; This testcase tests that a worklist is being used, and that globals can be ; removed if they are the subject of a constexpr and ConstantPointerRef ; RUN: llvm-upgrade < %s | llvm-as | opt -globaldce | llvm-dis | not grep global %t0 = internal global [4 x sbyte] c"foo\00" %t1 = internal global [4 x sbyte] c"bar\00" %s1 = internal global [1 x sbyte*] [sbyte* cast ([4 x sbyte]* %t0 to sbyte*)] %s2 = internal global [1 x sbyte*] [sbyte* getelementptr ([4 x sbyte]* %t1, uint 0, uint 0 )] %b = internal global int* %a %a = internal global int 7