; RUN: opt < %s -msan -msan-check-access-address=0 -S | FileCheck %s target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ; Check instrumentation mul when one of the operands is a constant. define i64 @MulConst(i64 %x) sanitize_memory { entry: %y = mul i64 %x, 42949672960000 ret i64 %y } ; 42949672960000 = 2**32 * 10000 ; 36 trailing zero bits ; 68719476736 = 2**36 ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulConst( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul i64 [[A]], 68719476736 ; CHECK: store i64 [[B]], i64* {{.*}} @__msan_retval_tls define i64 @MulZero(i64 %x) sanitize_memory { entry: %y = mul i64 %x, 0 ret i64 %y } ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulZero( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul i64 [[A]], 0{{$}} ; CHECK: store i64 [[B]], i64* {{.*}} @__msan_retval_tls define i64 @MulNeg(i64 %x) sanitize_memory { entry: %y = mul i64 %x, -16 ret i64 %y } ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulNeg( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul i64 [[A]], 16 ; CHECK: store i64 [[B]], i64* {{.*}} @__msan_retval_tls define i64 @MulNeg2(i64 %x) sanitize_memory { entry: %y = mul i64 %x, -48 ret i64 %y } ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulNeg2( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul i64 [[A]], 16 ; CHECK: store i64 [[B]], i64* {{.*}} @__msan_retval_tls define i64 @MulOdd(i64 %x) sanitize_memory { entry: %y = mul i64 %x, 12345 ret i64 %y } ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulOdd( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul i64 [[A]], 1 ; CHECK: store i64 [[B]], i64* {{.*}} @__msan_retval_tls define i64 @MulLarge(i64 %x) sanitize_memory { entry: %y = mul i64 %x, -9223372036854775808 ret i64 %y } ; -9223372036854775808 = 0x7000000000000000 ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulLarge( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul i64 [[A]], -9223372036854775808 ; CHECK: store i64 [[B]], i64* {{.*}} @__msan_retval_tls define <4 x i32> @MulVectorConst(<4 x i32> %x) sanitize_memory { entry: %y = mul <4 x i32> %x, ret <4 x i32> %y } ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulVectorConst( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul <4 x i32> [[A]], ; CHECK: store <4 x i32> [[B]], <4 x i32>* {{.*}} @__msan_retval_tls ; The constant in multiplication does not have to be a literal integer constant. @X = linkonce_odr global i8* null define i64 @MulNonIntegerConst(i64 %a) sanitize_memory { %mul = mul i64 %a, ptrtoint (i8** @X to i64) ret i64 %mul } ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulNonIntegerConst( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul i64 [[A]], 1 ; CHECK: store i64 [[B]], {{.*}}@__msan_retval_tls define <2 x i64> @MulNonIntegerVectorConst(<2 x i64> %a) sanitize_memory { %mul = mul <2 x i64> %a, ret <2 x i64> %mul } ; CHECK-LABEL: @MulNonIntegerVectorConst( ; CHECK: [[A:%.*]] = load {{.*}} @__msan_param_tls ; CHECK: [[B:%.*]] = mul <2 x i64> [[A]], ; CHECK: store <2 x i64> [[B]], {{.*}}@__msan_retval_tls