; RUN: opt < %s -constprop -die -S | FileCheck %s ; This is a basic sanity check for constant propogation. The add instruction ; should be eliminated. define i32 @test1(i1 %B) { br i1 %B, label %BB1, label %BB2 BB1: %Val = add i32 0, 0 br label %BB3 BB2: br label %BB3 BB3: ; CHECK: @test1 ; CHECK: %Ret = phi i32 [ 0, %BB1 ], [ 1, %BB2 ] %Ret = phi i32 [ %Val, %BB1 ], [ 1, %BB2 ] ret i32 %Ret } ; PR6197 define i1 @test2(i8* %f) nounwind { entry: %V = icmp ne i8* blockaddress(@test2, %bb), null br label %bb bb: ret i1 %V ; CHECK: @test2 ; CHECK: ret i1 true }