; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s ; CHECK: @a ; CHECK-NOT: bitcast ; CHECK: ret define <4 x i32> @a(<1 x i64> %y) { %c = bitcast <2 x i64> to <4 x i32> ret <4 x i32> %c } ; CHECK: @b ; CHECK: bitcast ; CHECK: ret define <4 x i32> @b(<1 x i64> %y) { %c = bitcast <2 x i64> to <4 x i32> ret <4 x i32> %c } ; CHECK: @foo ; CHECK: bitcast ; from MultiSource/Benchmarks/Bullet define <2 x float> @foo() { %cast = bitcast i64 -1 to <2 x float> ret <2 x float> %cast }