; The inliner should never inline recursive functions into other functions. ; This effectively is just peeling off the first iteration of a loop, and the ; inliner heuristics are not set up for this. ; RUN: opt -inline %s -S | grep "call void @foo(i32 42)" target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64" target triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin10.3" @g = common global i32 0 ; [#uses=1] define internal void @foo(i32 %x) nounwind ssp { entry: %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32 ; [#uses=0] %0 = icmp slt i32 %x, 0 ; [#uses=1] br i1 %0, label %return, label %bb bb: ; preds = %entry %1 = sub nsw i32 %x, 1 ; [#uses=1] call void @foo(i32 %1) nounwind ssp volatile store i32 1, i32* @g, align 4 ret void return: ; preds = %entry ret void } define void @bonk() nounwind ssp { entry: call void @foo(i32 42) nounwind ssp ret void }