; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-linux -segmented-stacks | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=X32 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-linux -segmented-stacks | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=X64 ; ; X86FrameLowering::adjustForSegmentedStacks is inserting code after a RET. ; XFAIL: * ; Just to prevent the alloca from being optimized away declare void @dummy_use(i32*, i32) define i32 @test_basic(i32 %l) { %mem = alloca i32, i32 %l call void @dummy_use (i32* %mem, i32 %l) %terminate = icmp eq i32 %l, 0 br i1 %terminate, label %true, label %false true: ret i32 0 false: %newlen = sub i32 %l, 1 %retvalue = call i32 @test_basic(i32 %newlen) ret i32 %retvalue ; X32: test_basic: ; X32: leal -12(%esp), %ecx ; X32-NEXT: cmpl %gs:48, %ecx ; X32: subl $8, %esp ; X32-NEXT: pushl $4 ; X32-NEXT: pushl $12 ; X32-NEXT: calll __morestack ; X32-NEXT: addl $8, %esp ; X32-NEXT: ret ; X32: movl %eax, %esp ; X32: subl $12, %esp ; X32-NEXT: pushl %ecx ; X32-NEXT: calll __morestack_allocate_stack_space ; X32-NEXT: addl $16, %esp ; X64: test_basic: ; X64: leaq -24(%rsp), %r11 ; X64-NEXT: cmpq %fs:112, %r11 ; X64: movabsq $24, %r10 ; X64-NEXT: movabsq $0, %r11 ; X64-NEXT: callq __morestack ; X64-NEXT: ret ; X64: movq %rsp, %rax ; X64-NEXT: subq %rcx, %rax ; X64-NEXT: cmpq %rax, %fs:112 ; X64: movq %rax, %rsp ; X64: movq %rcx, %rdi ; X64-NEXT: callq __morestack_allocate_stack_space } define i32 @test_nested(i32 * nest %closure, i32 %other) { %addend = load i32 * %closure %result = add i32 %other, %addend ret i32 %result ; X32: leal (%esp), %edx ; X32-NEXT: cmpl %gs:48, %edx ; X32: subl $8, %esp ; X32-NEXT: pushl $4 ; X32-NEXT: pushl $0 ; X32-NEXT: calll __morestack ; X32-NEXT: addl $8, %esp ; X32-NEXT: ret ; X64: leaq (%rsp), %r11 ; X64-NEXT: cmpq %fs:112, %r11 ; X64: movq %r10, %rax ; X64-NEXT: movabsq $0, %r10 ; X64-NEXT: movabsq $0, %r11 ; X64-NEXT: callq __morestack ; X64-NEXT: ret ; X64-NEXT: movq %rax, %r10 }