; This checks to ensure that the inline pass deletes functions if they get ; inlined into all of their callers. ; RUN: opt %s -inline | llvm-dis | \ ; RUN: not grep @reallysmall define internal i32 @reallysmall(i32 %A) { ret i32 %A } define void @caller1() { call i32 @reallysmall( i32 5 ) ; :1 [#uses=0] ret void } define void @caller2(i32 %A) { call i32 @reallysmall( i32 %A ) ; :1 [#uses=0] ret void } define i32 @caller3(i32 %A) { %B = call i32 @reallysmall( i32 %A ) ; [#uses=1] ret i32 %B }