@ Test the .arch directive for armv8-a @ This test case will check the default .ARM.attributes value for the @ armv8-a architecture when using the armv8a alias. @ RUN: llvm-mc < %s -triple=arm-linux-gnueabi -filetype=asm \ @ RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-ASM @ RUN: llvm-mc < %s -triple=arm-linux-gnueabi -filetype=obj \ @ RUN: | llvm-readobj -s -sd | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-OBJ .syntax unified .arch armv8a @ CHECK-ASM: .arch armv8-a @ CHECK-OBJ: Name: .ARM.attributes @ CHECK-OBJ: Type: SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES (0x70000003) @ CHECK-OBJ: Flags [ (0x0) @ CHECK-OBJ: ] @ CHECK-OBJ: Address: 0x0 @ CHECK-OBJ: Offset: 0x34 @ CHECK-OBJ: Size: 33 @ CHECK-OBJ: Link: 0 @ CHECK-OBJ: Info: 0 @ CHECK-OBJ: AddressAlignment: 1 @ CHECK-OBJ: EntrySize: 0 @ CHECK-OBJ: SectionData ( @ CHECK-OBJ: 0000: 41200000 00616561 62690001 16000000 |A ...aeabi......| @ CHECK-OBJ: 0010: 05382D41 00060E07 41080109 022A0144 |.8-A....A....*.D| @ CHECK-OBJ: 0020: 03 |.| @ CHECK-OBJ: )