; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86-64 -mattr=+sse2 | FileCheck %s ; This test makes sure that the compiler does not crash with an ; assertion failure when trying to fold a vector shift left ; by immediate count if the type of the input vector is different ; to the result type. ; ; This happens for example when lowering a shift left of a MVT::v16i8 vector. ; This is custom lowered into the following sequence: ; count << 5 ; A = VSHLI(MVT::v8i16, r & (char16)15, 4) ; B = BITCAST MVT::v16i8, A ; VSELECT(r, B, count); ; count += count ; C = VSHLI(MVT::v8i16, r & (char16)63, 2) ; D = BITCAST MVT::v16i8, C ; r = VSELECT(r, C, count); ; count += count ; VSELECT(r, r+r, count); ; count = count << 5; ; ; Where 'r' is a vector of type MVT::v16i8, and ; 'count' is the vector shift count. define <16 x i8> @do_not_crash(i8*, i32*, i64*, i32, i64, i8) { entry: store i8 %5, i8* %0 %L5 = load i8* %0 %I8 = insertelement <16 x i8> , i8 %L5, i32 7 %B51 = shl <16 x i8> , %I8 ret <16 x i8> %B51 } ; CHECK-LABEL: do_not_crash ; CHECK: ret