; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-linux-gnu -tailcallopt -code-model=large | FileCheck %s declare fastcc i32 @callee(i32 %arg) define fastcc i32 @directcall(i32 %arg) { entry: ; This is the large code model, so &callee may not fit into the jmp ; instruction. Instead, stick it into a register. ; CHECK: movabsq $callee, [[REGISTER:%r[a-z0-9]+]] ; CHECK: jmpq *[[REGISTER]] # TAILCALL %res = tail call fastcc i32 @callee(i32 %arg) ret i32 %res } ; Check that the register used for an indirect tail call doesn't ; clobber any of the arguments. define fastcc i32 @indirect_manyargs(i32(i32,i32,i32,i32,i32,i32,i32)* %target) { ; Adjust the stack to enter the function. (The amount of the ; adjustment may change in the future, in which case the location of ; the stack argument and the return adjustment will change too.) ; CHECK: subq $8, %rsp ; Put the call target into R11, which won't be clobbered while restoring ; callee-saved registers and won't be used for passing arguments. ; CHECK: movq %rdi, %rax ; Pass the stack argument. ; CHECK: movl $7, 16(%rsp) ; Pass the register arguments, in the right registers. ; CHECK: movl $1, %edi ; CHECK: movl $2, %esi ; CHECK: movl $3, %edx ; CHECK: movl $4, %ecx ; CHECK: movl $5, %r8d ; CHECK: movl $6, %r9d ; Adjust the stack to "return". ; CHECK: addq $8, %rsp ; And tail-call to the target. ; CHECK: jmpq *%rax # TAILCALL %res = tail call fastcc i32 %target(i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7) ret i32 %res } ; Check that the register used for a direct tail call doesn't clobber ; any of the arguments. declare fastcc i32 @manyargs_callee(i32,i32,i32,i32,i32,i32,i32) define fastcc i32 @direct_manyargs() { ; Adjust the stack to enter the function. (The amount of the ; adjustment may change in the future, in which case the location of ; the stack argument and the return adjustment will change too.) ; CHECK: subq $8, %rsp ; Pass the stack argument. ; CHECK: movl $7, 16(%rsp) ; Pass the register arguments, in the right registers. ; CHECK: movl $1, %edi ; CHECK: movl $2, %esi ; CHECK: movl $3, %edx ; CHECK: movl $4, %ecx ; CHECK: movl $5, %r8d ; CHECK: movl $6, %r9d ; This is the large code model, so &manyargs_callee may not fit into ; the jmp instruction. Put it into R11, which won't be clobbered ; while restoring callee-saved registers and won't be used for passing ; arguments. ; CHECK: movabsq $manyargs_callee, %rax ; Adjust the stack to "return". ; CHECK: addq $8, %rsp ; And tail-call to the target. ; CHECK: jmpq *%rax # TAILCALL %res = tail call fastcc i32 @manyargs_callee(i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7) ret i32 %res }