; RUN: llc -regalloc=greedy -relocation-model=pic < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s ; Without the last chance recoloring, this test fails with: ; "ran out of registers". ; RUN: not llc -regalloc=greedy -relocation-model=pic -lcr-max-depth=0 < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-DEPTH ; Test whether failure due to cutoff for depth is reported ; RUN: not llc -regalloc=greedy -relocation-model=pic -lcr-max-interf=1 < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-INTERF ; Test whether failure due to cutoff for interference is reported target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32-S128" target triple = "i386-apple-macosx" @fp_dh_36985b17790d59a27994eaab5dcb00ee = external constant [499 x i32] @fp_dh_18716afa4a5354de0a302c8edb3b0ee1 = external global i32 @fp_dh_20a33cdeefab8f4c8887e82766cb9dcb = external global i8* @fp_dh_9d93c897906e39883c58b034c8e786b2 = external global [5419648 x i8], align 16 ; Function Attrs: nounwind ssp ; CHECK-NOT: ran out of registers during register allocation ; CHECK-INTERF: error: register allocation failed: maximum interference for recoloring reached ; CHECK-DEPTH: error: register allocation failed: maximum depth for recoloring reached define void @fp_dh_f870bf31fd8ffe068450366e3f05389a(i8* %arg) #0 { bb: indirectbr i8* undef, [label %bb85, label %bb206] bb85: ; preds = %bb222, %bb85, %bb store i8* blockaddress(@fp_dh_f870bf31fd8ffe068450366e3f05389a, %bb206), i8** undef, align 4 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %bb439, label %bb85] bb206: ; preds = %bb %tmp = getelementptr [499 x i32]* @fp_dh_36985b17790d59a27994eaab5dcb00ee, i32 0, i32 undef %tmp207 = load i32* %tmp %tmp208 = add i32 %tmp207, 1 %tmp209 = inttoptr i32 %tmp208 to i8* indirectbr i8* %tmp209, [label %bb213] bb213: ; preds = %bb206 %tmp214 = load i32* @fp_dh_18716afa4a5354de0a302c8edb3b0ee1, align 4 %tmp215 = load i8** @fp_dh_20a33cdeefab8f4c8887e82766cb9dcb, align 4 %tmp216 = urem i32 -717428541, %tmp214 %tmp217 = getelementptr i8* %tmp215, i32 %tmp216 %tmp218 = bitcast i8* %tmp217 to i32* %tmp219 = load i32* %tmp218, align 4 store i32 %tmp219, i32* undef, align 4 %tmp220 = select i1 false, i32 359373646, i32 1677237955 %tmp221 = add i32 %tmp220, 0 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %bb432, label %bb222] bb222: ; preds = %bb213 %tmp224 = load i32* undef, align 4 %tmp225 = load i32* undef, align 4 %tmp226 = xor i32 %tmp225, %tmp224 %tmp227 = shl i32 %tmp226, 1 %tmp228 = and i32 %tmp227, -2048880334 %tmp229 = sub i32 0, %tmp228 %tmp230 = add i32 0, %tmp229 %tmp231 = xor i32 %tmp230, 1059356227 %tmp232 = mul i32 %tmp231, 1603744721 %tmp233 = urem i32 %tmp232, 259 %tmp234 = getelementptr [259 x i8]* bitcast (i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5419648 x i8]* @fp_dh_9d93c897906e39883c58b034c8e786b2, i32 0, i32 2039075) to [259 x i8]*), i32 0, i32 %tmp233 %tmp235 = load i8* %tmp234, align 1 %tmp236 = add i32 %tmp233, 2 %tmp237 = getelementptr [264 x i8]* bitcast (i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5419648 x i8]* @fp_dh_9d93c897906e39883c58b034c8e786b2, i32 0, i32 3388166) to [264 x i8]*), i32 0, i32 %tmp236 %tmp238 = load i8* %tmp237, align 1 %tmp239 = getelementptr [265 x i8]* bitcast (i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5419648 x i8]* @fp_dh_9d93c897906e39883c58b034c8e786b2, i32 0, i32 1325165) to [265 x i8]*), i32 0, i32 0 %tmp240 = load i8* %tmp239, align 1 %tmp241 = add i32 %tmp233, 6 %tmp242 = trunc i32 %tmp241 to i8 %tmp243 = mul i8 %tmp242, -3 %tmp244 = add i8 %tmp243, 3 %tmp245 = mul i8 %tmp242, -6 %tmp246 = and i8 %tmp245, 6 %tmp247 = sub i8 0, %tmp246 %tmp248 = add i8 %tmp244, %tmp247 %tmp249 = load i8* undef, align 1 %tmp250 = xor i8 %tmp235, 17 %tmp251 = xor i8 %tmp250, %tmp238 %tmp252 = xor i8 %tmp251, %tmp240 %tmp253 = xor i8 %tmp252, %tmp249 %tmp254 = xor i8 %tmp253, %tmp248 %tmp255 = zext i8 %tmp254 to i16 %tmp256 = shl nuw i16 %tmp255, 8 %tmp257 = load i8* null, align 1 %tmp258 = load i32* @fp_dh_18716afa4a5354de0a302c8edb3b0ee1, align 4 %tmp259 = load i8** @fp_dh_20a33cdeefab8f4c8887e82766cb9dcb, align 4 %tmp260 = urem i32 -717428541, %tmp258 %tmp261 = getelementptr i8* %tmp259, i32 %tmp260 %tmp262 = bitcast i8* %tmp261 to i32* %tmp263 = load i32* %tmp262, align 4 %tmp264 = xor i32 %tmp263, 0 %tmp265 = shl i32 %tmp264, 1 %tmp266 = and i32 %tmp265, -1312119832 %tmp267 = sub i32 0, %tmp266 %tmp268 = add i32 0, %tmp267 %tmp269 = xor i32 %tmp268, 623994670 %tmp270 = mul i32 %tmp269, 1603744721 %tmp271 = urem i32 %tmp270, 259 %tmp274 = add i32 %tmp271, 3 %tmp275 = getelementptr [265 x i8]* bitcast (i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5419648 x i8]* @fp_dh_9d93c897906e39883c58b034c8e786b2, i32 0, i32 1325165) to [265 x i8]*), i32 0, i32 %tmp274 %tmp276 = load i8* %tmp275, align 1 %tmp277 = add i32 %tmp271, 6 %tmp278 = trunc i32 %tmp277 to i8 %tmp279 = mul i8 %tmp278, -3 %tmp280 = add i8 %tmp279, 31 %tmp281 = add i8 %tmp280, 0 %tmp282 = xor i8 %tmp257, 13 %tmp283 = xor i8 %tmp282, 0 %tmp284 = xor i8 %tmp283, 0 %tmp285 = xor i8 %tmp284, %tmp276 %tmp286 = xor i8 %tmp285, %tmp281 %tmp287 = zext i8 %tmp286 to i16 %tmp288 = or i16 %tmp287, %tmp256 %tmp289 = xor i16 %tmp288, 14330 %tmp290 = add i16 0, %tmp289 %tmp291 = add i16 %tmp290, -14330 %tmp292 = zext i16 %tmp291 to i32 %tmp293 = add i16 %tmp290, -14330 %tmp294 = lshr i16 %tmp293, 12 %tmp295 = zext i16 %tmp294 to i32 %tmp296 = sub i32 0, %tmp295 %tmp297 = xor i32 %tmp296, 16 %tmp298 = add i32 0, %tmp297 %tmp299 = and i32 %tmp298, 31 %tmp300 = and i32 %tmp292, 30864 %tmp301 = shl i32 %tmp300, %tmp299 %tmp302 = xor i32 0, %tmp301 %tmp303 = add i32 0, %tmp302 %tmp304 = and i32 %tmp298, 31 %tmp305 = and i32 %tmp303, 25568 %tmp306 = lshr i32 %tmp305, %tmp304 %tmp307 = xor i32 0, %tmp306 %tmp308 = add i32 0, %tmp307 %tmp309 = trunc i32 %tmp308 to i16 %tmp310 = shl i16 %tmp309, 1 %tmp311 = and i16 %tmp310, -4648 %tmp312 = shl i16 %tmp309, 1 %tmp313 = and i16 %tmp312, 4646 %tmp314 = xor i16 %tmp311, 17700 %tmp315 = xor i16 %tmp313, 17700 %tmp316 = add i16 %tmp314, %tmp315 %tmp317 = and i16 %tmp314, %tmp315 %tmp318 = shl nuw i16 %tmp317, 1 %tmp319 = sub i16 0, %tmp318 %tmp320 = add i16 %tmp316, %tmp319 %tmp321 = and i16 %tmp320, 29906 %tmp322 = xor i16 %tmp309, 14953 %tmp323 = add i16 0, %tmp322 %tmp324 = sub i16 0, %tmp321 %tmp325 = xor i16 %tmp324, %tmp323 %tmp326 = add i16 0, %tmp325 %tmp327 = add i32 %tmp221, 1161362661 %tmp333 = icmp eq i16 %tmp326, 14953 %tmp334 = add i32 %tmp327, -1456704142 %tmp335 = zext i1 %tmp333 to i32 %tmp336 = add i32 %tmp334, %tmp335 %tmp337 = getelementptr [499 x i32]* @fp_dh_36985b17790d59a27994eaab5dcb00ee, i32 0, i32 %tmp336 %tmp338 = load i32* %tmp337 %tmp339 = add i32 %tmp338, 1 %tmp340 = inttoptr i32 %tmp339 to i8* indirectbr i8* %tmp340, [label %bb85, label %bb439] bb432: ; preds = %bb432, %bb213 %tmp433 = phi i32 [ %tmp221, %bb213 ], [ %tmp433, %bb432 ] %tmp434 = add i32 %tmp433, 1022523279 %tmp435 = getelementptr [499 x i32]* @fp_dh_36985b17790d59a27994eaab5dcb00ee, i32 0, i32 %tmp434 %tmp436 = load i32* %tmp435 %tmp437 = add i32 %tmp436, 1 %tmp438 = inttoptr i32 %tmp437 to i8* indirectbr i8* %tmp438, [label %bb432] bb439: ; preds = %bb222, %bb85 ret void } attributes #0 = { nounwind ssp "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }