; RUN: llc %s -mtriple=thumbv5-linux-gnueabi -mcpu=xscale -o - | \ ; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=ASM %s ; RUN: llc %s -mtriple=thumbv5-linux-gnueabi -filetype=obj \ ; RUN: -mcpu=xscale -o - | elf-dump --dump-section-data | \ ; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=OBJ %s ; FIXME: The OBJ test should be a .s to .o test and the ASM test should ; be moved to test/CodeGen/ARM. define void @foo() nounwind { entry: ret void } ; ASM: .eabi_attribute 6, 5 ; ASM-NEXT: .eabi_attribute 8, 1 ; ASM-NEXT: .eabi_attribute 9, 1 ; OBJ: Section 0x00000004 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_name', 0x0000000c ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_type', 0x70000003 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_flags', 0x00000000 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_addr', 0x00000000 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_offset', 0x00000038 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_size', 0x00000020 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_link', 0x00000000 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_info', 0x00000000 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_addralign', 0x00000001 ; OBJ-NEXT: 'sh_entsize', 0x00000000 ; OBJ-NEXT: '_section_data', '411f0000 00616561 62690001 15000000 06050801 09011401 15011703 18011901'