb = fdiv float %addmb, 0.125 ; Do some independent long latency stuff. %conva = sitofp i32 %a to float %diva = fdiv float %conva, 0.75 %addab = fadd float %diva, %convb %divab = fdiv float %addab, 0.125 br label %end end: %val = fptosi float %divab to i64 %add = add i64 %mul, %val ret i64 %add } attributes #0 = { nounwind ssp uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" } !0 = metadata !{metadata !"float", metadata !1} !1 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !2} !2 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}